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Drunk Sex and Rape Drunk Sex and Rape

10-19-2014 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
It's remarkable how angry you get just for having the absurdity of your position pointed out to you. It makes me laugh every time.
You mean the ridiculous strawman of the situation. If you could be honest for one god damned second maybe you'd understand that.
10-19-2014 , 05:37 PM
Matt - feel free to go back in this thread and read all about that case, where that (along with every other facet of the case) was gone over. It doesn't end well for team banging-vomit-chicks.
10-19-2014 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
For guys arguing that the laws are bad you spend a lot of time talking about the facts of one particular case.
You asked where the proof was that drunk rape is considered sex. Here you go.
10-19-2014 , 05:38 PM
Do you think a reasonable person would assume a girl is consenting to sex if the girl texts them about wanting to come over and have sex? C'mon now son.
10-19-2014 , 05:39 PM
Now, where are the calls to charge all the girls who've hooked up with drunk guys with rape? I ask you that. It's a double standard!

It's discrimination, and the worst kind: the kind where the oppressed demographic is the one I'm in.
10-19-2014 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
H_F- You get really emotional over the weirdest stuff, though, so yeah, I'd expect Sad_Fish to stay in the rotation for most of us.

For example, the endless sympathy you have for a guy who took advantage of a drunk girl and suffered some minor level of consequence. You're crying over people not agreeing with you that it's some tragedy that a straight white male, FROM A GOOD FAMILY, faced punishment for doing that!

Punishment! As if he were a commoner! Outrageous.
Interesting spin on the facts of the case. And I didn't realize that being expelled was 'some minor level of consequence'.
10-19-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Weird, I googled that Occidental case and it seems the girl texted the guy beforehand about coming over and having sex. Why didn't goofy mention that?
Goofy is only interested in feeling superior.
10-19-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Under their definitions of incapacitated, it is impossible. She knew the who/what/when/where/why of the encounter. The external lawyer they hired to adjudicate the case ignored their own rules and expelled him anyway. Because they said she was STILL unable to consent.

Obviously there is a level of incapacitation at which you could no longer consent.
Remember Sad_Fish, even in the most charitable interpretation of your terrible argument the college didn't **** up, the person they hired did!
10-19-2014 , 05:41 PM
What the police said:

"Witnesses were interviewed and agreed that the victim and suspect were both drunk, however, that they were both willing participants exercising bad judgment …. It would be reasonable for [Doe] to conclude based on their communications and [the accuser’s] actions that, even though she was intoxicated, she could still exercise reasonable judgment."
10-19-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Matt - feel free to go back in this thread and read all about that case, where that (along with every other facet of the case) was gone over. It doesn't end well for team banging-vomit-chicks.
I am sure that if I read all 4,500+ posts in this thread your position will look less ridiculous, but I don't have time to just take your word for it since you are so dishonest you leave out one of the most crucial facts about the case and go on a "hahaha sadfish" spree.
10-19-2014 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Remember Sad_Fish, even in the most charitable interpretation of your terrible argument the college didn't **** up, the person they hired did!
I'm sure that will be of great comfort to them during the law suit.
10-19-2014 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
You asked where the proof was that drunk rape is considered sex. Here you go.
You were complaining that the law made drunk sex=rape, but getting the facts wrong can always make drunk sex=rape.
10-19-2014 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You were complaining that the law made drunk sex=rape, but getting the facts wrong can always make drunk sex=rape.
Nobody's confused about the facts. They kicked him out anyway.
10-19-2014 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Do you think a reasonable person would assume a girl is consenting to sex if the girl texts them about wanting to come over and have sex? C'mon now son.
Consenting at the time of the texts and consenting at the time of sex are different things.
10-19-2014 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Nobody's confused about the facts. They kicked him out anyway.
Uh, don't you and the adjudicator disagree about whether she was incapacitated?

As a broader point, Sad_Fish, like... don't you ever feel compelled to cape up for the good side? Why is it always white supremacists, MRA rape apologists, anti-gay bigots with you?

You know like how the rape apologists have that Occidental case as their cause celebre, the innocent bro who just wanted to **** a drunk chick but it's arguable she wasn't quite drunk enough to be rape...

