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12-17-2007 , 01:03 PM
obv depends what lift you are talking about. if you mean like bench/squat/curl, i can probably max at like...230 or something like that. maybe a bit more. my typical bench is just sets of 10-8-6 at 155-170-185.

curls, i'm not really big on curls, i just do a few sets of 10 on each arm with the 35s or 40s, i'm not like those roid freaks terp and carnivalhobo.

squat i havent done in a while. my legs are pretty strong and i used to be able to do a decent amount but havent in a while.

Sci, clown,
yeah, i was debating writing on operation barbarossa, which was my first choice. but i didnt think it made as a dramatic impact on the pacific theatre and probably would end up writing little on that. i really didnt want to be GO U.S. RAH RAH but couldnt find a big enough impact on the pacific...doh. my roommate had a pretty good idea but i started on it already- Einstein's departure from Germany (instead of staying and perhaps creating the bomb there).

yes, freakanomics is pretty cool. i liked alot of the comparisons. i didnt really learn a whole ton from it but still a pretty cool book.
12-17-2007 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by GSykes
Well probably played like 4k hands this month down like 4k total

Awesome. I have to move back down to uNL for probably a month hopefully less.

I met a lot of cool people on my trip my next trip will include meeting Thac and another buddy of mine in Ohio.

Also anyone have any experience living in vegas for the summer <21. I am a big guy but little facial hair and growing facial hair is not an option (LOL PREPUBerty jokes imo ldo)

Will I be able to play live cash at all? % of getting carded?
Will sweating all my baller friends final tables be tough? % of getting carded?

I am like 6'4 ~300 pounds fatty i know lose weight dids speech etc etc.

I <3 SSNL, I am back to normal.

Adderall i cannot type fast enough thoughts keep coming in my brains im still not playing poker this is a rush.

I love you guys. bye
I have played probably 40 hours of Vegas underage poker and never got carded... And I didn't exactly look real old... Basically stick to cash and you're golden... I believe Clayton did the whole summer in Vegas underage thing so I'd ask him any specific questions you had...
12-17-2007 , 01:12 PM
I never saw anyone get carded while I was there unless they ordered a beer. There were some pretty young looking folks at my tables too.
12-17-2007 , 01:22 PM
Also I plan on losing some weight in the new year, lol keep putting it off....

basically i have an atheletic background used to play a ton of spots and AAA hockey as a kid up until 13. Broke my leg was layed up for like 1 year gained probably 50 pounds. Since then I have played poker and done nothing athetetic since.

Anyone help me out, I know 0 real life friends that go to the gym everyday or to get my on the right path.

God i sound like such a ****ing loser. lol
12-17-2007 , 01:32 PM
1 more exam to go!!!
12-17-2007 , 01:33 PM
eh, just go. i sortve like working out alone anyway, no real pressure to keep up when running (or having to wait), etc. it can be sortve fun to have a friend when playing pickup ball though.
12-17-2007 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by GSykes
Anyone help me out, I know 0 real life friends that go to the gym everyday or to get my on the right path.
Check out the health and fitness forum.

Basically what everybody sez there is lift heavy **** and eat at a caloric deficit. Cardio is great for your heart but not that great for losing weight. Increase your muscle mass and your body will need more calories to maintain those muscles.

There's a great beginners program called Starting Strenght in the FAQ. I was loving it until I threw out my back because I wasn't careful enough, and I had some back issues because I've been slouched in front of a computer 12+ hrs a day for the last 15 years.
12-17-2007 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by orange
eh, just go. i sortve like working out alone anyway, no real pressure to keep up when running (or having to wait), etc. it can be sortve fun to have a friend when playing pickup ball though.
but should i join a gym right off the bat,

should i do like cardio for like first 2 months to just burn calories...

literally i think i sound like someone who knows a general meaning of these words and am putting them together.

people laugh at the fat guy at the gym?

or arre they like good for him good life choice.

