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2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right? 2017 "Tax Reform": They'll Screw This Up Too, Right?

01-10-2018 , 10:27 AM
Advertising is a business expense, thus deductible.
01-10-2018 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Advertising is a business expense, thus deductible.

see below, responded there

Last edited by TheHip41; 01-10-2018 at 01:05 PM.
01-10-2018 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by estefaniocurry
Nope. Don't see the relevance to my post (unless, there exists something allowing firms to deduct advertising).
yes firms can deduct advertising as an expense.

taking clients to basketball games is advertising (thats why you get 50%)

your 50%, not deductible
client 50%, deductible (until new tax law boned people)
01-10-2018 , 03:29 PM
That's a complete scam that should be eliminated.
01-10-2018 , 03:40 PM
Do you understand that corporate taxes are based on profits, not revenues? If companies are spending money on their business, the default position should be that those expenditures are deductible.
01-10-2018 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by estefaniocurry
That's a complete scam that should be eliminated.

Im not talking about the merits of the deduction, just that it used to be, and under Trump's CUTCUTCUT bill, it is no longer.

Its going to hurt

The other big one for manufacturing is DPAD.

Deduction was 9% of Net Income attributable to good manufactured in the USA. (it has a ceiling having to do with wages, etc)

But for some S Corps 1120S that we do, that could be a 10,000 deduction



bend over
01-10-2018 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Disagree in that fiscal policy is much more accommodative to corporate profits. Perhaps TRUMP election signaled to the markets that he would be better for corporate profits than HRC because HRC wouldn't be there to stand in the way of Repub fiscal policy handed down from Congress. But yes stocks will take a hit at some point and they certainly aren't as good of value as they were a year ago. I am still bullish on bonds FWIW.
Adios just for kicks which kind of bonds are you bullish on? Munis, high grade corporates, high yield, st or lt gov, emerging, sovereign ig?
01-11-2018 , 03:00 PM
I'm new here. Can I still lol @ Ins0?

Walmart uses bonus announcement to distract from thousands of unannounced layoffs.

Workers across the country were not told of the closings and showed up to work to find stores shuttered.
01-11-2018 , 04:14 PM
Isn't this a good thing? I thought lefties hate Walmart.

Now those workers can go back to getting 100% of their daily bread directly from the government like the DNC always intended.
01-11-2018 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Isn't this a good thing? I thought lefties hate Walmart.

Now those workers can go back to getting 100% of their daily bread directly from the government like the DNC always intended.
Seems we established, not only from your entire posting career but also the recent "hurr durr when lefties have their way nobody will have $500k in disposable cash left anymore" thing, that everything you think you know about "lefties" is just stuff you regurgitate unfiltered from Fox News
01-11-2018 , 04:18 PM
How disingenuous and stupid Insoo is never ceases to amaze me
01-11-2018 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Disagree in that fiscal policy is much more accommodative to corporate profits. Perhaps TRUMP election signaled to the markets that he would be better for corporate profits than HRC because HRC wouldn't be there to stand in the way of Repub fiscal policy handed down from Congress. But yes stocks will take a hit at some point and they certainly aren't as good of value as they were a year ago. I am still bullish on bonds FWIW.
I realize this isn't BFI, but why are you bullish on bonds? I don't follow them closely but it seems like there would be a lot of interest rate risk.
01-11-2018 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Isn't this a good thing? I thought lefties hate Walmart.

Now those workers can go back to getting 100% of their daily bread directly from the government like the DNC always intended.
as opposed to dying jobless and homeless in the streets with no safety net like the GOP always intended
01-11-2018 , 04:31 PM
If poor people were forced to rely on themselves instead of handouts, they'd all be billionaires!
01-11-2018 , 04:37 PM
You know you love it. This place would die without any contrarians here for you guys to gang up against.

Walmart is not immune to poorly performing locations. Should they be expected to use profits from elsewhere to prop up the stores that can't justify their existence? If so, why, and for how long? What about individual employees in otherwise successful stores? Do they have to keep the guy who shows up at work for 8 hours and just wanders back and forth between Luggage and Landscaping without actually doing anything? Where does it end?

If the community can support a department store, but maybe not a Walmart, then something else will pop up soon and plenty of those people will be back to work.

Still, I'd think you guys would applaud the closing of any Walmart. They are after all, literally Hitler.
01-11-2018 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You know you love it. This place would die without any contrarians here for you guys to gang up against.

