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08-30-2009 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I like that the Edwards was "caught" and it is a "huge scandal"(with financial irregularity) but Sanford "admits" to cheating on his wife(and that's apparently the whole thing). That is an excellent and informed description of the two cases.

The Sanford thing was a bigger story because 1) lol "family values" 2) He was a more important figure than Edwards 3) Appalachian trail.

Also, do you have like proof in the disparity of coverage or are we supposed to take your word for it?
Also, LOL at comparing Edwards story to Sanford story and characterizing the only differences as "Edwards caught cheating" and "Sanford admitted cheating."

Edwards was 3 years out of office and was a washed up Presidential candidate who would never run again. The only thing the scandal did was put a nail in the coffin of his chances of ever being VP.

Sanford was a sitting Governor and handful of favorites to seek nomination for President next cycle. He literally disappeared from his job, lied to his staff, left the country on orders not to be reached (abandoning his duties as leader of his state), and spent days crying over an Argentinian woman. Frankly, I don't care about the cheating, but am more concerned with the lack of judgment in a chief executive who leaves the country secretly, ordering his staff not to reach him. To spend days missing crying for a foreign woman who is not his wife. The lowliest lieutenant would be relieved of duty (and then court-martialed and jailed) for such horrendous lapse of self-control and judgment, let alone someone who believes they are fit to serve as C-in-C of the world's only superpower.

Yeah, but the stories are identical. Only thing to see in Sanford's case is a man admitted cheating on his wife. Take off your "liberals are scum" glasses and try to be rational. Or don't, and continue floating in your Fox News induced coma...
08-30-2009 , 12:54 PM
As someone who worked in the MSM for years I still can't believe how people get so riled up about Fox News. All of the MSM media distorts the truth for various reasons.

This really seems more like a us versus them debate. "People who spout my political beliefs are telling the truth. People will disagree with me are lying hypocritical scum-bags."

They ALL tell their version of the "truth." Get over it.
08-30-2009 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Yes there is evidence. John Edwards is caught cheating on his wife and it's a huge scandal because they found out he was using his donated campaign money to pay off the mistress and keep her quiet; FOX News reports it and lets it go. MSNBC reports it and lets it go. Mark Sanford admits to cheating on his wife, FOX News reports it claiming that sanford is a democrat and lets it go, MSNBC brings it up every day.
08-30-2009 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I like that the Edwards was "caught" and it is a "huge scandal"(with financial irregularity) but Sanford "admits" to cheating on his wife(and that's apparently the whole thing). That is an excellent and informed description of the two cases.

The Sanford thing was a bigger story because 1) lol "family values" 2) He was a more important figure than Edwards 3) Appalachian trail.

Also, do you have like proof in the disparity of coverage or are we supposed to take your word for it?
I take issue with your points. 1 "family values." And Edwards never talked about his family values and put his wife out on the campaign trail? His family and his love for them was mentioned many times on the campaign trail. I am pretty sure that cheating on his cancer ridden wife constitutes hypocrisy. Doesn't it? Or would Edwards never have opposed such behavior if asked about it in the past, therefore no hypocrisy?

And how was Sanford a more important figure than Edwards? Sanford was the Governor of South Carolina. A person the overwhelming majority of Americans had never heard of. Edwards was a Vice-Presidential candidate, and of course a Presidential candidate in the last cycle. A man significantly more well known then Sanford by far.
08-30-2009 , 01:23 PM
So a story about a governor is bigger than a presidential candidate? And edwards didn't run at all on the fact he was a family man dealing with a sick wife? And the wife and msm didn't report it for a long time, despite basically knowing.

That whole story is really ****ed up.
08-30-2009 , 01:39 PM
who cares, so the guy had an affair... not a big deal imo. same with sanford, except for all the wasting taxpayer money to fly to his mistress and the family values crap...
08-30-2009 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Obviously Edwards is waaayy bigger news and bigger scandal because he used campaign money to pay off the mistress...Duh.
What is a bigger offense; using campaign money to pay off a mistress or using taxpayer money to visit and carry on a relationship with your mistress?
08-30-2009 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Depends who spends more.
So iyo spending campaign money and spending taxpayer money are equally bad?

Last edited by Cola; 08-30-2009 at 03:58 PM. Reason: edited out replies to deleted posts
08-30-2009 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
I am just saying MSNBC is unfair to who it will try to discredit, and FOX News is completely fair.
lol, I'm a liberal and even I know that all the networks (MSNBC and Fox certainly) are all just the same crap on two different sides. Do you actually think Fox News is "fair & balanced" ?
08-30-2009 , 04:18 PM
So DS is a confirmed gimmick now right?
08-30-2009 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by esad
As someone who worked in the MSM for years
Story time please.
08-30-2009 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
So DS is a confirmed gimmick now right?
Believing this is the only thing keeping me sane while reading this thread.
08-30-2009 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by timotheeeee
Believing this is the only thing keeping me sane while reading this thread.
What are you talking about? We have the foundations of a new religion itt!

