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Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington) Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington)

12-13-2017 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
I'll take maxine waters over ana navarro any day of the week
12-13-2017 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The best congressperson is a black lady. (It's not Maxine Waters)
Barbara Lee went to bat for Obama a few too many times imo, but I probably agree with you.
12-13-2017 , 04:42 AM
What a crazy world this year has been - the fight back against Trump began in Alabama...

Will be interesting to see how this plays with more middle of the road republicans, if this is the start of the sinking ship they may feel the need to flee like the rats that they are.
12-13-2017 , 04:45 AM
I'd say it started in Virginia.
12-13-2017 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
I'd say it started in Virginia.
what's more important in the US - Governor's or Senators?

Disclaimer: i'm a filthy euro socialist.
12-13-2017 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by BlueWillow
what's more important in the US - Governor's or Senators?

Disclaimer: i'm a filthy euro socialist.
I'd rather be a Senator, I'll put it that way. Senators have more national power, but governors have more executive power running their state.

Either way, the fight back started in Virginia - not just governor, but in that state legislature. That was a statement election.
12-13-2017 , 05:04 AM
Holy cow, just woke up.

12-13-2017 , 05:18 AM
Nearly bet on Moore but thought the odds were a bit too low. Very happy to be wrong.
12-13-2017 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Apparently, running a racist, child molesting, bigoted moron for the US Senate wasn't a good idea. Who knew?
well it was a good idea for president, but not senate. complicated game
12-13-2017 , 06:40 AM
This was a better thing to wake up to than Christmas morning. Go to ****ing hell Roy Moore.
12-13-2017 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
The problem with Moore contesting the result is it gives McConnell an excuse to not seat Jones. It took Franken 6 ****ing months to get seated due to a bull**** result contest.
Franken won by 300 votes when 2.8 million were cast.

Jones is up by 21,000 when 1.3 million were cast.

They aren't comparable.
12-13-2017 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
Has Jones explicitly said he'd vote against the tax bill?

If he wants to get re-elected in 2020, he'll have to be a conservative Democrat and give Trump a little love.
lol gtfo with this wishful thinking.

have no idea how amoral jones is, but I highly doubt he is this stupid.
12-13-2017 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Yea Ana keeps hanging on to this idea that today's GOP isn't what the GOP voters represent. Like, her argument earlier today was this was a statement that GOP voters won't tolerate people like Moore. Umm. No. Moore was your candidate. If your GOP really believed that, they never would have had Moore run in the first place.

If the GOP really wants to be the GOP, they need to cut off racists, pedos, and rapists. But they won't do it because they know they'll lose elections.
To be fair to the GOP Establishment (LOL)... they did attempt to cut off Moore. In the primary they wanted Strange. They poured money into Strange. And in the end, in a 10% turnout special primary election, Moore won.

This has happened before to the GOP. There is a slice of the GOP electorate that is bat**** crazy. And it's not just Alabama. Delaware (Christine O'Donnell) and Nevada (Sharon Angle).

Those are two other Senate seats that the party has 'thrown' away due to the "deplorables".

In the end, those candidates don't or can't win general elections. Because it's just a much wider slice of the electorate, even in Alabama.

That NYT turnout tweet really said it all.

Jones got 93% of HRC's final raw vote numbers.
Moore got 48% of Trump's final raw vote numbers.

That's the whole ****in' ball game right there.

That's why Jones is Senator-elect.

Because tens of thousands of Roll Tide lovin' Jim-Bobs in Alabama said to themselves, "this is a line too far. I ain't votin' for that Democrat, but I ain't voting for that pedophile. Nancy pour me a Bud Light."
12-13-2017 , 08:14 AM
So the rubes from Alabama got it right. Good for them.
12-13-2017 , 08:18 AM
The best part of waking up in Europe and reading through the last many pages is all the times Awval tried to stop by and pretend he wasn't rooting for Moore to win and protect his potential tax cut.

No one buys it dude, gtfo.
12-13-2017 , 08:18 AM
bloody rich of you to look down on 'alabama rubes' given the views you've shared on here

fraid you are no better than them
12-13-2017 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
bloody rich of you to look down on 'alabama rubes' given the views you've shared on here

fraid you are no better than them
My political views aside, I have faith that the people in this country will ultimately do the right thing.
12-13-2017 , 08:53 AM
Moore would have helped the country do right by you and your kids.

Sad you sacks lost.
12-13-2017 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Because tens of thousands of Roll Tide lovin' Jim-Bobs in Alabama said to themselves, "this is a line too far. I ain't votin' for that Democrat, but I ain't voting for that pedophile. Nancy pour me a Bud Light."
lol @ awval trying to talk down to people who vote more sensibly than he does. Between "Jim-Bob" and yourself, one of you voted for a sexual predator.
12-13-2017 , 09:09 AM
everyone is gonna be looking for narratives and writing corny feel-good **** like 'in a win for decency and normality, the people of Alabama decided far-right controversial firebrand Roy Moore was a bridge too far', when the actual narrative is 'black people saved Alabama from humiliating itself, and the USA in general, while 70% of their white neighbors are literal human sewage'
12-13-2017 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kafja
everyone is gonna be looking for narratives and writing corny feel-good **** like 'in a win for decency and normality, the people of Alabama decided far-right controversial firebrand Roy Moore was a bridge too far', when the actual narrative is 'black people saved Alabama from humiliating itself, and the USA in general, while 70% of their white neighbors are literal human sewage'
Exactly right. Even as we speak, reporters are fanning out to the diners and overfurnished living rooms of white Alabama, looking for answers.
12-13-2017 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kafja
everyone is gonna be looking for narratives and writing corny feel-good **** like 'in a win for decency and normality, the people of Alabama decided far-right controversial firebrand Roy Moore was a bridge too far', when the actual narrative is 'black people saved Alabama from humiliating itself, and the USA in general, while 70% of their white neighbors are literal human sewage'
While I obviously understand the voting dynamic you are describing, I don’t understand the urge to drown out every Democratic win with chants about how the electorate sucks. A frighteningly high percentage of this country has terrible political views. That is neither a keen insight, nor a new revelation. Rather, it has been apparent for my entire lifetime, regardless of which party or candidate wins a particular election.
12-13-2017 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
Moore would have helped the country do right by you and your kids.

Sad you sacks lost.
Would he?
12-13-2017 , 09:32 AM
600k people voted for Roy Moore. That's not something anyone should be feeling good about regardless of the fact that he lost slightly.

This isn't a shining example of Democracy working and the American people doing the right thing. This is a historic disgrace and global embarassment that it was even close. Moore winning should have legitimately been grounds for a civil war.

I am thankful and proud of the people who voted for Doug Jones. But the people of Alabama as a whole do not get a trophy or medal today.

The half a million Evangelical, racist, scumbag, misogynist, homophobic piece of **** radical Christian terrorists who voted for Roy Moore are a much bigger problem than Doug Jones small victory was a solution.
12-13-2017 , 09:34 AM
Jones +175

Kudos to the people in Alabama with a sense of decency. Your country and my wallet thanks you.