You know feminists have THEIR little pet issues too? Funny how you're not in here talking about any of them. Funny how you're NEVER in here talking about anything besides the terrible oppression of the privileged.
10-19-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Consenting at the time of the texts and consenting at the time of sex are different things.
That's totally true. But neither party claims that consent was withdrawn during the encounter.
10-19-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Consenting at the time of the texts and consenting at the time of sex are different things.
There's no dispute that she consented then as well.
10-19-2014 , 05:52 PM
Speaking of facts:

Originally Posted by ikestoys
Couldn't walk straight, managed to walk across campus to his dorm on her own.
This is an amazing hot take, by the way. Her friends testified that she couldn't walk without them holding her up earlier in the night - that's part of the record, that's not in dispute. But ikes will still take an O'Reilly-esque "but she got from point A to point B later, YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT" line here, as if we're supposed to now think her friends were lying? Or that she wasn't that drunk? iirc one of the guy's friends saw her on this voyage and she was like leaning against walls and ****, I think maybe also vomited into a trash can, but none of that matters to ikes, because she got to point B, and for a certain type of man (see also: Sad_Fish, possibly Matt R.) that's the only standard a woman needs to satisfy to be a-ok to bang.
10-19-2014 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Uh, don't you and the adjudicator disagree about whether she was incapacitated?

As a broader point, Sad_Fish, like... don't you ever feel compelled to cape up for the good side? Why is it always white supremacists, MRA rape apologists, anti-gay bigots with you?

You know like how the rape apologists have that Occidental case as their cause celebre, the innocent bro who just wanted to **** a drunk chick but it's arguable she wasn't quite drunk enough to be rape...

You know feminists have THEIR little pet issues too? Funny how you're not in here talking about any of them. Funny how you're NEVER in here talking about anything besides the terrible oppression of the privileged.
Like the L&O thread where I complain about systematic racism in law enforcement? Or rail against the drug war and its effects on the citizenry? How come you're not there complaining with me, man?

I'd also like to see some cite for
Why is it always white supremacists, MRA rape apologists, anti-gay bigots with you?

Keep on flyin
10-19-2014 , 05:53 PM
"I mean, sure, she was drunk. Real drunk, passing out and throwing up drunk. But still totes ****able, and it's AN OUTRAGE that he was expelled, and it's an EVEN BIGGER OUTRAGE that people on the internet disagree with me about this."

Real Victim Rankings.

1. Happy_Fish, at the hands of goofy
2. This rapist douchebag, at the hands of the college
3. The girl? JK no she's not a victim, she's just some drunk slut, high five for taking her virginity bro, too bad the feminazis kicked you out of college
10-19-2014 , 05:54 PM
Alcohol in the body, how does it work? I dunno I'm still ****ed up from those beers I had last week.
10-19-2014 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Speaking of facts:

This is an amazing hot take, by the way. Her friends testified that she couldn't walk without them holding her up earlier in the night - that's part of the record, that's not in dispute. But ikes will still take an O'Reilly-esque "but she got from point A to point B later, YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN THAT" line here, as if we're supposed to now think her friends were lying? Or that she wasn't that drunk? iirc one of the guy's friends saw her on this voyage and she was like leaning against walls and ****, I think maybe also vomited into a trash can, but none of that matters to ikes, because she got to point B, and for a certain type of man (see also: Sad_Fish, possibly Matt R.) that's the only standard a woman needs to satisfy to be a-ok to bang.
This is ****ing idiotic. You're claiming that she couldn't walk without holding her up. It's an undisputed fact that she walked to his dorm, on her own, without anyone's help.

She was drunk. She was not incapacitated. Incapacitated people can't make plans, walk around campus, and execute those plans.
10-19-2014 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
"I mean, sure, she was drunk. Real drunk, passing out and throwing up drunk. But still totes ****able, and it's AN OUTRAGE that he was expelled, and it's an EVEN BIGGER OUTRAGE that people on the internet disagree with me about this."

Real Victim Rankings.

1. Happy_Fish, at the hands of goofy
2. This rapist douchebag, at the hands of the college
3. The girl? JK no she's not a victim, she's just some drunk slut, high five for taking her virginity bro, too bad the feminazis kicked you out of college
She was not passing out. She had thrown up but was not "throwing up".

You can't even get the very basic **** right why should anybody believe you about anything? (they shouldn't)
10-19-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
This is ****ing idiotic. You're claiming that she couldn't walk without holding her up. It's an undisputed fact that she walked to his dorm, on her own, without anyone's help.

She was drunk. She was not incapacitated. Incapacitated people can't make plans, walk around campus, and execute those plans.
We don't need facts here! Goofy and Fly are here to spew their snark.
10-19-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Alcohol in the body, how does it work? I dunno I'm still ****ed up from those beers I had last week.
Please proceed, governor.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
The adjudicator's report concluded that she was significantly impaired by 11:00 (she was slurring words and had trouble walking by this point) and she kept drinking more after that. The text messages happened between 12:30 and 1:00, sex was over by 2:00. Not even at the point when she sent ikestoys' smoking gun text messages (BUT YOUR HONOR, SHE ASKED IF HE HAD A CONDOM) was she sober enough to consent to sex. She ****ing vomited right after that text conversation.
