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Explosion at the Boston Marathon (NSFW Graphic Images): Waltham Murders Tied, 3rd Supect Dead Explosion at the Boston Marathon (NSFW Graphic Images): Waltham Murders Tied, 3rd Supect Dead

04-22-2013 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Those are some of my qualms with him. He also makes assertions without enough evidence. It's like, something is suspicious, and he immediately jumps to conclusions and knows exactly what's going on.
lol, this is like the understatement of the millennium.
04-22-2013 , 12:54 AM
When LirVa is questioning your anti-govt shtick it's time to rethink your act.
04-22-2013 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by fatkid
When LirVa is questioning your anti-govt shtick it's time to rethink your act.
+1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000
04-22-2013 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
IIRC he still the second or third most watched person on cable news when he wasnt renewed by Fox, they dropped him from regular programming because they couldnt sell his time to advertisers and it had a negative effect on their ability to do so in other programming slots as he brought the respectability of the network down.

Sure he wasnt at his peak but it definitely wasnt ratings why they dropped him and the year before they didnt renew his contract he made something ridiculous like a hundred million bucks and still has a popular radio show and media empire built off the back of his name so he must still be doing something right cornering the market on right wing crazy which pretend they are mainstream.

Also he was always going for the Alex Jones crowd. Did you miss the lectures where Obama and Soros were in a plot with obscure university professors and 19th century philosophers to bring down capitalism and the American dream?
Honestly I missed all of Beck's stuff but he became increasingly crazy and was losing viewers and advertisers precipitously. He made a ton og money in 2011 so maybe he knows what he is doing.
But over the last year, “Glenn Beck” has lost more than a million viewers from its 5:00 p.m. show, going from an average 2.9 million in January 2010 to 1.8 million in January 2011, according to The New Republic. Beck’s radio show has been dropped in several big cities, including New York and Philadelphia. TV advertisers started fleeing, including Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and Wal-Mart.
What went wrong? Analysts suggest that Beck’s antics got to be too much – the tears, the conspiracy theories, the “Obama is a socialist” drumbeat.

Anyway as a rightie I just wanted to protest Beck as a spokesman for the right.

Last edited by seattlelou; 04-22-2013 at 03:33 AM.
04-22-2013 , 05:02 AM
How did the FBI/JTTF/NSA et al not recognize and know who the perps were in the pics taken by the CCTVs and released to the public?

They had conducted an investigation of Tamerlan after Russia warned them about him, so they must have had INS and other pics of him. They knew he lived in Boston. They knew he had a Domestic Violence arrest and conviction, and that his mother had had legal problems too. So how did they not identify the person in the pic released to the public as him and go directly to his house? I don't get this at all.

Tsarnaev's father lives in the town where a radical leader was terminated by Russian security forces. Apparently, Tamerlan had a Youtube link to this radical's rantings, and they knew that. It has been suggested that this is where Tamerlan went to train on bombmaking, firearms, etc. I'm actually not sure about the timeline on when they discovered his linking to that Youtube vid, but I'm pretty sure the FBI etc knew that Russia had attacked this radical guy in the same town where Tsarnaev's father lives.

And where did Dzhokar and his brother train on weapons? Maybe at a shooting range in Mass, maybe somewhere else, but I got the sense that they must've had some practice. Wouldn't the FBI check on whether these guys had been visiting shooting ranges?

What exactly does an FBI investigation consist of? Check some phone and online records and that's it? Pretty sure Tamerlan was smart enough to use a burner phone and not leave too many trails, though his endgame was pretty haphazard.

Seems like some heads need to roll at FBI and some other security agencies. What am I missing?

Last edited by Jim Russell; 04-22-2013 at 05:15 AM.
04-22-2013 , 05:14 AM
You're assuming that the FBI can look at a person wearing a hat and sunglasses and recognize him as a guy they investigated two years ago.
04-22-2013 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
You're assuming that the FBI can look at a person wearing a hat and sunglasses and recognize him as a guy they investigated two years ago.
Russia warns you about a specific guy living in Boston. Was that in 2011/12 that they warned us?

Bombing in Boston a year or two later.

How many other people living in Boston had they been warned about?

They wouldn't think that maybe Russia was spot on?

They had pics of both brothers. They knew that there were 2 brothers, one of which Russia had warned them about. And they knew that there were TWO bombers. One looking like the leader, the older brother perhaps?
04-22-2013 , 05:34 AM
I mean, even if the pics looked nothing like the Tsarnaevs, I would think that they would still be natural suspects, given Russia's warning and the location of Boston.