In b4 fox news gets sainthood
08-30-2009 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by JackWhite
I take issue with your points. 1 "family values." And Edwards never talked about his family values and put his wife out on the campaign trail? His family and his love for them was mentioned many times on the campaign trail. I am pretty sure that cheating on his cancer ridden wife constitutes hypocrisy. Doesn't it? Or would Edwards never have opposed such behavior if asked about it in the past, therefore no hypocrisy?

And how was Sanford a more important figure than Edwards? Sanford was the Governor of South Carolina. A person the overwhelming majority of Americans had never heard of. Edwards was a Vice-Presidential candidate, and of course a Presidential candidate in the last cycle. A man significantly more well known then Sanford by far.
Sanford took point on the "refusing stimulus money" stuff. He was getting major face time and seemed to be trying to develop himself as a 2012/2016 candidate. Probably below Palin but above Jindal in the Republican governor roster.

Edwards was a former losing VP candidate who didn't hold any office(or, AFAIK, even have a job!) when his infidelity was revealed. He was like a third tier potential future candidate.
08-30-2009 , 05:20 PM
It was revealed when he was a very real candidate, no one believed it.
08-30-2009 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by DonkSupreme
Compared to MSNBC, FOX News is righteous, almost holy.
I don't watch MSNBC, so for all I know it's just as bad or worse than any other station, but I have a hard time believing that any mainstream American station can make Fox News actually look good.
08-30-2009 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by timotheeeee
I don't watch MSNBC, so for all I know it's just as bad or worse than any other station, but I have a hard time believing that any mainstream American station can make Fox News actually look good.
the right loves to throw out false equivalency between msnbc and fox news [and even cnn v fox news]... using it as a slam on msnbc.. while defending fox in the same breath...


just admit that fox news is a propoganda network that lies and decieves the people watching it everyday. there's a reason they believed saddam hussein had ties to al-qaeda and all that other crap..... thousands of soldiers and a trillion dollars later, they're still out there, ratcheting the rhetoric up to 11 and encouraging the craziest of the crazy to carry guns when they meet the president....
08-30-2009 , 06:54 PM
"If you call it the public option, the American people are split. If you call it the government option, the public is overwhelmingly against it." - some dude on Hannity's show
"You know what, it's a great point, and from now on, I'm gonna call it the government option!" - Hannity

Donk, how do you feel that embodies the spirit of "we report, you decide" if Hannity is apparently deciding for all of us what you should think?
08-30-2009 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by DDNK
Story time please.
Most of the stories are really pretty boring. Despite what people think your typical beat/copy writer or editor for the MSM isn't all that interesting of a person. Yeah the on air talent is good looking, but they're really just good at looking good, acting and reading a teleprompter.

I could do an ask me thread. Keep in mind though that it's really not much different then any other other company...except the people are usually much more bitter and drink more.
08-30-2009 , 07:10 PM
Wow, is it okay to call him a troll yet? Or is that still a banned word?
08-30-2009 , 07:15 PM
I think he gave away his gimmick status with the last post...
08-30-2009 , 07:20 PM
To be honest its incredibly sad to me that (if he's real) someone could possibly think that way but it makes FOX's ratings all the more understandable I suppose.
08-30-2009 , 07:29 PM
08-30-2009 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by esad
As someone who worked in the MSM for years I still can't believe how people get so riled up about Fox News. All of the MSM media distorts the truth for various reasons.

This really seems more like a us versus them debate. "People who spout my political beliefs are telling the truth. People will disagree with me are lying hypocritical scum-bags."

They ALL tell their version of the "truth." Get over it.
Well I guess my turning point for disliking the MSM was the whole Hezbollah conflict. One nation with highly advanced precision weapons just rampages the entire country and no reprimand? The "terrorists" attacked mainly soldiers yet they were condemned..

Their job is to report the news and they just stick to so few "news topics" for hours on end. If we start with stripping FOX the news title people with start objectively looking at other "news" sources.
08-30-2009 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
"If you call it the public option, the American people are split. If you call it the government option, the public is overwhelmingly against it." - some dude on Hannity's show
"You know what, it's a great point, and from now on, I'm gonna call it the government option!" - Hannity

Donk, how do you feel that embodies the spirit of "we report, you decide" if Hannity is apparently deciding for all of us what you should think?
Doesn't everyone in politics do this? You use terminology that is meant to elicit a positive reaction towards your position by the public. Nobody says they are for or against abortion, they say "pro-choice" or "pro-life." I don't see any difference between that and Hannity using terms that he thinks cast the best light on his position.
