Originally Posted by BlueWillow
Yes. Quite. 3,500 jobs gone at Honda and a lot more than that in the Swindon area economy due to the knock-on effect. Swindon idiotically voted 54% Leave. Local MP bleats: 'It's not Brexit!' Clue: it's bloody Brexit. Ford is shutting down its UK plants as well, and BMW warned way back that they would bring the Mini plant's summer holiday shutdown forward to the spring, immediately after Brexit. That plant will never reopen, not for the long term. It won't be economic.
The entire automotive sector will go, just as the Brexitards' favourite economist Minford told Parliament. He said it just has to be run down, like steel and coal-mining in the Eighties. And what fun that was. What larks, eh? No, it was bloody awful. Parts of Britain were radically de-industrialised in the Thatcher recession from 1980 on. But at least the national economy was rescued by the services sector, including financial services which now account for about 20% of GDP. Unfortunately, Brexit will destroy all that as well. There will be nothing left for anyone to live on, except the 1% like Rees-Mogg and Redwood with their offshore investments.