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Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Starcraft 2 Betting Thread

06-26-2012 , 05:10 AM
3/3 so far on the major bets, Gumiho gave me a scare but clearly outclassed Ready. Hero over Jookto was an easy 2-0. Fin only won 2-1 but only because he got cheesed first game.

Punisher was awful bad bet there but TheSTC was bad too so i dont hate it +1,5

Just need Jjakji and Puzzle to win and all 5 of my 1u+ bets win today
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-27-2012 , 02:34 AM
Put a little on Violet tonight as a small underdog, think he should be a small fav over Seed. Staying away from MVP/Taeja at current prices even though MVP should win Taeja's in form and MVP's only paying 1.54 or so and Taeja has good TvT

Crushed it yesterday went 5/5 in my major bets and 2/3 in minor bets, ended up +8u or so

Taeja all-killed Prime today including MKP as a warmup for his match with MVP, should be fun... super weak group compared to tomorrow though imo. I still can't believe that 2/4 of Squirtle/Symbol/MKP/MC are going to be eliminated in the r16
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-27-2012 , 09:07 PM
Updated ladder (as always if everyone could double check their own total that'd be good)

Colour coding will be back tomorrow.

Ladder after Group A has played in r16, Groups B-D pending.

TheChronicLS 37 points, 7 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Keen - 5 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Symbol - 5 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

GBP04 35 points, 6 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points
MC - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Happy - 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Ace - 1 point

Jonathan Wu 33 points, 7 qualified r16 0 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Hero - 0 points
Squirtle - 4 points
Nestea - 5 points
GhostKing - 5 points
Keen - 5 points
Sniper - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

LiveForever 33 points, 7 qualified r16 0 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
MC - 4 points
Nestea - 5 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Naniwa - 4 points
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Nisash1337 32 points, 6 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points
Squirtle - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Naniwa - 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Xaston 31 points, 6 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Keen - 5 points
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Shanetrain22 29 points, 5 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
MC - 4 points
NesTea - 5 points
TaeJa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
GanZi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
YugiOh - 0 points

Walchy 27 points, 5 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Naniwa - 4 points
TheStc - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Goldenad 24 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

BBKPoker 24 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
TheSTC - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

SwoopAE 22 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Isuckoutonu 22 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
Supernova - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Noname6520 22 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points
Supernova - 5 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Sean Walch 21 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points
HerO - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
NesTea - 5 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points
Ryung - 5 points
AcE - 1 point

Freddy10-4 21 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Mvp - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Curious - 1 point
TheStC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Roy 17 points, 3 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
PartinG - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points
Leenock - 0 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points
Creator - 1 point
YuGiOh - 0 points
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-28-2012 , 07:38 AM
Can any terran ever beat Symbol?

The banelings song came to mind there.

It almost seems unfair that one of Symbol and Squirtle (and potentially both if MKP comes back) is going to be eliminated today
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-28-2012 , 08:31 AM
TSL just opened at 1.88 vs NSH. Hit that for the max a couple times at 1.88 then 1.80. Who on NSH is going to beat Symbol, then also get through Polt/Hyun/Shine/Inori? Just doesn't seem likely. If Shine beats Jjakji first then NSH are in VERY bad shape and even if JJakji 2 or 3 kills, Symbol and Polt should be able to finish the rest of NSH off.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-28-2012 , 09:09 AM
Updated ladder

Ladder after Group A-B has played in r16, Groups C-D pending.

LiveForever 42 points, 7 qualified r16 2 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Naniwa - 4 points
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

TheChronicLS 42 points, 7 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Keen - 5 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Xaston 40 points, 6 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Keen - 5 points
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

GBP04 40 points, 6 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Happy - 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Ace - 1 point

Walchy 36 points, 5 qualified r16, 3 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Naniwa - 4 points
TheStc - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Jonathan Wu 34 points, 7 qualified r16 0 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Hero - 0 points
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points
GhostKing - 5 points
Keen - 5 points
Sniper - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Shanetrain22 34 points, 5 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
NesTea - 5 points
TaeJa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
GanZi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
YugiOh - 0 points

Nisash1337 33 points, 6 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Naniwa - 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Goldenad 29 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

SwoopAE 27 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Sean Walch 25 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
NesTea - 5 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points
AcE - 1 point

BBKPoker 25 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
TheSTC - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Noname6520 23 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Supernova - 5 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Isuckoutonu 22 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
Supernova - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Freddy10-4 22 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Mvp - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Curious - 1 point
TheStC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Roy 22 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
PartinG - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
YuGiOh - 0 points
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-28-2012 , 06:25 PM
Now if I can just have Keen/Ghostking and DRG/Nestea to come out of the next 2 groups like I did last night with Symbol and MC I'll really be doing something here.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-28-2012 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
Now if I can just have Keen/Ghostking and DRG/Nestea to come out of the next 2 groups like I did last night with Symbol and MC I'll really be doing something here.
Sounds good to me.

