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Charlottesville Cosplay Party Charlottesville Cosplay Party

08-14-2017 , 01:58 AM
He didn't double down. Why are you getting so mad defending nazis?

(Lol forgot Kelly was a low content Brucez dude who got really mad during the Berkeley protests but is "somehow" defending the nazis in these protests)

Last edited by aoFrantic; 08-14-2017 at 02:03 AM.
08-14-2017 , 02:03 AM
rofl all the stuff that happened in Charlottesville this weekend and KellyRae has 2 posts ITT, all about fatkid and this picture

08-14-2017 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
He didn't double down. Why are you getting so mad defending nazis?
Try to keep up. After being told it was a shop he said it wasn't.
08-14-2017 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by KellyRae
Try to keep up. After being told it was a shop he said it wasn't.
Originally Posted by fatkid
Haha I thought it wasn't a shop. I stand corrected. Good on ya. You win papa bless. Vape Naysh y'all. MAGA
Are you ever right? Why are you always both wrong AND defending some racist and/or nazi in the 3 posts you make a month?
08-14-2017 , 02:07 AM
lol KellyRae makes 30 posts a year decided to use 10% of his yearly posts berating fatkid for being wrong about whether a white supremacist was shopped into a photo with Trump. Like, of all the things discussed in this thread about a Nazi murder march, it was fatkid incorrectly saying "that pic's not a shop" that made Kelly rise up and say "this shall not stand!" Profile in courage imo.
08-14-2017 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
Are you ever right?
Sorry bro but I was right. Not a biggie tho although some think it is.
08-14-2017 , 02:29 AM
so, for those of you who thought this was all a slam dunk.

There's a vid going around atm showing the car was hit by baseball bats. (timing ofc a bit hmmm since it appears to be just before he backs up; but that's not gonna stop them from that narrative)

Last edited by wheatrich; 08-14-2017 at 02:34 AM.
08-14-2017 , 02:33 AM
It is a slam dunk.


I went to a vigil tonight. There were a couple hundred people in Long Beach. Nothing really interesting to report.
08-14-2017 , 02:33 AM
Still a slam dunk.
08-14-2017 , 02:38 AM

The video I saw where they claimed a bat is this one. You can see someone on the left swing something at the car which does not look like a bat at all, as it speeds by. It already jumped that speed bump thing going forward, so you know it was already moving fast and being aggressive.

Of course the video being circulated ignores how aggressively the car was driving already, and just shows the swing part. And it may to be doctored to look like a long thin object.
08-14-2017 , 02:49 AM

Ho Lee ***
08-14-2017 , 02:54 AM
There was a radio interview I heard the day after those 5 cops were shot in Dallas during a BLM protes,t that was a good illustration of the asymmetry of the attitudes of demonstrators on the right versus the left. One of the militant black organizers of the protest was asked if the shootings made him rethink his rhetoric. And he replied YES. He did not fall back on the usual reply "we renounce violence and we can't help what a mentally ill person will do." Rather he was quite distraught and was second guessing his previous words and partially blaming himself for those cop"s death. Don't think they do that on the other side. Don't remember his name or who interviewed him but perhaps someone can find it.
08-14-2017 , 03:00 AM
Alternatively, these dip****s organizing on a site for shut in virgins that has a hentai tab should view them in the light they actually should be shown in.
08-14-2017 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by Paramecium

Ho Lee ***
****ing incredible.
08-14-2017 , 03:38 AM
wtf are the repeated references to "power level" in that picture? Does it go over 9000?
08-14-2017 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
wtf are the repeated references to "power level" in that picture? Does it go over 9000?
'Anime nazis' was not hyperbole. To reveal your power level means to say/do something that makes it clear you aren't a normie.
08-14-2017 , 04:01 AM

08-14-2017 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Hard proof that Dvaut's Megyn Kelly, pretty white girl thesis is 100% correct.
Using this as a jumping off point. Since it should inspire tons of curiosity (but usually goes unremarked on) that literally ~every single one of the neo-Nazi/Confederate alt-right types are men. That women are very hard to find in the movement. I'm sure there are some. But check out the media images of the torch bearing dudes in Charlotesville. Yeah, they're all white, sure. But they're also all men.

