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Another tragic death of a transgender teen, should the parents be charged? Another tragic death of a transgender teen, should the parents be charged?

01-29-2015 , 11:38 AM
I'll ask you what I asked Ikes since his answer was "it depends" and I can answer that for everything.

What I'd the difference between "you will go to hell forever if you don't obey me on this" and "I will cut you and set fire to parts of your body if you don't obey me on this."





That is the question. Please to not be answering a different question in reponse
01-29-2015 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
Teaching tolerance isn't indoctrination. Can you tell me what the penalty for intolerance is with these lessons? Does it equate to eternal damnation?
Indoctrination (noun):

the act of indoctrinating, or teaching or inculcating a doctrine, principle, or ideology, especially one with a specific point of view:

Originally Posted by master3004
I'll ask you what I asked Ikes since his answer was "it depends" and I can answer that for everything.

What I'd the difference between "you will go to hell forever if you don't obey me on this" and "If you don't accept little Timmay's gay, he will kill himself and it'll be your fault."





That is the question. Please to not be answering a different question in reponse
My answer is in the bold.
01-29-2015 , 11:59 AM
I'd like to see the lesson plan you pulled that from. You see, I can point to the parts in the bible referencing damnation. You're just making **** up
01-29-2015 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'd like to see the lesson plan you pulled that from. You see, I can point to the parts in the bible referencing damnation. You're just making **** up
No, I can't find a direct quote - but if you don't think they don't reference suicide when they talk about bullying in school you must not have children.

Which brings us back to our original discussion - it's ok to indoctrinate children as long as you agree with what they are learning.
01-29-2015 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by stockguy3205
No, I can't find a direct quote - but if you don't think they don't reference suicide when they talk about bullying in school you must not have children.

Which brings us back to our original discussion - it's ok to indoctrinate children as long as you agree with what they are learning.
yup pretty much, but master has a superficial understanding of what indoctrinate means, and overweighed the importance of the negative connotations of that word.

He's also just short of pure fascist in what he thinks the government allows its citizens to do/say/think.
01-29-2015 , 12:20 PM
There is a clear difference between indoctrinating and teaching
01-29-2015 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
There is a clear difference between indoctrinating and teaching
Right... and the difference to you is whether or not you agree with the point of view being given.

For people who actually, you know, know what the word means:

1. to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
2. to teach or inculcate.
3. to imbue with learning.
They aren't perfect synonyms, but there's a ton of overlap. You're just wrong... and basically a fascist.
01-29-2015 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by stockguy3205
No, I can't find a direct quote - but if you don't think they don't reference suicide when they talk about bullying in school you must not have children.

Which brings us back to our original discussion - it's ok to indoctrinate children as long as you agree with what they are learning.
I do have children, including a stepdaughter traumatized by the thought of hell from her overzealous father, so yeah, first hand knowledge. I also have seen lesson plans similar to the ones talked about. They are very simple and don't present any major consequences for intolerance outside of, this is the way of the world now. These things exist, and the world will be a better more smooth running place if everyone was able to see that things such as homosexuality and tramsgenderism are things that exist and have genetic reasoning for them.

Teaching children that being gay is no different than being black in that there isn't a choice in either matter is not the same as teaching children that being gay is a sin and that person will spend an eternity in hell, sorry about your friend honey. And the difference has nothing to do with which I am more comfortable with, it's simply a fact. Those two things are different to a child, and do different things to their brain.
01-29-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I do have children, including a stepdaughter traumatized by the thought of hell from her overzealous father, so yeah, first hand knowledge. I also have seen lesson plans similar to the ones talked about. They are very simple and don't present any major consequences for intolerance outside of, this is the way of the world now. These things exist, and the world will be a better more smooth running place if everyone was able to see that things such as homosexuality and tramsgenderism are things that exist and have genetic reasoning for them.
Teaching children that being gay is no different than being black in that there isn't a choice in either matter is not the same as teaching children that being gay is a sin and that person will spend an eternity in hell, sorry about your friend honey. And the difference has nothing to do with which I am more comfortable with, it's simply a fact. Those two things are different to a child, and do different things to their brain.
Everyone get in line, this is the way the world is going to work. Everyone will be required to do A, B, C and D. Pretty fascist statement there eh?