Seems like I really need MC to bust, right? Was pretty sick (and saddening ) how he still turned it around in g2 against Squirtle.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-29-2012 , 06:07 AM
Got $25 or so on Fnatic for the rail at +200ish today, got a bunch on TSL tomorrow, today it's more for the sweat though.

If you haven't seen it, watch Game 2 at the very least. It just happened and all I can say is... wow.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-29-2012 , 09:21 AM
you guys purchase GSTL? I Have the GSL ticket and am happy with it, but I don't know if I can take more watching of SC (esp with no sites like Pinny avail)
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-29-2012 , 09:53 AM
I leech off walchy's account, although i'd buy it probably anyway.

Seems to be no restriction to the number of people who can watch simultaneously on his account, as I know at least the two of us both have at times
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
06-29-2012 , 10:01 AM
Hmm, TSL are in to 1.66 for tomorrow vs NSH. I can see them just steamrolling NSH though if TSL can beat JJakji who's starting before using Symbol. Symbol should totally destroy the rest of NSH's players, and then Polt, Inori and Shine are all in good form too.

If Shine doesn't take out Jjakji, they can use Inori on Metropolis or Atlantis Spaceship (if its still in the map pool) or Entombed, then once Inori goes they can use Polt on Antiga against whoever beats Inori, then leave Symbol for 3rd-5th once all of the anti-zerg maps have been used. He's probably most likely to lose to P players, so use up Hyun or Revival if need be to take on the P first if San or Sage is out, and then use Symbol last (or just use Symbol 4th if both NSH protoss players are gone). That said, i'd back Symbol over both NSH protoss given he went 1-1 vs Squirtle and beat Parting in Code and and they're leagues above NSH's P...

I have about 220 on TSL tomorrow at an average of 1.80ish or so, got it in good at 1.87 when the line opened then the rest at 1.77 or so. The more I think about it, the more TSL are pretty much a lock here, amazing value imo if the price gets back north of 1.70
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-01-2012 , 08:57 AM
TSL wins without Symbol even taking a game and without using Polt. They're a real threat to win this thing this season.

Should be value in the Code A lines, I find they're better than the Code S lines usually if you get in early.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-04-2012 , 10:45 AM
Looks like we still have five players in the hunt for the prizemoney (it might be mathematically more, I haven't really checked)

GBP04 50 points, 6 qualified r16, 4 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points + 1 point
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Happy - 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Ace - 1 point

TheChronicLS 47 points, 7 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

LiveForever 46 points, 7 qualified r16 3 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Xaston 45 points, 6 qualified r16, 3 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Walchy 40 points, 5 qualified r16, 4 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheStc - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Jonathan Wu 39 points, 7 qualified r16 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Hero - 0 points
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points
GhostKing - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Sniper - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Shanetrain22 34 points, 5 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
NesTea - 5 points
TaeJa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
GanZi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
YugiOh - 0 points

Nisash1337 34 points, 6 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points + 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Naniwa - 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Goldenad 34 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

SwoopAE 32 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Isuckoutonu 31 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
Supernova - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Sean Walch 25 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
NesTea - 5 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points
AcE - 1 point

BBKPoker 25 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
TheSTC - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Noname6520 23 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Supernova - 5 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Freddy10-4 22 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Mvp - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Curious - 1 point
TheStC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Roy 22 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
PartinG - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
YuGiOh - 0 points
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-04-2012 , 12:26 PM
You forgot to give me points for Naniwa advancing, so I`m at 38.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-04-2012 , 12:36 PM
Looking at it I still got a shot to win. I need DRG/Ryung do well in Ro16 and then in RO8 I need Ghostking/MC to bust.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-04-2012 , 01:08 PM
Fixed. Sorry about that, was playing when I updated the ladder and must have missed it.

