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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

06-08-2016 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
+1 She's more centrist than I'd like and too cozy with big business/banks but this is the state of the modern Democratic party, unfortunately.
This is what a lot of it comes down to for me. The reasonable objections to Hillary are the same objections you'd have to Defaultface McPolitician (he's Italian/Irish). It's a clear "Don't hate the player, hate the game" situation.
06-08-2016 , 02:05 PM
I voted for Bernie in the primary, but plan to vote Clinton in the general. Yeah, I mean, she may not be as exciting and she may not represent a "political revolution" but she is a pretty solid centrist candidate that won't spend all of her time in office redistributing more resources to the top wealthiest people, or worse.
06-08-2016 , 02:06 PM
From the Twitterverse:

"The idea that HRC must be 100% perfect in order for her achievement to count as historic or laudable is a great metaphor for being a woman."
06-08-2016 , 02:17 PM
The Clintons have always been really smart weather vanes. You want a Bernie-world, give her a Bernie congress and vote in mid-terms. Do that, and trust me, she'll go fully left to avoid getting challenged from the left in '20. But she won't stick her head out to get chopped off if she can't get anything done.
06-08-2016 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by napoleoninrags2
The Clintons have always been really smart weather vanes. You want a Bernie-world, give her a Bernie congress and vote in mid-terms. Do that, and trust me, she'll go fully left to avoid getting challenged from the left in '20. But she won't stick her head out to get chopped off if she can't get anything done.
This is in many ways very true. Congress will probably be slightly more willing to cooperate with Clinton than they were with Obama for *ahem* reasons. But they will still stonewall her the vast majority of the time. People will really have to start voting out the R's to make significant legislative progress. Or moderate R's and D's will have to start making a lot of deals to get things done, which isn't happening right now that I can see.
06-08-2016 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
From the Twitterverse:

"The idea that HRC must be 100% perfect in order for her achievement to count as historic or laudable is a great metaphor for being a woman."
Certain milestones are, by definition, historic. This is a historic moment in the US, no doubt.

Laudable means 'deserving of praise', so the fact that we have a woman as a major party candidate is viewed by a great majority as laudable, I imagine. That the candidate is HRC may not be laudable.

And then there's the idea it applying to 'being a woman', generally. Maybe someone can fill me in on this one because I'm not getting the generalization. Women need to be perfect at X to be considered Y?
06-08-2016 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by napoleoninrags2
The Clintons have always been really smart weather vanes. You want a Bernie-world, give her a Bernie congress and vote in mid-terms. Do that, and trust me, she'll go fully left to avoid getting challenged from the left in '20. But she won't stick her head out to get chopped off if she can't get anything done.
What's that? You mean I can't just vote in one primary and then get everything I ever want for the rest of my life ever?

06-08-2016 , 02:44 PM
Regarding Trumps comments about the Hispanic judge

What a large majority of Republicans do agree on, however, is that Donald Trump's comments weren't racist. Only 22% of Republicans say that the comments were racist. In comparison 81% of Democrats and 44% of independents say that the comments were racist.
06-08-2016 , 02:46 PM
wtf independents...

I mean, republicans too embarrassed to call themselves republicans
06-08-2016 , 02:47 PM
by trump's standards and usual rhetoric, they weren't racist. by the GOP standards, they are boarderline racist. by the standards of normal, thoughtful people, they are beyond racist
06-08-2016 , 02:51 PM
Paul Ryan explicitly called it racist.
06-08-2016 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
wtf independents...

I mean, republicans too embarrassed to call themselves republicans
32%? Wft with the 10% of Democrats?
06-08-2016 , 02:55 PM
maybe all the dixiecrats haven't died yet x.x
06-08-2016 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
I'm a Bernie supporter/voter and Fly's posts are spot on. It's over, and has been for a while. Bernie lost by millions of votes; feel free to vote for Jill Stein or whoever if you don't like Hillary enough. But, I'm quite happy that the main alternative to Donald Trump is going to be someone who is reasonably progressive (which anyone reasonably connected with reality understands Hillary is).
Yeah, this. I wrote about 1300 words on Facebook last night basically saying the same.

Mostly I'm just ready and eager to pivot fully to general election mode. Being a Bernie voter who doesn't hate Hillary has been exhausting this primary season. Especially the last couple months.
06-08-2016 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by daca
half of them have most of their posts in the trump forum. one even has trump in his name. it's just the internet, man. in real life sanders voters will fall in line and vote clinton.
Highly doubt it. Most of them simply wont vote.
06-08-2016 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Regarding Trumps comments about the Hispanic judge
He didn't even make it through the day with his no further comment pledge.

