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Brexit Referendum Brexit Referendum

12-30-2018 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I'm pretty sure it's already defined dude. There's these things called 'dictionaries'....

It's the ability of a state to govern itself, if you're having trouble.
We're exercising sovereignty by having a vote on whether to leave the EU. Another way to exercise sovereignty is to elect a government that carries out your wishes to leave the EU or to stay in it. Having no sovereignty would be being unable to do either of these things, therefore we currently have sovereignty.
12-30-2018 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
The clients of people-traffickers are illegals, paying the traffickers five-figure sums, many times the price of legitimate plane, rail or boat tickets for... some reason. Organised crime is fine with you, is it, diebitter? Under the EU Dublin Agreement, the UK can return illegals to their initial EU state of entry for vetting. After Brexit, absent a replacement deal, that won't be possible, making the UK a target for illegals. If you did not know this (and of course you didn't), you should have done.
12-30-2018 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
I'm pretty sure it's already defined dude. There's these things called 'dictionaries'....

It's the ability of a state to govern itself, if you're having trouble.
Bollocks. Sovereignty is a complex concept and is always diminished or pooled by international agreements which all civilised countries need to engage in. The people who consider sovereignty to be an absolute are the people who tend to be found dead and decomposed in their homes, for embarrassing reasons, when nobody has missed them for months. They will probably have lots of laudatory books about Hitler on their shelves, as Thomas Mair did.

You're not the full shilling, frankly.
12-30-2018 , 05:47 PM
Joining a coercive supernational organisation whose final goal is nationhood is not a reasonable compromise of sovreignty
01-01-2019 , 06:39 AM
"a coercive supernational organisation"

Isn't that exactly what the United Kingdom is?
01-01-2019 , 07:08 AM
01-01-2019 , 11:09 AM
and England?
01-01-2019 , 02:47 PM
Props to Mayor Khan for turning the London Eye, amid the New Year fireworks, into a giant EU flag, ultramarine with a coronet of 28 gold stars (they left the lower four of the 32 pods unlit to get the correct number) in solidarity with the 1m EU Londoners and our friends and allies.

01-01-2019 , 04:44 PM
Some people are untrollably stupid.
01-01-2019 , 06:54 PM
Lol Khan. Pathetic politicking during a national celebration.

I guess we should be glad he didn't crowbar something in to remind us his dad was a bus driver.
01-02-2019 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Bollocks. Sovereignty is a complex concept and is always diminished or pooled by international agreements which all civilised countries need to engage in. The people who consider sovereignty to be an absolute are the people who tend to be found dead and decomposed in their homes, for embarrassing reasons, when nobody has missed them for months. They will probably have lots of laudatory books about Hitler on their shelves, as Thomas Mair did.

You're not the full shilling, frankly.
Citation needed for Thomas Mair having lots of books on Hitler (his own brother denied him being associated with politics at all let alone nazism).
01-02-2019 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Lol Khan. Pathetic politicking during a national celebration.

I guess we should be glad he didn't crowbar something in to remind us his dad was a bus driver.
01-02-2019 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by DrRobotnit
Citation needed for Thomas Mair having lots of books on Hitler (his own brother denied him being associated with politics at all let alone nazism).

When detectives searched Mair's home, they found it as methodically organised as his attack - but also a library of extreme nationalist and racist material.

An ornamental Nazi eagle had pride of place on top of a bookshelf packed with far-right literature.

In drawers, there were books about the SS and pamphlets about white supremacy.

He had a vast collection of literature from the National Alliance, an American neo-Nazi group.

The court heard on Monday that beneath the bookshelf in a bedroom in Mair’s home were drawers that contained books with Nazi and white supremacist themes.

The jury was shown photographs of some of these volumes, which had titles such as SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines, The Politics of the Holocaust and March of the Titans: A History of the White Race.
This article explains the murderer's library, his connections and his interests quite well.

A Collector’s Guide to Third Reich Militaria graced his shelves, as did Belt Buckles and Brocades of the Third Reich and Headgear of Hitler’s Germany, Volume 5. Mair studied killers (Jack the Ripper, the Boston Strangler), conspiracy theories (especially those questioning the Holocaust but also how Hollywood subliminally incites hatred of whites) and the assassination of liberal heroes such as Martin Luther King and John F Kennedy. Reinhard Heydrich aroused particular interest: Mair had several biographies of the senior Nazi who chaired the Wannsee Conference, at which the Final Solution was set in motion.
One book order Mair placed in 1999 offers a glimpse into the ideological company he kept. The seller was National Vanguard Books, the publishing arm of the National Alliance which, at the time, was the leading neo-Nazi group in the US. Its founder, William Pierce, had fired the imagination of white supremacists with his 1978 novel of race war, The Turner Diaries. The book describes the mass execution of “race traitors”, including Jews, homosexuals and politicians. Pages of it were found in the getaway vehicle Timothy McVeigh used after detonating a truck bomb that killed 168 people at a federal office building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organisation based in Montgomery, Alabama, has documented the National Alliance’s work extensively. After Cox’s murder, its staff searched its archives of leaked National Alliance records for Mair’s name and found orders for a dozen publications. Among them were the Improvised Munitions Handbook and Chemistry of Powder and Explosives. All told, Mair sent $620 to Pierce’s group, the SPLC calculated.
This article has an informative note on the murderer's concealed resentment of his mixed-race half-brother.

