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6.0 Earthquake hits Washington D.C.- Pentagon, Capitol Evacuated 6.0 Earthquake hits Washington D.C.- Pentagon, Capitol Evacuated

08-24-2011 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pokamastah
East coast earthquake = 3800 tons of TNT detonating
Recent Japanese earthquake = 400 000 000 tons of TNT detonating
Visual of neatly stacked pallets of TNT please.
08-24-2011 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Pokamastah
East coast earthquake = 3800 tons of TNT detonating
Recent Japanese earthquake = 400 000 000 tons of TNT detonating
On this scale, a magnitude 10 earthquake (more than 20x bigger than 8.9) is more than

8,000,000,000 tons of TNT detonating.

Conveniently, the atomic bomb fat man dropped on Nagasaki yielded a blast roughly equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT so magnitude 10 earthquake is like detonating 400,000 atomic bombs.

Yeah, that sounds like Armageddon.

Just random ramblings because I am bored.

Originally Posted by Brainwalter
Visual of neatly stacked pallets of TNT please.

Last edited by grizy; 08-24-2011 at 04:37 PM.
08-24-2011 , 06:22 PM
5.9 is pretty bad but if bush was still president it would've been a 6.2
08-25-2011 , 12:21 AM
First quake "light" now hurricane "light", wtf???? Can't even get natural disaster right...
08-25-2011 , 09:20 AM
Rumor has it the US Geological Survey has given the naming rights to the fault that caused the D.C. quake to President Obama. In typical fashion, he decided to name it, "Bush's Fault".
08-25-2011 , 09:28 AM
Aftershock last night at about 1am. Was up feeding the baby and the house shook twice over the course of about ten or 15 seconds. News said it was a 4.something.

There was another 4.x a few months back in the middle of the night, and another one last July. They seem to be inreasing in frequency, but who knows. IANA geologist.
