Originally Posted by stinkubus
Most of the Trumpers I know agree he's full of ****, and they like him for the fact he's so obvious about it. They fell they're being lied to either way, so you might as well go for the gusto.
As absurd as this is, it does touch on an important development that Hillary's crew has failed to recognize.
There's no question that what she
says sounds a lot better than what Donald
says. But overly pragmatic, robotic, bloodless, "pliable" candidates like Mitt Romney and Hillary repeatedly overlook the credibility factor.
You can't just
say "I love ____ people and I'm going to make sure they have all the opportunities that every American deserves!" and then cash in those _____ people's votes. Not when you spent over a decade repeating lines like "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman" only to do a 180 the moment it became expedient.
She says one thing in Brazil, another thing to Goldman Sachs, something else in 2002, the opposite in 2012. Her words have become hollow and borderline meaningless, just like Mitt's did.
I honestly believe she would have won if she'd just said stuff like, "yea, I told Goldman execs more businessmen should go into politics....they paid me $250k for thirty minutes, of course I'll blow smoke up their ass!" (She thought she could get home without that openness, which was the miscalculation everyone made.)
Personally I think it's INSANE that "he says what he thinks" ended up getting Trump as much mileage as it did. But there's no question the Dems badly missed the boat on how ready the country was for less tact and more ad lib.