TV Land is amazing. The last time I watched it was some late-series episode of Happy Days, after they had literally jumped the shark I think. The episode featured the guys hornily chasing after stewardesses, and a stripper jumping out of a cake who was basically sexually assaulted by 2016 standards.
So I was just watching a very heartwarming episode of Andy Griffith. Otis miraculously sobers up to receive an award, on behalf of his late ancestor, from the town historical society. In the final joke - the mayor proposes a toast. Otis grabs a glass then looks at Andy and starts to put it back. In sage advice Andy says "Go ahead Otis, I believe Nathan (the late ancestor) would have wanted it that way."
Andy Griffith drunk enabler. Happy Days guys - horny stripper assaulters. What series from my childhood is next to be destroyed? Beverly Hillbillies casual racists? Gilligan's Island condones animal cruelty? Petticoat Junction is actually a bordello?
Plot for the episode on now: hardworking farm girl wants to wear makeup and smell nice. The nice lady working at the drugstore (and I think Andy's love interest - 20 years younger IRL of course) wants to give some to her, but the girl's gruff father won't allow it.
It turns out the daughter was all the gruff father had, and he needed her work on the farm too much to let her run around in makeup and dresses. Andy resolved the situation by convincing the gruff father to pimp out his now pretty daughter to get a young man to marry her and become another farmhand on his farm. Amazing.
(audience applauds)
The final scene has the daughter buying a bunch more makeup and wearing fancy white gloves. We all learned a valuable lesson - that women should be dude magnets, not farmhands.
Last edited by suzzer99; 12-07-2016 at 12:36 AM.
Reason: scene not shown: later the 4 farmhands gang rape her