In the recent thread about the Manchester I pointed out that low-status males fretting about their sexual value and how it fuels right-wing rage are really a similar phenomenon to what I was describing about pretty white girls.

You seem to understand the point about Megyn Kelly but disagree the sexual anxiety fueling right-wing idiots. From Muslim death cults like ISIS to #MAGA.

That is, you seen to agree that Trump can bully and abuse a wide array of people but social revulsion will start to build as the sexual value of the targets grows higher. Society will go to great lengths to protect and aggrandize fertile, sexually attractive young women. And we all intuitively get that.

Now, then: it stands to reason there are other sides of the sexual value spectrum. People on the low end. All I want to get across is that is intuitive too, and we can usually all guess who sits on the low end of the sexual value spectrum: yes, I'm looking at the basically disposable cosplay tough guys of the altright movement. I was accused of taking the red pill (by you! ) of pointing this out, despite the fact I'm not at all defending the mentalities behind any of this. I think Donald Trump is just as boorish when he criticizes Muslim refugees as I do when he criticizes Megyn Kelly. But clearly huge swaths of society draw the line after Muslim refugees but before Megyn Kelly.

When I point that out, you seem to agree. So you should agree with me too then that these dudes running over protestors, jerking off to anime, and trying to terrorize racial minorities -- there's a very clear sexualized aspect to all of this. It's not the only thing worth remarking on. It's surely not even their principle remarkable characteristic.

But if you recognize the inherent truth to the fact that pretty white girls have high social standing due to their perceived sexual value, and it's something we all kinda recognize even if intuitively, so too can you presumably imagine cohorts that have low social standing due to their lack of perceived sexual value. And how that might influence behavior in the same way tons of people leapt to defend Megyn Kelly's honor while they shrugged as Trump insulted billions of people.

Here, let's put faces to the names:


That we all know that these guys mostly won't breed is not lost on the participants themselves. It is not critical to point out, merely interesting. It changes nothing about the moral calculation of marching around being a white supremacist *******. They deserve no quarter.

Still, I think it's worth considering a little bit how it's a factor.
08-14-2017 , 05:50 AM
Related, too, then -- I think we can ruminate a little bit on how these guys are almost surely huge consumers of what most people would consider degenerate culture -- probably violent porn, 4chan memes, whatever -- and rallying in the public, anxious about a Western civilization they see as teetering on the edge of destruction. I am not a committed Freudian or neo-Freudian but I can appreciate the wisdom that we project ourselves and our anxieties and sexual frustrations onto society. And if I spent all day on 4chan and jerking off watching 15 year old Japanese girls get pooped on and wishing I could meet a subservient dojikko, I'd probably feel pretty despondent about the future of humanity too. That's not exactly a healthy place to be, mentally. The projection outward from there about the world crumbling around you might seem true enough. The appeals of nihilism spring forth from there.

So I remain libertarian in approach about porn; I don't think the government should take a heavy hand banning it. And I'm not saying we would cure all these dudes ills if we got them out of their parents basement and off of 4chan, but I dunno, solving that might be a good Step 1. Not sure a social structure where like some dwindling percentage of men work and make money and productive and the rest are left to their own devices is a good long term construct. In private conversations -- it even slipped into his fireside chats -- FDR and his administration worried a great deal about how the Great Depression left many idle men and much idle time, and how the state had a moral obligation to not only material provide for families but also put the men to work -- give them careers and dignity. They worried political extremism might follow hordes of men without much to do. I see wisdom in that, and wonder aloud about a future with too many bored nerds. I'm skeptical we'll ever be able to turn these guys into Casanovas, but a little more time in mainstream society might help buffer some of their rough edges, maybe get them on a date or two, give them some stakes in communal well-being.

Last edited by DVaut1; 08-14-2017 at 06:02 AM.
08-14-2017 , 05:53 AM
I think if instead of a white woman being run over, it was a black man, and the Daily Stormer then ran an article belittling him as [n-word], Go Daddy probably drops them the same way. It's because of media visibility not because it was a woman. Confirmation bias.
08-14-2017 , 06:16 AM
DVaut's posts reminded me of a Hitchens quote that stuck in my mind:

The homicidal lunatics – rehearsing to be genocidal lunatics – of 9/11 were perhaps tempted by virgins, but it is far more revolting to contemplate that, like so many of their fellow jihadists, they were virgins.
Similar thing here.
08-14-2017 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
DVaut's posts reminded me of a Hitchens quote that stuck in my mind:

Similar thing here.
I think the follow on quote from Hitchens book is that these 9/11 jihad guys likely never had a normal conversation with a woman, never had a normal relationship with a woman, and were never trained to know how or why they might want to.

