Originally Posted by Wynton
For those still wondering how Krugman would respond to Hillary's gas-tax holiday proposal, which has been condemned by virtually everyone else:
In his column today, he spends the first 9/10 criticizing Obama for giving Republicans too much credit for recognizing that regulation can be flexible. Finally, in the second to last paragraph he says this:
"To be clear, both Democratic candidates have been saying things they shouldn't; Hillary Clinton shouldn't have endorsed the bad idea of a gas tax holida
As I explained earlier in this thread, the so-called economic critiques of the gas tax repeal are actually political critiques. "We should not encourage people to buy more gas", or the disingenuous "Those funds are needed for highway construction" (I guess encouraging people to drive by building shiny new highways with my money is ok, but encouraging people to drive by letting them keep their money is not), and the perennial classic "it's bad for the climate".
None of the critiques have anything to do with the simple fact that reducing gas tax will be economic relief to drivers.