Mair's half-brother, Duane St Louis, whose father is from Grenada, told reporters that his own mixed race had never been a problem.

But the trial heard that Mair made an internet search for matricide, searching for “son kills mother for miscegenation” - the mix of different racial groups through marriage, cohabiting, sexual relations and procreation.
It's... interesting that you should try to defend that individual.

Last edited by 57 On Red; 01-02-2019 at 03:52 PM.
01-03-2019 , 06:29 AM
These are politically motivated pieces based on press releases from local police and I assume the counter terrorism unit had a heavy hand in this for which I urge caution in trusting at their word, they frequently lie (for instance after they shot dead innocent John Charles de menez on the tube.)
The guardian investigative report does not fit the character presented to the jury :

Independent investigator Richard hall did a remarkable piece exposing how mair was likely a patsy. I am more inclined to believe this than the offcial story. There is more to this than brexit though the argument is that the Brexit climate led mair to kill while shouting Britain first etc. This i find completely absurd and unbelievable.
01-03-2019 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by DrRobotnit
These are politically motivated pieces based on press releases from local police and I assume the counter terrorism unit had a heavy hand in this for which I urge caution in trusting at their word, they frequently lie (for instance after they shot dead innocent John Charles de menez on the tube.)
The guardian investigative report does not fit the character presented to the jury :

Independent investigator Richard hall did a remarkable piece exposing how mair was likely a patsy. I am more inclined to believe this than the offcial story. There is more to this than brexit though the argument is that the Brexit climate led mair to kill while shouting Britain first etc. This i find completely absurd and unbelievable.
You are a ****ing moron.
01-03-2019 , 03:57 PM
Mair was identified by multiple witnesses. He told the arresting officers, when they found the gun in his bag, 'I'm a political activist.'

Both arresting officers were awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal.

When convicted, Mair asked the judge if he could make a political statement. The judge said no, because he'd declined to give evidence.

The judge said Mair would have to serve a whole-life sentence due to the “exceptional seriousness” of the offence: a murder committed to advance a cause associated with Nazism.

Mr Justice Wilkie refused Mair’s request to address the court, saying he had already had opportunities to explain himself, and had not done so.

Cox, the judge told Mair, was not only a “passionate, open-hearted, inclusive and generous” person, but a true patriot. He, on the other hand “affected to be a patriot”.

“It is evident from your internet searches that your inspiration is not love of country or your fellow citizens, it is an admiration for Nazis and similar anti-democratic white supremacist creeds,” Wilkie said. “Our parents’ generation made huge sacrifices to defeat those ideas and values in the second world war. What you did … betrays those sacrifices.”

Mair had “betrayed the quintessence of our country, its adherence to parliamentary democracy”. By not having the courage to admit his crime, the judge added, he had forced the prosecution to prove their case in detail, which “no doubt deliberately”had increased the anguish of his victim’s family.
01-04-2019 , 02:27 AM
Any chance of another update for an idiot Yank?

Gonna revote? Or crash out without a deal?

01-04-2019 , 03:13 AM
Still very low chance of crashing out without a deal unless there's a re-vote and we lose to some extreme option.

Favorites are some sort of deal or re-vote (possibly after many events such as extensions, leadership changes, general elections etc)
01-04-2019 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Still very low chance of crashing out without a deal unless there's a re-vote and we lose to some extreme option.

Favorites are some sort of deal or re-vote (possibly after many events such as extensions, leadership changes, general elections etc)
This isn't correct.

We leave by automatic operation of law on 30th March. Teresa deal is very unlikely to go through parliament and there is no time really to renegotiate anything else.

No deal is the mostly likely outcome.
01-04-2019 , 08:38 AM
There's plenty of time for parliament to act to prevent a no deal and it's almost certain they will unless some version of May's deal goes through. EU are desperate to avoid a no deal as well so will accommodate any reasonable request by the uk to extend.

Ironically the main impediment to May's deal going through is that opposition MPs aren't worried about a no-deal scenario because they are confident they have the numbers to prevent it.

A minor but additional point is that if her deal ultimately falls, then May has nothing left to lose with the tory party and she is genuinely (as far as I can see) opposed to a no deal. Her final acts as pm are likely to be passing the situation on in some better way than crashing out.
01-04-2019 , 08:46 AM
There's a term I just heard for people obsessed with brexit

01-04-2019 , 08:54 AM
01-04-2019 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Wait, aren't you obsessed with brexit?
01-04-2019 , 09:20 AM
01-04-2019 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by BlueWillow
This isn't correct.

We leave by automatic operation of law on 30th March. Teresa deal is very unlikely to go through parliament and there is no time really to renegotiate anything else.

No deal is the mostly likely outcome.
You can get 2.5 at Betfair on the UK leaving the EU in any shape or form by 29th March, if that's what you believe. Fill yer boots.