As you say: similar thing here.

I'm sure there will be large scale condemnation of the murder or whatever, but the underlying social forces remain. And so I am still skeptical about a future with so many idle dudes so wedded to degenerate culture and without much social incentive to join the mainstream. I will reiterate what I said earlier, that Trumpism remains actually a movement of olds, not the young. Of the middle class and up, the petite bourgeois -- not the working class and low social status types. But right-wing populism picks up enough of these guys to be dangerous when mixed with a far more demographically powerful olds. There's always going to be racists, and *******s, and misogynists, and nihilists -- they will forever be part of the social mosaic. But I think modern culture and the modern economy is incubating them.

Last edited by DVaut1; 08-14-2017 at 06:27 AM.
08-14-2017 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by Paramecium

Ho Lee ***
We already knew this was their game, though. It's been that way for a long time. As fly pointed out, this is the specific reason the term alt-right was coined, to separate the ideology and goals away from a label that even people deplorable posters on here know to disavow.
08-14-2017 , 06:50 AM
Just a casual update to remind everyone that the American flag has now covered 24 billion miles' worth of the universe, as it's represented on both Voyager 1 and 2 (which are traveling in about opposite directions). They launched about 40 years ago and are likely to exist for an almost immeasurable amount of time.

The Confederacy lasted less than 5 years and its flag has been spotted on run-down pickup trucks as far north as Albany.

gg bitches
08-14-2017 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Using this as a jumping off point. Since it should inspire tons of curiosity (but usually goes unremarked on) that literally ~every single one of the neo-Nazi/Confederate alt-right types are men. That women are very hard to find in the movement. I'm sure there are some. But check out the media images of the torch bearing dudes in Charlotesville. Yeah, they're all white, sure. But they're also all men.

In the recent thread about the Manchester I pointed out that low-status males fretting about their sexual value and how it fuels right-wing rage are really a similar phenomenon to what I was describing about pretty white girls.

You seem to understand the point about Megyn Kelly but disagree the sexual anxiety fueling right-wing idiots. From Muslim death cults like ISIS to #MAGA.

That is, you seen to agree that Trump can bully and abuse a wide array of people but social revulsion will start to build as the sexual value of the targets grows higher. Society will go to great lengths to protect and aggrandize fertile, sexually attractive young women. And we all intuitively get that.

Now, then: it stands to reason there are other sides of the sexual value spectrum. People on the low end. All I want to get across is that is intuitive too, and we can usually all guess who sits on the low end of the sexual value spectrum: yes, I'm looking at the basically disposable cosplay tough guys of the altright movement. I was accused of taking the red pill (by you! ) of pointing this out, despite the fact I'm not at all defending the mentalities behind any of this. I think Donald Trump is just as boorish when he criticizes Muslim refugees as I do when he criticizes Megyn Kelly. But clearly huge swaths of society draw the line after Muslim refugees but before Megyn Kelly.

When I point that out, you seem to agree. So you should agree with me too then that these dudes running over protestors, jerking off to anime, and trying to terrorize racial minorities -- there's a very clear sexualized aspect to all of this. It's not the only thing worth remarking on. It's surely not even their principle remarkable characteristic.

But if you recognize the inherent truth to the fact that pretty white girls have high social standing due to their perceived sexual value, and it's something we all kinda recognize even if intuitively, so too can you presumably imagine cohorts that have low social standing due to their lack of perceived sexual value. And how that might influence behavior in the same way tons of people leapt to defend Megyn Kelly's honor while they shrugged as Trump insulted billions of people.

Here, let's put faces to the names:


That we all know that these guys mostly won't breed is not lost on the participants themselves. It is not critical to point out, merely interesting. It changes nothing about the moral calculation of marching around being a white supremacist *******. They deserve no quarter.

Still, I think it's worth considering a little bit how it's a factor.
I think this is a dangerous belief. It's just as likely that their belief structure does not include having women at their "rally's." Assuming that there are few women in this movement assumes too much.
