Originally Posted by SpursDynasty
+200 is roughly 33% chance to win. Many say Kamala has no chance to win, but the odds say otherwise - what am I missing?
why is Michelle +2000 when I haven't heard any rumor of her actually wanting to run? (Or is there a rumor and I haven't seen it?
How does the open convention with multiple candidates get possibly going?
Because her "wanting to run" and the majority of dialogue revolving around that data point alone doesn't construct the case of her being the candidate by a large degree. It is actually quite small.
There are other data points being considered by smart money to establish a case of why she will run.
The majority who use bad data to make decisions were not able to see at all that Biden would drop out, for example, simply because he announced "he was staying in the race", "Jill doesn't want him out", when in fact it didn't matter what he said, because at the end of the day, smart money knew he was a puppet, and the data points around that hypothesis (of Biden being a puppet) governs what determines the market value of Biden to drop out (Obama/Pelosi statements, where funding money was going, what funders were saying, what the press was doing back in Feb to establish a narrative of his declining mental condition, etc etc etc).
On this note, some of the actual points to consider as to why Michelle would run:
She ranks the best in the DNC cabal at polling favourably against Trump
She's an African/American female and putting her in the big seat means the DEI narrative stays strongly intact which the DNC has been running off of this term
She was building a social base with podcasting, appearing on Oprah, taking pictures of Lake Michigan and making comments about the Convention last year and her social + community profile is very positive
Barrack is moreorless the commander of the DNC and was quite clearly the one in charge of Biden or at least calling the shots while Biden was a stumbling mouthpiece (see senior DNC members circling around Obama to chat while Biden gets ditched and looks lost/clueless after a meeting was held), and Michelle being put in means Barrack continues to run the show
She's a lawyer at the end of the day and can hold compelling speeches and say what needs to be said without sounding like a complete idiot
Media outlets have already made small teases at her being able to beat Trump
On interview she said she would be very concerned about Trump running for pres (even though she told sources directly she wouldn't want to run)
She has showed up at the big US events like the tennis US open and was the respectable figure when Kamala was cackling during 9/11 ceremony (and it was captured on tape)
Her social media profile is becoming more relentless in building a + community image and her last campaign on July 7 was about getting people registered to vote
More than an easy enough case for +2000 when it's arguably fair <+1000 with the aforementioned points
Last edited by spooner90; 07-22-2024 at 12:24 PM.