GBP04 50 points, 6 qualified r16, 4 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points + 1 point
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Happy - 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Ace - 1 point

TheChronicLS 47 points, 7 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

LiveForever 46 points, 7 qualified r16 3 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Xaston 45 points, 6 qualified r16, 3 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Walchy 40 points, 5 qualified r16, 4 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheStc - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Jonathan Wu 39 points, 7 qualified r16 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Hero - 0 points
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points
GhostKing - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Sniper - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Nisash1337 38 points, 6 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Genius - 5 points + 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Shanetrain22 34 points, 5 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
NesTea - 5 points
TaeJa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
GanZi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
YugiOh - 0 points

Goldenad 34 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

SwoopAE 32 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Isuckoutonu 31 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
Hero - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
Supernova - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Sean Walch 25 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
NesTea - 5 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points
AcE - 1 point

BBKPoker 25 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
TheSTC - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Noname6520 23 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Supernova - 5 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Freddy10-4 22 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Mvp - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Curious - 1 point
TheStC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Roy 22 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points
PartinG - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
YuGiOh - 0 points
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-04-2012 , 01:46 PM
No problem I appreciate your work.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-04-2012 , 10:19 PM
Hey next time we should have a prize for whoever comes dead last too. Or hell just run a separate pool except you want as few points as possible.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-05-2012 , 12:24 AM
im sure as hell not playing in that pool against you
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-05-2012 , 03:18 AM
The SC2 anti-rail pool. Interesting.

I'm on DRG -1.5 at +113 (basically, DRG to win on Antiga in g2 i'd imagine) and got Supernova at +201 vs Nestea for tonight, gl everyone with players still in!
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-05-2012 , 05:57 AM
Ryung just crushed your face
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-05-2012 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by GBP04
im sure as hell not playing in that pool against you
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-05-2012 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
Ryung just crushed your face
Yeah that didnt go so well. Supernova played just awful vs Nestea as well.

On DRG against Nestea now.
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
07-05-2012 , 10:17 AM
TheChronicLS 56 points, 7 qualified r16, 4 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points + 4 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

GBP04 55 points, 6 qualified r16, 5 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
Genius - 5 points + 1 point
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Happy - 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Ace - 1 point

LiveForever 50 points, 7 qualified r16 4 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points + 4 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points + 0 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Xaston 50 points, 6 qualified r16, 4 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Nestea - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Walchy 45 points, 5 qualified r16, 5 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
Hero - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheStc - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Jonathan Wu 43 points, 7 qualified r16 2 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Hero - 0 points
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Nestea - 5 points + 4 points
GhostKing - 5 points + 5 points
Keen - 5 points + 0 points
Sniper - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Ryung - 5 points + 0 points
Yugioh - 0 points

Nisash1337 43 points, 6 qualified r16, 3 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
Genius - 5 points + 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points + 0 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Shanetrain22 38 points, 5 qualified r16, 3 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
MC - 4 points + 5 points
NesTea - 5 points + 4 points
TaeJa - 4 points + 4 points
Thorzain - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
GanZi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points + 0 points
YugiOh - 0 points

Goldenad 39 points, 4 qualified r16, 3 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

Isuckoutonu 36 points, 4 qualified r16, 3 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
Hero - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
Supernova - 5 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Naniwa - 4 points + 4 points
TheSTC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point

SwoopAE 32 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Ghostking - 5 points + 5 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
Suhoshin - 0 points

Sean Walch 29 points, 4 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
HerO - 0 points
Oz - 0 points
NesTea - 5 points + 4 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Ryung - 5 points + 0 points
AcE - 1 point

Roy 27 points, 3 qualified r16, 2 qualified QF

DRG - 5 points + 5 points
PartinG - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
GuMiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Sniper - 0 points
Symbol - 5 points + 4 points
Creator - 1 point
YuGiOh - 0 points

BBKPoker 25 points, 4 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

MVP - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
TheSTC - 0 points
Violet - 4 points + 1 point
Seed - 4 points + 5 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Noname6520 24 points, 4 qualified r16, 0 qualified QF ELIMINATED

Marineking - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Supernova - 5 points + 1 point
Gumiho - 0 points
Curious - 1 point
Maru - 1 point
Ganzi - 1 point
Ryung - 5 points + 0 points
Suhoshin - 0 points

Freddy10-4 22 points, 3 qualified r16, 1 qualified QF

Mvp - 4 points + 0 points
Parting - 1 point
Squirtle - 4 points + 1 point
Leenock - 0 points
Taeja - 4 points + 4 points
Curious - 1 point
TheStC - 0 points
Ganzi - 1 point
Creator - 1 point
Ace - 1 point
Starcraft 2 Betting Thread Quote