Why do Republicans not see Trump's statements as racist? Is it because "Mexican is not a race?" In the poll, if 'racism' were changed to something more general, like 'bigoted,' I doubt the numbers would change much.

I can't help but think that in their heart of hearts, racism is not so bad. After all, when America was 'great,' you could at least say some **** without consequence. Not so now, in these evil times. How they must hate the tyranny of PC culture. How they must yearn for Trump to set them free.
06-08-2016 , 04:05 PM
Because the bar for racism in many of their heads is absurdly high. Like, just below openly calling people ******s to their faces.
06-08-2016 , 04:08 PM
I know someone who votes 100% democrat but isn't fond of Mexicans.
06-08-2016 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
Because the bar for racism in many of their heads is absurdly high. Like, just below openly calling people ******s to their faces.
well now, that depends. what if they're really ******s? in that case you're just calling a spade a spade.
06-08-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I know someone who votes 100% democrat but isn't fond of Mexicans.
I gotta play the percentages. It's exhausting knowing people are probably going to dislike you before you even meet them.
06-08-2016 , 06:04 PM
LOL calling Hillary "progressive"
06-08-2016 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
ACTUAL LIBERALS like fly and low key don't seem to care the Hillary is going to veer hard right for the general. Hard, hard right. Nearly all of the progressive values she adopted during the primary will be forgotten. You realize that, right? Ah, but we nominated the first female candidate, guys! Look how progressive we are! We broke the glass ceiling and I played a part! Go ahead and pat yourself on the back, boys. You deserve it!
I suspect you're wrong, that makes no sense given the nature of the Democratic party in 2016, but here's the thing:

If you're not, if that happens, I will be upset. Because I give a **** about policy.

You give a **** about feelings. What you want is Hillary SUPPORTERS, not Hillary, but random people on the internet, to be nicer to Bernie Sanders and by proxy you. It's literally insane. This "oh boy I might vote for Trump because someone made fun of my theory that ACORN emailed the Benghazi Vince Foster murder weapon theory" nonsense that has infected this forum is just intensely myopic and narcissist.

And, not to beat a dead horse becuase this is the exact same debate we had with Ron Paul, but it kinda says something that the more reasonable Bernie Bros like you didn't even try to self-police Siculmente and imjosh and Kermit. The movement got toxic and conspiratorial and immensely self-involved for a reason, because none of the adults in the room pushed back on that. Every "Hillaryhoe" in this forum(which includes people, such as myself, who didn't vote for her **** that New Democrat corporate bull****) will immediately concede that Hillary has flaws.

Read that ****ing Reddit thread, man. What the ****.
06-08-2016 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I suspect you're wrong, that makes no sense given the nature of the Democratic party in 2016, but here's the thing:

If you're not, if that happens, I will be upset. Because I give a **** about policy.

You give a **** about feelings. What you want is Hillary SUPPORTERS, not Hillary, but random people on the internet, to be nicer to Bernie Sanders and by proxy you. It's literally insane. This "oh boy I might vote for Trump because someone made fun of my theory that ACORN emailed the Benghazi Vince Foster murder weapon theory" nonsense that has infected this forum is just intensely myopic and narcissist.

And, not to beat a dead horse becuase this is the exact same debate we had with Ron Paul, but it kinda says something that the more reasonable Bernie Bros like you didn't even try to self-police Siculmente and imjosh and Kermit. The movement got toxic and conspiratorial and immensely self-involved for a reason, because none of the adults in the room pushed back on that. Every "Hillaryhoe" in this forum(which includes people, such as myself, who didn't vote for her **** that New Democrat corporate bull****) will immediately concede that Hillary has flaws.

Read that ****ing Reddit thread, man. What the ****.
I don't know what this even says. It's like you jammed a bunch a buzzwords together to make a sentence because you thought they looked cute.
06-08-2016 , 09:14 PM
I knew a lot of racists in my day, growing up in the dark ages, 70's and 80's. Tough neighborhood on the near west side of Chicago. We didn't like anyone, including different kind of white people. It was a normal weekend when the Irish and Italians would go to the park to fight with Blacks or Puerto Ricans, when they weren't or we weren't just fighting with each other. It was a joke. Always competing and fighting for Basketball court time, a corner, a job, blah blah blah.

We called each other names and fought. Pretty bad stuff. But most of us didn't think the other was less of a human being, unworthy of civil rights, or shouldn't have the right to a decent life. They were just different and competitors.

In trump I see the worst kind of deep seated, ingrained, small, petty, fearful, and self serving racism. That I can't abide.

Last edited by SqredII; 06-08-2016 at 09:21 PM.
06-08-2016 , 09:17 PM
Sounds like THE WARRIORS
