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April NC thread April NC thread

04-26-2012 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by MrEleganza
Did she claim it was someone else's?
Yes. But her hair was a very distinctive dark red.

Anyone could've quickly identified it as her hair, as I'm sure they did.

They just wanted her to shut up.
04-26-2012 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Pics of positions with cat?

pm sent
04-26-2012 , 01:24 AM
Welcome to ripping off fast food joints when you were 16. Tax is theft dudes talking about ripping off cheese burgers itt. Ironing.
04-26-2012 , 01:27 AM
04-26-2012 , 01:33 AM
04-26-2012 , 01:38 AM
04-26-2012 , 01:43 AM
10 minutes up IMO
04-26-2012 , 01:46 AM
04-26-2012 , 01:52 AM
hey those weren't the original terms al;kdjfal;sdkjfl;askdjf
04-26-2012 , 01:53 AM

I couldn't stop myself
04-26-2012 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
I'd have rather paid the bill than been party to the scene that caused the free meal.
THIS - altho im biased from years of working service jobs
04-26-2012 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Hahaha, you know I was being sarcastic, right? There is a difference between analyzing politics and what my opinion is. I'd legalize it all if I could, but I can't. Because I want to do that I will never be elected to anything ever, which is cool with me. If you want to be elected you gotta play the game. Obama is playing that game, he'd probably legalize if he could. But he cannot do that at this time, so he won't.

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Or not. Do whatever you want. Hate on everyone, probably the more fun choice.
lol you can justify absolutely anything and anyone that way
04-26-2012 , 06:20 AM

This guy is AWESOME

Gotta love local news.
04-26-2012 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by Brons

This guy is AWESOME

Gotta love local news.
"ain't no shame in my game" lmao
04-26-2012 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
lol you can justify absolutely anything and anyone that way
Justify, yes. Support, no.
04-26-2012 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
The basic lesson here is that in most restaurants if you have no shame whatsoever and bitch loud enough, you can have whatever you want for free.

Confirmation comes from anecdotal evidence from a couple spoiled brats I've dated briefly who were never happy with food, no matter how well prepared it was.

I've walked out of a restaurant with a $120 bill on the house because the brats OWN HAIR fell onto her steak.

I'd have rather paid the bill than been party to the scene that caused the free meal.
You must be slipping. That's instadump, pay the bill, and vote for whore above girlfriend. Only free steaks are for hustling the casino.
04-26-2012 , 10:37 AM
I haven't watch fox2 in a while, but it sounds like they're giving everyone helium.
04-26-2012 , 10:40 AM
This is a really good essay on several recent books about the psychology of politics. Some useful pointers for folks around here:

In the remainder of this essay, I propose some techniques to check this tendency toward extreme partisanship. I think that adoption of these would improve the atmosphere for political debate.

•Take opposing points of view at face value.

It is more comfortable to treat opposing points of view reductively. That is, rather than deal with a different viewpoint, we prefer to explain it away. “They just want power.” “They just serve special interests.” “They don't believe in science.” “They are socialists.”

Taking opposing points of view at face value means that we try to pass the ideological Turing test. Could my characterization of another ideology allow me to pass as a proponent of that ideology? Could an opponent's characterization of my ideology allow that person to pass as someone like me?

•Police your own side.

We need to find a substitute for external threats as a social bonding agent.
In political debates, we put a lot of energy into pointing out the errors of our opponents. When somebody writes an op-ed exposing the “myths” that surround an issue, the purpose is to debunk the other side, almost never to question one's own allies.

Basically, the “myth-busting” process works like this. You create a straw-man caricature of the other side's point of view. You knock down that straw man. Your allies applaud your brilliant insight. Your opponents dismiss what you have to say. Both sides come away with their partisan views reinforced.

Accusing the other side of an intellectual foul seems like a much better idea than it really is.

First of all, chances are that you are not correctly interpreting the position that you are criticizing. Remember, we have poor empathy for ideological opponents. There is a high probability that we are attacking a straw man rather than a real position.

Second, even if we are correct, the other side may not be persuaded.

Finally, even if we are correct on this one point, there probably are other arguments that the other side can use to bolster its case. As much as we may take pleasure in "not letting them get away with saying X," in the grand scheme of things, we probably are not changing anyone's mind.


Street basketball with teams calling fouls on one another would probably degenerate into unsettled arguments. That is, it would start to resemble politics.

•Scramble the teams...

Much of our partisanship reflects emotional loyalty to the ideological group with which we identify. To scramble the teams, we would need to foster situations in which liberals develop emotional bonds with conservatives.

Emotional bonds develop when people work towards a common goal. Thus, in the past, military service and foreign threats have served to break down ideological differences. Historians view World War II as a period in which American unity was strong. Likewise, many pundits believe that external threats help to hold together Israeli society, which otherwise is extremely fragmented, particularly between religious and secular Jews.
04-26-2012 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
To be fair, that's different. Obama doesn't think marijuana bans are unconstitutional and there's really no serious argument that they are, the Supreme Court ruled on this exact issue in the last decade.

Obama is doing the right thing on weed, people freaking out about the raids that have occurred are overreacting and generally not understanding the specifics. I know, I know, potheads not having a precise handle on complex legal issues? I was surprised too.

"it's legal so I'll go to bat for him"

04-26-2012 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
The basic lesson here is that in most restaurants if you have no shame whatsoever and bitch loud enough, you can have whatever you want for free.

Confirmation comes from anecdotal evidence from a couple spoiled brats I've dated briefly who were never happy with food, no matter how well prepared it was.

I've walked out of a restaurant with a $120 bill on the house because the brats OWN HAIR fell onto her steak.

I'd have rather paid the bill than been party to the scene that caused the free meal.
This so much. If you look at the "life tricks" thread in OOT, the consensus is that while being a dick can get you free things or special accommodations or whatever, being a dick is not a life trick.
04-26-2012 , 11:51 AM
Hey, so remember that whole thing about that offensive black cake those Scandanavians were eating to protest genital mutilation or whatever?

Yeah, the video is even stranger (the cake is screaming):

WRT the medical marijuana thing, for the people saying "not O's fault, he can't go soft on it and lose those votes!" I say, what votes:

CBS News Poll
04-26-2012 , 11:53 AM
lol @ supporting Obama's stance on medical marijuana/war on drugs in general. surprised to see fly in this camp. yesterday I read a press release the white house put out where they talked about how science has confirmed the dangers of marijuana blah blah. it's insulting.

lol @ lirva having a system for scamming fast food restaurants

also, TIL lou has dabbled in a bit of green usage himself

ain't no shame in my game is 10/10
04-26-2012 , 12:15 PM
Obama's stance is wrong in that he hasn't pushed for legalization, but the DOJ enforcing the laws is not Obama's fault. It really is a pretty significant issue for the executive to randomly decide which laws are in effect and which aren't. Obviously Obama isn't so much for the rule of law elsewhere, but if you guys want marijuana to be legal it's ridiculous to blame Obama for enforcing the laws Congress wrote.

Especially when it's coming from people who are gonna vote for Romney.
04-26-2012 , 12:23 PM
Congress is irrelevant as I understand it. Obama could get MJ rescheduled with an executive order.

Try again fly.
04-26-2012 , 12:25 PM
What fly really means to say is that it would be dumb politics for Obama to come out strong for MJ (and it would be really, really, dumb).

No idea why he's beating around the point.
