Originally Posted by Heroball
You make some good points. I agree that there logistical hurdles to achieving this objective (although one could argue there were similar logistical hurdles to flawlessly executing the OBL takedown--the US intelligence community should not be underestimated).
The notion that "everyone agrees" it's "not possible" to execute this plan is based on flimsy evidence coming from biased sources with a vested interest in the plan "not working". Would you post a NRO article on how any Obama attempt to take out OBL w/o collateral damage is "not possible" and "everyone agrees", and then take it as gospel? It's the Atlantic--c'mon man.
There are way too many variables to be definitive that this wouldn't work. Unknown unknowns abound. That said, if the US took an extreme response it would likely be swift and powerful. Just because a tiny percentage of its weaponry wasn't destroyed in a first strike doesn't mean they could effectively deploy that weaponry while the country is caked in dust and ash.
OK. The overwhelming majority of people with a clue about this stuff seem to hold that opinion. Former military talking heads, largely, and they tend to skew toward the right and toward using force.
Again, remember, NK has an insane number of regular conventional artillery pointed at Seoul. A former US military source with expertise on that theatre said they could hit every three square foot grid in the Seoul metropolitan area within hours, and the article says they have 8,000 big guns. We're talking millions dead. We cannot wipe that out in any first strike that is remotely plausible. Like, maybe if you pepper NK with nukes, but the fallout will kill tens of millions and you'd be committing nuclear genocide on the people of NK.
This doesn't remotely compare to OBL in any way, shape or form. The risk of failure is radically different, the number of moving parts is orders of magnitude different and the scale of the surprise attack is beyond orders of magnitude different.
I get that a lot of people want to make this really simple and boil it down to platitudes and commonly held layman's beliefs. America good. North Korea bad. America stronger. America wins. America wins fast. They can't hit us, they won't kill 10 million South Koreans and I can't imagine a world where Seattle is nuked.
But in reality, none of it is crystal clear and none of it is that simple. I do think that if you game it out, the odds of a nuclear attack on US soil and the odds of an attack on South Korea or Japan all go up if we strike first on North Korea. The odds of WW3 coming from this are almost non-existent unless we start it.
KJU is sabre rattling. Let him.