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Brexit Referendum Brexit Referendum

06-24-2016 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I can't decide whether you're just very poor at understanding simple things people post or if you're trolling, but thanks for the third straw man...which is <<drum roll>> I suggested that we shouldn't have had this referendum, not that we should have banned people from voting.

In either case it's clearly a waste of my time responding to these inanities.
yeah you are right, the elites know whats best

us regular people are just dumb uneducated rascists
06-24-2016 , 05:08 PM
In this case, yeah, the masses really are too dumb to understand what they just voted for.
06-24-2016 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
No reason whatsoever, everyone is satisfied with the status quo!

Lol, no.
go ask people about death penalties in europe and stuff like that and you will see the result....
06-24-2016 , 05:11 PM
WRT voting:

I know this will never be done but here I am talking about the once in a lifetime referendum where the results obviously have consequences decades down the road, not your every 4 years presidential election.
It's moot anyway since it will never be happen.
06-24-2016 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Yakmelk
In Switzerland they are allowed to vote on a lot of things through a referendum, the country seems to be doing just fine. You are spouting off some serious BS.
Not serious BS. It was a example. That matter as example it´s like 50% 50%,and it´s kinda stupid to ask that.
In Switzerland they ask referendums about banking transparency?
Guess no... idk.
06-24-2016 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I can't decide whether you're just very poor at understanding simple things people post or if you're trolling, but thanks for the third straw man...which is <<drum roll>> I suggested that we shouldn't have had this referendum, not that we should have banned people from voting.

In either case it's clearly a waste of my time responding to these inanities.
Lol, yes just avoid letting the people vote on matters which they are likely to disagree with the elite on. What do the little people know after all and how dare they vote as they wish.
06-24-2016 , 05:15 PM
If find it interesting that this is seen as a reason for further referenda in Scotland and Ireland by SNP and Sinn Fein.

In the case of Sinn Fein, because the spectre of a border of a fortress Europe running across the island of Ireland would interfere with people's lives.

In the case of SNP, because when independence would mean a fortress Europe border running across Great Britain interfering with people's lives Yes has a greater chance than before?

Fwiw I think Scotland will go independent anyway and would have regardless of this vote. I don't think I'll see a united Ireland in the next 40 years because the demographics are not there to support it.
06-24-2016 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
In this case, yeah, the masses really are too dumb to understand what they just voted for.
We should have joined the Euro like we were told to as well I guess? All the experts said we had to or it would be economic chaos.

The EU is a failed project. Terrible economic growth rates and mass unemployment in member states. Why on earth would we want to be part of that?

Hopefully Spain and Greece get out too so they can rebuild their economies.
06-24-2016 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
If find it interesting that this is seen as a reason for further referenda in Scotland and Ireland by SNP and Sinn Fein.

In the case of Sinn Fein, because the spectre of a border of a fortress Europe running across the island of Ireland would interfere with people's lives.

In the case of SNP, because when independence would mean a fortress Europe border running across Great Britain interfering with people's lives Yes has a greater chance than before?

Fwiw I think Scotland will go independent anyway and would have regardless of this vote. I don't think I'll see a united Ireland in the next 40 years because the demographics are not there to support it.
All political parties are going to try and exploit whatever advantages they can derive from this result. The position of the SNP has been clear from the last referendum on independence, a UK vote to leave and a Scots vote to stay would provide a reason to take independence back to the polls. The UK and Ireland will forge agreement on travel and residency because it's too big an issue not to resolve.
06-24-2016 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by richdog
We should have joined the Euro like we were told to as well I guess? All the experts said we had to or it would be economic chaos.

The EU is a failed project. Terrible economic growth rates and mass unemployment in member states. Why on earth would we want to be part of that?

Hopefully Spain and Greece get out too so they can rebuild their economies.
I was still in high school then but I clearly remember Euro was a controversial project even back then and most felt UK had good reasons to stay out, as did Switzerland.
06-24-2016 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by 00001
Not serious BS. It was a example. That matter as example it´s like 50% 50%,and it´s kinda stupid to ask that.
In Switzerland they ask referendums about banking transparency?
Guess no... idk.
Sorry but for anyone with half a brain your posts don't make a shred of sense. And yes, they vote for complex financial/social items through referenda in Switzerland. You could just read and research stuff instead of just blindly posting your thoughts on a message board, its fun for you but not so much for us.
06-24-2016 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
If find it interesting that this is seen as a reason for further referenda in Scotland and Ireland by SNP and Sinn Fein.

In the case of Sinn Fein, because the spectre of a border of a fortress Europe running across the island of Ireland would interfere with people's lives.

In the case of SNP, because when independence would mean a fortress Europe border running across Great Britain interfering with people's lives Yes has a greater chance than before?

Fwiw I think Scotland will go independent anyway and would have regardless of this vote. I don't think I'll see a united Ireland in the next 40 years because the demographics are not there to support it.
I'm in Scotland and I can't see another referendum being called now as I don't see the SNP winning. They will probably see what deals are made and they decide if they are bad enough to tempt most scots to vote out.