But the pics are fairly recognizable, as Dzhokar's hair and Tamerlan's fairly stout build are fairly distinctive.
04-22-2013 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
You're assuming that the FBI can look at a person wearing a hat and sunglasses and recognize him as a guy they investigated two years ago.
And, yeah, they absolutely should be able to compare multiple pics to CCTV pics and make the connection.

At least, they should be able to make enough of a connection to warrant a visit to his home.
04-22-2013 , 06:17 AM
Captain Hindsight crushing it over here.
04-22-2013 , 06:53 AM
Yeah, no need to evaluate the FBI's performance. Critical review is for the foolish, amirite? Just make dumb names up and call it a night, Lt Asshat. Geez, that was fun. Am I cool like you now?

Even with no photos they should have gone to Tsarnaev's house immediately.

Say there were 10 people living in Boston about whom they had been warned and even investigated recently. They should have gone to all of their houses and kept them under surveillance after the bombing.

Had they done so, the MIT cop might be alive today.

The only thing I can think right now is that they did know who it was but didn't know where he lived anymore, and needed the public's help to locate them. But they apparently knew where his uncle and father lived. And they knew where his gf lived. Nah, that doesn't make sense, because I would think they would have released their names when they released the pics. And apparently Tsarnaev was listed as a resident voter of Cambridge and listed as living on Norfolk St in Cambridge, which is where they went after they caught and killed Tamerlan. Maybe they did go there before, but they weren't there. Again, if they knew who it was from the CCTV pics, I think they would've released their names as well.

I just heard a former FBI guy on CNN say that thousands of leads come in and that they don't have resources to follow-up and track them all. What a crock.

Thousands of leads from Russia or thousands from random crackpots?

Thousands of leads on people living in Boston, where, you know, bombs just killed and maimed near 200 people?

That former FBI guy is offering a weak excuse.

And if the FBI has received thousands of leads from sources as reliable as Russia should be, then they need to let someone else take a look them and determine whether they are threats or not, because the FBI doesn't seem to have a clue.

Are there really thousands of people roaming the USA that the FBI and others have been warned about and investigated, but deemed not a threat? Thousands? Plural?

This video shows how competent the FBI is:

Last edited by Jim Russell; 04-22-2013 at 07:04 AM.
04-22-2013 , 06:56 AM
Jim I thought you were being serious until I realized your name is basically "Jimmies rustled" in name form.
04-22-2013 , 07:12 AM
FBI/LE did pretty well imo, ID'd suspects after a reasonable amount of time given how busy the marathon was, found them very quickly, apprehended them quickly. Minimal loss of life given that these boys had a load of bombs and guns and were apparently not afraid to use them on civilians.

Only complaint I have is that they let white hat get away during the initial confrontation.
04-22-2013 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
FBI/LE did pretty well imo, ID'd suspects after a reasonable amount of time given how busy the marathon was, found them very quickly, apprehended them quickly. Minimal loss of life given that these boys had a load of bombs and guns and were apparently not afraid to use them on civilians.

Only complaint I have is that they let white hat get away during the initial confrontation.
I thought this was strange too, until i read about how ridiculously outgunned/outbombed that first group of le to encounter them was and how badly injured that cop was, he was basically doa at the hospital and then resuscitated. It wasnt a swat team it was just a few regular street cops engaging them.
04-22-2013 , 07:41 AM
The conspiracy whining needs to stop. Just present your views. If they're dumb, you're probably going to get made fun of.

04-22-2013 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
FBI/LE did pretty well imo, ID'd suspects after a reasonable amount of time given how busy the marathon was, found them very quickly, apprehended them quickly. Minimal loss of life given that these boys had a load of bombs and guns and were apparently not afraid to use them on civilians.

Only complaint I have is that they let white hat get away during the initial confrontation.
They did ID the suspects, I will give them that, though they were fortunate that an outdoor CCTV cam caught them in the act of placing the bomb, apparently. I'm not sure how dependent they were on Jeff Bauman's hospital bed assistance:

While still in intensive care, Bauman gave the FBI a description of the man he saw, his brother said. Bauman’s information helped investigators narrow down whom to look for in hours of video of the attack, he said.
Had Bauman died, not remembered, or never saw him, things may have been different. And even after Bauman did assist with ID, they still couldn't put a name to the pics.

