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Thebayareabeast versus the book Thebayareabeast versus the book
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02-19-2008 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast
Deposit done.

700$ by westen union. fees. 36$.

Balance is 736$.
I haven't read all 100 plus posts, but it looks like all you keep doing is adding hundreds hoping to hit a huge parlay everyday. This simply isn't going to work often enough for you to win money. I'm sure everybody has told you this already. I remember when I first started I thought parlays were too good to be true, but they are really hard to hit on a consistent basis. You should go after single games more often if you want to make money. Exactly how much are you in for if this isn't too personal of a question?
02-19-2008 , 01:53 AM
Ignore gmcarroll33. You cost me my bet on when you would need to reload so time to go robusto. You are gonna win like 10 parlays in a row and break 5Dimes.


Oh yeah, I am gonna try to start another pool with my 2 friends. I am going to try and get money down on TBAB going busto on this deposit on the 21st. Please last a few days on this one bro!
02-19-2008 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by brendanb438
Ignore gmcarroll33. You cost me my bet on when you would need to reload so time to go robusto. You are gonna win like 10 parlays in a row and break 5Dimes.


Oh yeah, I am gonna try to start another pool with my 2 friends. I am going to try and get money down on TBAB going busto on this deposit on the 21st. Please last a few days on this one bro!
Huh? Some times I don't get what you guys are saying. Did I cost you something or did TBAB?
02-19-2008 , 01:58 AM
TBAB you are only on a bad run...this time I know you will hit it big!! I feel it!!!
02-19-2008 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by gmcarroll33
Huh? Some times I don't get what you guys are saying. Did I cost you something or did TBAB?
Nevermind. I get it now that you want TBAB to go bust. Forget my other post
02-19-2008 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by gmcarroll33
Nevermind. I get it now that you want TBAB to go bust. Forget my other post
Shhhh.......Silence is Golden
02-19-2008 , 02:34 AM
02-19-2008 , 02:46 AM

ORLY? So I can pay you to fail? What will your fans think of ya then?

The fix is in guys!!! TBAB is rigged!!!

How much should I offer him to lose it all on the 21st? el oh el!
02-19-2008 , 10:46 AM
I feel like someone just told me Santa Claus isn't real.

Why, TBAB! Why!
02-19-2008 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by brendanb438
ORLY? So I can pay you to fail? What will your fans think of ya then?

The fix is in guys!!! TBAB is rigged!!!

How much should I offer him to lose it all on the 21st? el oh el!
Isnt he saying that he will hold off going broke by X days if you throw him something?
02-19-2008 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
Ok...Let me pay u an X amount of dollars to fake something really well or I can not pay you anything to know what I already know.

What a joke...
I dont understand why you think I would make something up for the attention of an internet forum especially one filled with the likes of you and TBAB.

He tried to call me out so I put him in his place.
02-19-2008 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Yowserrrs
I dont understand why you think I would make something up for the attention of an internet forum especially one filled with the likes of you and TBAB.

He tried to call me out so I put him in his place.
Yeah no one on this forum makes stuff up for attention......

You could very well be telling us the truth... I actually think the likelihood of you telling the truth is 50% but without any pics of house or car... are we just supposed to believe you?
02-19-2008 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by brendanb438

ORLY? So I can pay you to fail? What will your fans think of ya then?

The fix is in guys!!! TBAB is rigged!!!

How much should I offer him to lose it all on the 21st? el oh el!

I think he's trying to say that he will bet you X amount of dollars that he will not go BUSTO before a certain date. Apparently losing his parents money is not enough of an incentive to try and be serious about this. He has to bet money on him betting money????

Its pretty clear to me that when TBAB gets serious about this, he actually knows what he is doing and makes really long shot parleys that are +EV and have a positive winrate. However, because of bad bankroll management and him being a degenerate....he always goes BUSTO.

I could be absolutely off on my assessment...I don't know very much about sportsbetting but that's what it looks like to me.
02-19-2008 , 01:03 PM
Yeah, he's not saying he'll go busto on purpose if you pay him - only that he'll outlast whatever date you set. How is this so bad?

