Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Have there been any cases of publicly funded scientists getting something like climate change completely wrong before?
Looking at history, we have things like cigarette companies lying about the causes of lung cancer, funding disinformation campaigns, etc. Same can be said for big sugar at this point.
I'm just curious if the opposite has ever happened, if big science said some industry was causing harm and the people with the most to lose, the industry itself, were right that they weren't and not just completely looking out for their bottom line at great expense to consumers.
Merchants of Doubt was an excellent book on this imo.
Seems like there's been some back and forth on diet (cholesterol good/bad) but I don't know how much of that has been real science vs. industry lobby.
In general I think there was a whole school of thought around the turn of the 20th century which involved behaviorism, psychology, medicine, anthropology and just about everything that amounted to an irrational and cultish attitude towards science. I think it led to a lot of wrong prescriptions like parents not holding babies, anti-breast feeding, overuse of cesarean and induced births, overuse of psychiatric drugs like lithium, and things along those lines. Those are the only kind of things I can think of that sorta fit.
As far as the environment goes, no. There have been tiny minorities of scientists who made incorrect speculations like global cooling that anti-environmentalists to this day make out to be a huge failure of science and a reason why we shouldn't believe in warming now.