And the FBI didn't exactly find them. The brothers decided to go on a lunatic carjacking and killing spree, instead of just jumping in their Honda and leaving the state. Seems like they had no money for gas or Tamerlan just had a death wish. They drove 2 cars to Watertown. Makes no sense. Why carjack an easily identifiable Mercedes SUV and then randomly kill an MIT cop?

Sounds more like the FBI hit a 2-outer to me, which doesn't give me a lot of confidence that they can win over the long-term.
04-22-2013 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
The conspiracy whining needs to stop. Just present your views. If they're dumb, you're probably going to get made fun of.

There's no "Conspiracy Whining". That's the whole point of it.

The internet mob mentality has reached the point where everyone who questions the main line, feels the need to preface with denouncing Alex Jones in preemptive defense of the 100% likelihood of people coming out and accusing them of believing in Humano-Reptoids from space sucking blood and enslaving earth.

That could be classified as "Conspiracy Whining" I guess. But it's not what you mean.
04-22-2013 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
The conspiracy whining needs to stop. Just present your views. If they're dumb, you're probably going to get made fun of.

You think I'm talking about a conspiracy? Really? Where?

Ok, the FBI conspired to be incompetent.

No, actually they didn't conspire to be incompetent, they just are incompetent.
04-22-2013 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
Russia warns you about a specific guy living in Boston. Was that in 2011/12 that they warned us?

Bombing in Boston a year or two later.

How many other people living in Boston had they been warned about?

They wouldn't think that maybe Russia was spot on?

They had pics of both brothers. They knew that there were 2 brothers, one of which Russia had warned them about. And they knew that there were TWO bombers. One looking like the leader, the older brother perhaps?
I read that Russia warns about lots of male 20 something Chechens, so it might not have been as big of a red flag as you think.
04-22-2013 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell
They did ID the suspects, I will give them that, though they were fortunate that an outdoor CCTV cam caught them in the act of placing the bomb, apparently. I'm not sure how dependent they were on Jeff Bauman's hospital bed assistance:

Had Bauman died, not remembered, or never saw him, things may have been different. And even after Bauman did assist with ID, they still couldn't put a name to the pics.
I'm not sure what your problem here is. That the FBI used CCTV and witness testimony in order to ID them? You prefer some other method?
04-22-2013 , 08:14 AM
Seriously, people don't think the FBI's performance is going to be closely scrutinized over this?

Wait for the hearings. This **** is ******ed.

The Boston office of the FBI is a joke. Always has been. Whitey Bulger, Gardner Museum Heist.

The Departed
04-22-2013 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I read that Russia warns about lots of male 20 something Chechens, so it might not have been as big of a red flag as you think.
How many that live in Boston?
04-22-2013 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by BAIDS
I'm not sure what your problem here is. That the FBI used CCTV and witness testimony in order to ID them? You prefer some other method?
Their files of past investigations and pics of people living in Boston about whom they have previously been warned?

They do have computers nowadays. Should've been easy to compile a list, after the bombings, of past and current threats in Boston. There's even a whole office of the FBI located right in Boston to focus on Boston and surroundings.
04-22-2013 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Jim Russell

Wait for the hearings. This **** is ******ed.

The Boston office of the FBI is a joke. Always has been. Whitey Bulger, Gardner Museum Heist.
Wait for the hearings you say, yet you feel confident enough to pass judgement just a few days after the events unfolded?

But I'm sure you'll be more than willing to change your position if hearings reveal that the info from Russia was weak, if there are tons of info like this coming from foreign countries and so on. Or is it specifically info from Russia that is crucial, in typical Captain Hindsight fashion?
04-22-2013 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
There's no "Conspiracy Whining". That's the whole point of it.

The internet mob mentality has reached the point where everyone who questions the main line, feels the need to preface with denouncing Alex Jones in preemptive defense of the 100% likelihood of people coming out and accusing them of believing in Humano-Reptoids from space sucking blood and enslaving earth.

That could be classified as "Conspiracy Whining" I guess. But it's not what you mean.
You've spent so much time complaining about some reaction to whatever it was you posted that I don't even know what it is you posted in the first place. Maybe you said something dumb that deserved the ridicule you got. Maybe not. The forum is almost always right in identifying conspiracy theory talk, imo.

Originally Posted by Jim Russell
You think I'm talking about a conspiracy? Really? Where?

Ok, the FBI conspired to be incompetent.

No, actually they didn't conspire to be incompetent, they just are incompetent.
I wasn't responding to you. I'm not convinced the FBI did a poor job, although looking closely at their performance is absolutely fair game.
