Thank you for all the comments, every one made me feel a little better and supported.
Originally Posted by sweep single
This is awful news, I know what you are going through. In 1993 I too had a daughter with a rare and fatal genetic disorder(osteogenesis imperfecta type 2). At first we were told she wouldn't live 3 days, a priest administered last rites when she was barely 24 hours old. After about 10 days she was allowed to go home and we were told no way she'd last 3 months. After 3 months the doctors said she would definitely die before she was 6 months, after that then they gave her a year. This went on and on until she finally passed 2 months before her 3rd birthday. The hardest part was being unprepared for her death. After doctors telling me constantly for 2.5 years that she was going to die soon(inaccurately) I started to believe they were wrong and she was going to beat it.
It was a very very hard 3 years, so much time in doctors offices, hospitals and fighting with insurance companies...but I will always treasure the memories of my first born. You will get through it, my friend. My condolences and the best of luck.
That's so awful, I'm sorry. Glad you can look back and treasure the memories.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Really, really sorry, goofball. MrsWookie has now gone through two consecutive miscarriages as we try for our first, but I can only imagine how much more magnified emotions like that would be after going through birth and only then finding out. What is your daughter's name?
I'm also going to leave here what is my favorite thread on 2+2 for you to look at at your discretion if you happened to not see it before, because it also comes with a big and non-ironic trigger warning. Poincaraux describes in both beautiful and heartbreaking detail what he went through with the stillbirth of his first child, and he continues to follow up with how he continues to cope with that amidst the joy of his later kids. It might be a bit much to take right now (or ever), but there is definitely someone here who knows exactly how you feel, and who knows that you can keep going and that it does get better.
Her name is Evelyn Colette. I'm familiar with Poincaraux's thread, and read it a lot both when he posted originally and around the times my older two daughters were born.
I'm sorry you've had to go through two miscarriages so far. Wife and I talked about how/if we would feel if Evelyn were our first. It's easier and harder this way. On one hand we love our kids and they're great and playing with them gives us joy. On the other hand, especially with our oldest who's 4 1/2, they're grieving too, and that's heartbreaking.
Originally Posted by Gizmo
And this is a completely different situation, but when my mom was in the hospice, dying, one of the worst feelings was wondering when she was going to pass and wishing it would already happen. And then I would feel completely guilty for wishing my mom was already dead. But you're stuck in this space of not feeling like you can grieve, because the thing hasn't happened yet. And I would want to connect with people, but then everything they would say would just kind of piss me off/wouldn't connect. Eventually it got better. It comes in waves still, though.
I am so sorry you have to go through this. I can not even imagine how horrible this is for you both.
A lot of this resonates with me, thanks for sharing. Sometimes I talk to people and it helps, other times is pisses me off to talk about nothing. Other times they try to ask how I'm doing and I just want to answer how the **** do you think, but other times they ask that and I'm glad they did / care.
We weren't expecting to bring her home, and we got to do that, which was great initially, but now people are being too positive about that, because it's still ending the same way, and that's pissing me off.