Walmart is not immune to poorly performing locations. Should they be expected to use profits from elsewhere to prop up the stores that can't justify their existence? If so, why, and for how long? What about individual employees in otherwise successful stores? Do they have to keep the guy who shows up at work for 8 hours and just wanders back and forth between Luggage and Landscaping without actually doing anything? Where does it end?

If the community can support a department store, but maybe not a Walmart, then something else will pop up soon and plenty of those people will be back to work.

Still, I'd think you guys would applaud the closing of any Walmart. They are after all, literally Hitler.

If Walmart closes stores and lays people off when they are unprofitable instead of giving those employees charity, why did they so charitably give those employee raises and bonuses after the tax cut?

Surely, Walmart is not in the business of paying its people more than the necessary market price, right? So what gives?
01-11-2018 , 05:06 PM
We both know that's not a short answer, but I'll give you one anyway. Happy employees help create happy customers.

Walmart still has a business to run and shareholders to answer to. There's spending for the sake of employee morale and retention, and then there's simply pissing money away on a losing venture. You have to strike a balance.
01-11-2018 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You know you love it. This place would die without any contrarians here for you guys to gang up against.

Walmart is not immune to poorly performing locations. Should they be expected to use profits from elsewhere to prop up the stores that can't justify their existence? If so, why, and for how long? What about individual employees in otherwise successful stores? Do they have to keep the guy who shows up at work for 8 hours and just wanders back and forth between Luggage and Landscaping without actually doing anything? Where does it end?

If the community can support a department store, but maybe not a Walmart, then something else will pop up soon and plenty of those people will be back to work.

Still, I'd think you guys would applaud the closing of any Walmart. They are after all, literally Hitler.
Nobody thinks Walmart shouldn't be able to close under-performing stores.

We're just all shocked that the amazing tax cut which allowed them to give those yuuuge $1000 bonuses hasn't also put the economy on turbo boost and saved all the under-perfoming stores.

Plus maybe they could have a little more respect for their employees and find a better way to let them know they all lost their jobs. I mean they're poor and stuff but they are human beings.
01-11-2018 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Isn't this a good thing? I thought lefties hate Walmart.

Now those workers can go back to getting 100% of their daily bread directly from the government like the DNC always intended.
We all get our daily bread from the government.
01-11-2018 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Do they have to keep the guy who shows up at work for 8 hours
Eight hour shifts. Good one.
01-11-2018 , 06:52 PM
Gee, I wonder where Inso could learn about what Lefties actually think rather than having to imagine it?
01-11-2018 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Plus maybe they could have a little more respect for their employees and find a better way to let them know they all lost their jobs. I mean they're poor and stuff but they are human beings.
This is a legitimate criticism, but there are also reasons to do what they did. Some of those may be entirely self-serving for Walmart, but not necessarily all.

Have you ever worked retail? Telling employees the store is closing weeks/months before it does can be a fantastic way to make those last few weeks/months miserable for all involved, including customers.

In the late 90s a good friend of mine worked at a CompUSA. They knew about their store closing, and it was a ridiculous free-for-all of shenanigans for that final stretch.

Still, you have a legit criticism there. It's a bit ****ty.
01-11-2018 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
This is a legitimate criticism, but there are also reasons to do what they did. Some of those may be entirely self-serving for Walmart, but not necessarily all.

Have you ever worked retail? Telling employees the store is closing weeks/months before it does can be a fantastic way to make those last few weeks/months miserable for all involved, including customers.

In the late 90s a good friend of mine worked at a CompUSA. They knew about their store closing, and it was a ridiculous free-for-all of shenanigans for that final stretch.

Still, you have a legit criticism there. It's a bit ****ty.
I think just maybe a day or two with some respect and empathy is better than showing up to locked doors.
01-12-2018 , 01:40 AM
Ins0 is a perfect example of why there's no point in trying to convert voters from the other side. Modern politics in America are all about turnout.

Trump gives tax cut to wealthy. Walmart gives some trivial number of bonuses.


A week or two later, Walmart closes a bunch of stores, laying people off with no notice.


It's almost like the entire process is being driven by something other than economics, jobs, taxes, etc... But, gee, I wonder what that could be?
01-12-2018 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
This is a legitimate criticism, but there are also reasons to do what they did. Some of those may be entirely self-serving for Walmart, but not necessarily all.

Have you ever worked retail? Telling employees the store is closing weeks/months before it does can be a fantastic way to make those last few weeks/months miserable for all involved, including customers.

In the late 90s a good friend of mine worked at a CompUSA. They knew about their store closing, and it was a ridiculous free-for-all of shenanigans for that final stretch.

Still, you have a legit criticism there. It's a bit ****ty.
You having friends of poor character is shocking to me.