On a separate note a campaign which seeks to regain our sovereignty and then straight away give loads of it away to the EU is ridiculous IMO.
06-24-2016 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
I was still in high school then but I clearly remember Euro was a controversial project even back then and most felt UK had good reasons to stay out, as did Switzerland.
Switzerland aren't in the EU, they pegged to the Euro for a while.
06-24-2016 , 05:27 PM
Why would Scotland join EU now? How is that better than being in UK?
06-24-2016 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by richdog
We should have joined the Euro like we were told to as well I guess? All the experts said we had to or it would be economic chaos.

The EU is a failed project. Terrible economic growth rates and mass unemployment in member states. Why on earth would we want to be part of that?

Hopefully Spain and Greece get out too so they can rebuild their economies.
Terrible economic growth and unemployment compared to what?
06-24-2016 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
Someone please tell me if it's been discussed. WRT youth's vote, don't you think it's absurd that the ones who will live with the decision voted to remain but were dismissed by the "it was better before" voters who have a lower life expectancy? I'd be furious if I was a 20yo brit.
Originally Posted by Jake (The Snake)
lol olds yet again
Originally Posted by chytry
conservative old people are ****ing it up for the young everywhere now
20yo Brits should be furious with other 20yo Brits. If as large a percentage of young people as old people bothered to go and vote, then we would still be in the EU.
06-24-2016 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by richdog
I'm in Scotland and I can't see another referendum being called now as I don't see the SNP winning. They will probably see what deals are made and they decide if they are bad enough to tempt most scots to vote out.

On a separate note a campaign which seeks to regain our sovereignty and then straight away give loads of it away to the EU is ridiculous IMO.
The only way it doesn't make sens is if you don't understand what sovereignty is, and/or you don't understand how the EU functions.
06-24-2016 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
I was still in high school then but I clearly remember Euro was a controversial project even back then and most felt UK had good reasons to stay out, as did Switzerland.
Switzerland couldn't join the Euro even if they wanted. You know, you need to actually be a member of the EU to join the Eurozone.
06-24-2016 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by plzd0nate
Why would Scotland join EU now? How is that better than being in UK?
Because the issues that matter to them most can be handled locally within the EU while not in the UK. The Scots are alright with the legislative authority of the EU as can be witnessed by them voting remain in much stronger numbers than they voted to remain in the UK. Now that the UK has voted to leave the Scots case for independence just got a lot stronger.
06-24-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by MvdB
The only way it doesn't make sens is if you don't understand what sovereignty is, and/or you don't understand how the EU functions.
Says the man who doesn't understand sovereignty. We've been here before. There is at least one function in the EU where no national body has any say in whatsoever, its up to you to identify it.
06-24-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by dereds
Because the issues that matter to them most can be handled locally within the EU while not in the UK. The Scots are alright with the legislative authority of the EU as can be witnessed by them voting remain in much stronger numbers than they voted to remain in the UK. Now that the UK has voted to leave the Scots case for independence just got a lot stronger.

Ya but this is EU without England, one of the biggest contributors. I feel like they shouldn't just rush into something like this and wait out to see the effects. I understand this would be the time to rally the independence troops but EU doesn't look to be going in a positive direction. There are significant anti EU movements in many other countries.
06-24-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by richdog
We should have joined the Euro like we were told to as well I guess? All the experts said we had to or it would be economic chaos.

The EU is a failed project. Terrible economic growth rates and mass unemployment in member states. Why on earth would we want to be part of that?

Hopefully Spain and Greece get out too so they can rebuild their economies.
Rebuild their economies? How? They can't just get out of the Euro somehow be competitive tomorrow. How are they going to do that? They dont have any important industry. They would have to build some, protect themselves with tariffs but eventually they have to import other stuff so its a zero sum game.
Or you lower your taxes and lower wages so that companies open up factories but that will only mean you relocate jobs from other countries and they won't like that.
Germany is a leading export nation and I am fine with giving money to other nations if the EU should work. It wont work very long if a few countries export much more than they import and other nations import more than they export. Between the federal states in Germany its similar. The rich ones give money to the poor ones. If you want to avoid that you have to distribute the important industries equally. If all people just think that its only ours we wont get anywhere.
And it gets worse in the future. More and more jobs will be done by machines so a lot more people wont find work although right now you could say in Germany only people who have no skills wont find any work.
Well there would be another alternative. Spanish, greek and italian youth just moves here, learns german and gets jobs which are available right now.

The rich nations can't just get richer and richer when the majority of world population suffers. We have to give something up or otherwise the migration will even be even bigger than now.

The problem is that the poor always blame the wrong people. There would be enough money if the taxes would be done properly and big firms dont have so many loopholes to reduce their taxes.
06-24-2016 , 05:40 PM
06-24-2016 , 05:44 PM

Last edited by Habsfan09; 06-24-2016 at 05:52 PM.
06-24-2016 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
The big thing now is how the Exit negotiations go between EU and Britain. Best case is they leave in place as many terms (like unrestricted trade) of the old membership treaty as possible and just remove those terms that British nationalists find insulting to British sovereignty. Worst case is EU takes a punitive attitude in the negotiations and cuts their noses off to spite their face. Anything EU does to hurt the UK will hurt the EU as well.

Catastrophic case is EU fires the trade shot heard round the world and starts a nonmilitary WWIII tariff war that shuts down global trade.

Exit negotiations are purely about exit. Trade negotiations are completely separate. They won't get off the ground for quite a while as the UK government has no Department of Trade, so will have to get a substantial infrastructure in place very quickly.
