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09-26-2007 , 12:03 AM
Going to a party this weekend and I have to dress up as something that starts with the letter W. Any ideas? Right now I'm thinking of going as either waldo, or a WMD. If I do the WMD it will just be a sign around my neck that reads "Saddam's Secret Stash" over a nuclear symbol.
09-26-2007 , 12:04 AM
Soldout [censored] ages ago so the only chance I've got is on Ebay where they are in ridiculous demand apparently.
I'm a huge football fun, and would say to drop 400 on a good game.

This game won't be though
Yeah. Watched both the Giants and the Dolphins game this weekend and wasn't particularly impressed with either tbh. Could be worse though.
09-26-2007 , 12:05 AM
Soldout [censored] ages ago so the only chance I've got is on Ebay where they are in ridiculous demand apparently.
I'm a huge football fun, and would say to drop 400 on a good game.

This game won't be though
Yeah, unless your a Giants/Dolphins fan save your $$$. Wait for a Giants/Cowboys game or something. Where is this game anyway? I thought u lived over the pond.
09-26-2007 , 12:08 AM
live football games are so awesome. jay, if you think nfl games would be fun to be at, college is better.

fonkey's school iirc-

my school
(sea of red)

the swamp-
09-26-2007 , 12:11 AM
Going to a party this weekend and I have to dress up as something that starts with the letter W. Any ideas? Right now I'm thinking of going as either waldo, or a WMD. If I do the WMD it will just be a sign around my neck that reads "Saddam's Secret Stash" over a nuclear symbol.


09-26-2007 , 12:12 AM
Orange - Wow first pic is sick - which school is that? And its hard enough trying to get enough coverage to follow the NFL here let alone college football.

BGKnight - wtf is up with your pitch man? Get some [censored] grass.
09-26-2007 , 12:14 AM
it's penn state, for their 'white out' game. 100 something thousand fans screaming. college football >>>>> nfl (though fish would disagree)
09-26-2007 , 12:18 AM
Going to a party this weekend and I have to dress up as something that starts with the letter W. Any ideas? Right now I'm thinking of going as either waldo, or a WMD. If I do the WMD it will just be a sign around my neck that reads "Saddam's Secret Stash" over a nuclear symbol.


waldo is so obv, but it's also the obv best. i bet weiner is popular too. you could get into drag and go as a wench.
09-26-2007 , 12:18 AM
09-26-2007 , 12:19 AM
Orange - Wow first pic is sick - which school is that? And its hard enough trying to get enough coverage to follow the NFL here let alone college football.

BGKnight - wtf is up with your pitch man? Get some [censored] grass.
<<<Penn State University LDO
09-26-2007 , 12:21 AM
nfl or cfb?
09-26-2007 , 12:22 AM
For a second I was like 'wtf, there isn't a state called Penn in the USA is there??' Then it finally dawned on me. I are slow.
09-26-2007 , 12:22 AM
waffle crush
09-26-2007 , 12:23 AM

BGKnight - wtf is up with your pitch man? Get some [censored] grass.
09-26-2007 , 12:23 AM
09-26-2007 , 12:24 AM

BGKnight - wtf is up with your pitch man? Get some [censored] grass.
Watching the highlights half of it was dirt. Where's the turf?
09-26-2007 , 12:24 AM
I'm going to Texas vs. Oklahoma at the Cotton Bowl stadium in 2 weeks. should be fun, even though I'm not really a big fan.

09-26-2007 , 12:25 AM
i got it




yeah, pretty nerdy, but i like it
09-26-2007 , 12:25 AM
go as a wigger

orange beat me, but still...wigger is best
09-26-2007 , 12:26 AM

BGKnight - wtf is up with your pitch man? Get some [censored] grass.
Watching the highlights half of it was dirt. Where's the turf?
Ah. The downside of playing in a baseball stadium. Actually, there is no upside. Oakland Coliseum is teh ghey.
09-26-2007 , 12:28 AM
i'm a psu too kids
09-26-2007 , 12:30 AM
yeah i know you are.

also, keyser,'d you get tickets? i'm jealous. i think ou will win by 14.
09-26-2007 , 12:31 AM
Lol what cheap-asses. Are they poor or something? If they are how come? Every man and his dog used to have a Raiders cap back in the day over here.

Also, looking for a team to kind of follow, makes things more interesting. I've watched and liked a few Pats, Skins, Jets games and enjoyed them. Any teams I should definitely steer clear of lol?
09-26-2007 , 12:32 AM
I'm going to Texas vs. Oklahoma at the Cotton Bowl stadium in 2 weeks. should be fun, even though I'm not really a big fan.

I'm not a fan of either, but I'd love to see that game. Have a good time.
09-26-2007 , 12:35 AM
i root for the seahawks.

teams you might like are the pats (bc they kill and are fun to watch), indy for the same reason. if you like Defense check out the ravens, steelers.