Master - you have your right imo to believe that and to raise your children that way. Why don't you extend that same right to other parents? Why must teaching religion to a child be considered harmful? I'm sorry your stepdaughter had a traumatic experience but that doesn't mean we need to go around policing what parents teach their children.
01-29-2015 , 12:42 PM
lol he just called you a fascist for advocating tolerance
01-29-2015 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
lol he just called you a fascist for advocating tolerance
No he was called that for advocating that the government should only allow one set of teachings that conform to his beliefs.
01-29-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
lol he just called you a fascist for advocating tolerance
I was going to do a FYP but bob summed up what you apparently can't
01-29-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by stockguy3205
Everyone get in line, this is the way the world is going to work. Everyone will be required to do A, B, C and D. Pretty fascist statement there eh?

Master - you have your right imo to believe that and to raise your children that way. Why don't you extend that same right to other parents? Why must teaching religion to a child be considered harmful? I'm sorry your stepdaughter had a traumatic experience but that doesn't mean we need to go around policing what parents teach their children.
What is with you and Ikes insisting that I'm policing anything? All I've continued to say is that that type of indoctrination using fear tactics is harmful to a developing child brain and immoral. You will not state whether you agree or disagree with that simple statement because you are a coward who is trying to change the subject and indicate I am doing something I'm not.
01-29-2015 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
No he was called that for advocating that the government should only allow one set of teachings that conform to his beliefs.
Find one spot in this discussion where I have stated that and win a cookie. Or dont, and be a lying jackass. Your choice.
01-29-2015 , 12:52 PM
He's not enforcing anything guys, just musing.... while equating it to actual crimes. No worries, if put in power he'd never actually charge someone with those, er, crimes.
01-29-2015 , 12:54 PM
This is going to go like master's stupid ****ing posts about charging people who smoke in front of their children with child endangerment. BUT BUT BUT I NEVER SAID PUT THEM IN PRISON.

Not being able to see the obvious conclusion of your position makes you look worse, dishonest and not very smart.
01-29-2015 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
What is with you and Ikes insisting that I'm policing anything? All I've continued to say is that that type of indoctrination using fear tactics is harmful to a developing child brain and immoral. You will not state whether you agree or disagree with that simple statement because you are a coward who is trying to change the subject and indicate I am doing something I'm not.
You want to throw a blanket over all of it. Some behavior using fear tactics might be harmful to one person and not to another.

So as your statement is currently worded, I disagree.
01-29-2015 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
This is going to go like master's stupid ****ing posts about charging people who smoke in front of their children with child endangerment. BUT BUT BUT I NEVER SAID PUT THEM IN PRISON.

Not being able to see the obvious conclusion of your position makes you look worse, dishonest and not very smart.
And you not stepping up and saying fear based indoctrination Is harmful to people make you look like a super ****ty doctorial candidate
01-29-2015 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by stockguy3205
You want to throw a blanket over all of it. Some behavior using fear tactics might be harmful to one person and not to another.

So as your statement is currently worded, I disagree.
Can you provide examples of fear based indoctrination not being harmful?
01-29-2015 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Find one spot in this discussion where I have stated that and win a cookie. Or dont, and be a lying jackass. Your choice.
Or we could point to the countless times you could've responded with "a parent should be able to raise their children how they would like", but you don't. You keep insisting there is a right and wrong way to raise children, you even went as far as to compare religion to physical harm.
01-29-2015 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
He's not enforcing anything guys, just musing.... while equating it to actual crimes. No worries, if put in power he'd never actually charge someone with those, er, crimes.
So... no you can't show where I said any of that and are making **** up again as per usual. ****ing shocker
01-29-2015 , 01:05 PM
Some denominations apply old-school conversion practices, using guilt, shame, fear of death and the fear of the unknown potential of afterlife. All rooted in the hubris of religious superiority and supremacy. Old school Conversion religion. Any one who is considered a 'sinner' is a target for these kinds of political-religious actors. A popular political defense for these kinds of practices is to play the victim of persecution and assert "religious freedom" to coerce people in a variety of ways. A system designed by and for control freaks IMO.
01-29-2015 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Can you provide examples of fear based indoctrination not being harmful?
I'll even use your absurd example of religion - 2.2 billion people find Christianity not harmful

Please provide just one example where fear based indoctrination is harmful to a broad range of people.
01-29-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by stockguy3205
I'll even use your absurd example of religion - 2.2 billion people find Christianity not harmful

Please provide just one example where fear based indoctrination is harmful to a broad range of people.
Lol. Are you seriously just providing a list of number of members of the faith and saying that not one of them has been harmed? Can I do the same with catholicism?

"See guys, there are hundreds of millions of catholics, proof that nobody finds it harmful*

*nevermind all those raped kids, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"
01-29-2015 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by ogallalabob
No he was called that for advocating that the government should only allow one set of teachings that conform to his beliefs.
except that never happened. you're free to use the quote function.