Also, posting people's PM's is incredibly douchey.
02-19-2008 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by ibluffoldladies

Also, posting people's PM's is incredibly douchey.
Not when you think they're lying and trying to hide something from 2+2 which you think should be revealed.

But I think this is clearly not the case.
02-19-2008 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
Its pretty clear to me that when TBAB gets serious about this, he actually knows what he is doing and makes really long shot parleys that are +EV and have a positive winrate. However, because of bad bankroll management and him being a degenerate....he always goes BUSTO.

I could be absolutely off on my assessment...I don't know very much about sportsbetting but that's what it looks like to me.
[ ] tbab knows what he is doing
[ ] +ev and have a positive winrate
[x] poster does not know very much about sportsbetting
02-19-2008 , 03:28 PM

He said that he had a bet on me going bust on or by a certain day. I merely stated that if he wants I can arrange to not go bust on that day, but it would cost him something.

I am not rigged in any way. I just make wagers and post them.

And nice try to the idiot who thinks that he "put me in my place".

What a joke this guy is. Hes a millionaire after all, can we blame him?
02-19-2008 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by ibluffoldladies
Yeah, he's not saying he'll go busto on purpose if you pay him - only that he'll outlast whatever date you set. How is this so bad?

Also, posting people's PM's is incredibly douchey.
02-19-2008 , 03:51 PM
I will bet anyone right nor I build my current bankroll to 2 grand before i lose this 7 bills.

any takers?

Ill go up to 500$
02-19-2008 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast
I will bet anyone right nor I build my current bankroll to 2 grand before i lose this 7 bills.

any takers?

Ill go up to 500$
terms are bogus
02-19-2008 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast
I will bet anyone right nor I build my current bankroll to 2 grand before i lose this 7 bills.

any takers?

Ill go up to 500$
LOL I would jump on this in a heartbeat

Prob is a) if you bust, how will you pay the $500.
b) you would have to make sure that all your plays were posted before the tip of the first game. any late posts automatically excluded. no exceptions.
02-19-2008 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Yowserrrs
LOL I would jump on this in a heartbeat and even give you 1.5:1.

Prob is a) if you bust, how will you pay the $500.
b) you would have to make sure that all your plays were posted before the tip of the first game. any late posts automatically excluded. no exceptions.
i am pm ing you right now so we can talk
02-19-2008 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by bills217
terms are bogus
bogus? what do you mean?

in what way

this bet needs to be taken before tonights parlay because theres 8 bills riding on that alone.
02-19-2008 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Yowserrrs
LOL I would jump on this in a heartbeat

Prob is a) if you bust, how will you pay the $500.
b) you would have to make sure that all your plays were posted before the tip of the first game. any late posts automatically excluded. no exceptions.
Lets put this stupid ass little fantasy of me being a 16 year old who keeps robbing his mothers purse away for good and actually get serious.

Dude, I don't gamble with money I cant afford to lose. Just because I dont fund my bankroll with thousands at a time, doesnt mean I am incapable of carrying out a mickey mouse 500$ prop wager.

Lets make it 2 to 1. If I get to 2k before I lose my deposit I made yesterday, I win 1000$. If I lose, I lose 500$.
02-19-2008 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by thebayareabeast
I will bet anyone right nor I build my current bankroll to 2 grand before i lose this 7 bills.

any takers?

Ill go up to 500$
I dont see any mention of 2:1 here.

my terms are that:

-perf holds the money
-any bet not posted before tip of first game is no action at my discretion. only i can call no action. you cant call no action on yourself.
-you must post all bets in your thread and they must specify all relevant details including which game, amount risked, amount won.
-If any amount does not correspond with the actual amount paid by 5 Dimes, ie you manipulate a number to exaggerate winnings, you automatically forfeit and I win the bet.
-Obviously there is an issue that you might stop betting once you reach like $20 or something so we need something to address that as well.