Not that i care just a question
12-17-2007 , 01:51 PM
i would think that most gyms have a trial program you can do.

cardio burns calories, yes. it definitely helps when you mix the two (lifting and running). i'm far from a workout guru but doing one day lifting/one day running could help you a lot.

when i see a fat guy in the gym, i more think good for him, nice life choice. i sometimes laugh at fat people outside of the gym but inside there is nothing but respekt because they are trying to change their lives/diet/etc.

if i were you i would just go for a trial, see how you like it. also watch other people when doing lifts and try to learn new lifts.
12-17-2007 , 01:54 PM
Personally I really like seeing overweight/skinny people in the gym. I definetely admire them because they are probably more dedicated than I am.

The biggest advantage of working out imo is endorphins: during/after a workout, you just feel a whole lot better (and this is a scientific fact).
12-17-2007 , 01:54 PM
im a pretty sociable guy, so i think i could meet people at the gym..i dont know if it is a pretty sociable place or not but in my ferry tale world seems like everyone would be nice to everyone except said muscley douchebags.
12-17-2007 , 01:56 PM
I think you are over thinking it. Just stop eating a ton of garbage and get out and move around 3 times a week, at the gym or whatever. Ride a bike, run, play some basketball or hockey etc. You will lose weight.
12-17-2007 , 02:02 PM
man, i need to get motivated like some of u guys...6'0", 156 lbs, weak as **** and starting to get a bit of a belly...i used to do a lot of cardio, but i guess i'm getting lazy even with that
12-17-2007 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by chiTown22
I think you are over thinking it. Just stop eating a ton of garbage and get out and move around 3 times a week, at the gym or whatever. Ride a bike, run, play some basketball or hockey etc. You will lose weight.
i think i over analyze a lot of things, but i think that is a part of my personality i also enjoy very strict schedules that i set up for myself.
12-17-2007 , 02:16 PM
Or by over thinking it and trying to come up with the best "plan" you have given yourself another excuse to put it off.

i.e., I am going to start working out when.... I get X and then I will do Y... etc.
12-17-2007 , 03:04 PM
I joined a gym today.

gogogo Nielsio hotness
12-17-2007 , 03:08 PM

Im bigger than you, I go to the gym about 4 days a week (until finals and last week of school came around), and I dont really care what people think of me while im there.

Also too the only time I can remember being carded for gambling was at the venetian playing craps, so keep that in mind.
12-17-2007 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by chiTown22
Or by over thinking it and trying to come up with the best "plan" you have given yourself another excuse to put it off.

i.e., I am going to start working out when.... I get X and then I will do Y... etc.
no i called some gyms today and should see a trainer the first week of the new year.

shipit SSNL getting skinny/hot
12-17-2007 , 03:11 PM
big dudes,
I have a super-secret diet plan that imo is 100% effective and easy.

Whenever I feel like getting in shape I just eat turkey sandwiches from Subway with mustard instead of mayo and no cheese for every single meal. They're still good and it seems as if weight just falls off. This actually might be patented by that Jared dude, which is embarrassing so you can't tell anyone, but I think he was onto something.

fwiw I don't know much about health so this might be dumb/untrue.
12-17-2007 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by EMc

Im bigger than you, I go to the gym about 4 days a week (until finals and last week of school came around), and I dont really care what people think of me while im there.

Also too the only time I can remember being carded for gambling was at the venetian playing craps, so keep that in mind.
i wanted you to post in this thread so i could pick your brain a bit.

How much weight have you lost?
Hardest thing getting used to getting healthy?

I cant think of anything right now but

Thac and I talked about you on AIM today

GSykes: i dont even know how much one would cost
THac: the one i just signed up for last month is 50/month and that includes unlimited tanning packages and unlimited group class ****
GSykes: i want tanning bed
GSykes: will i break said tanning bed?
THac: potentially
THac: but who cares
GSykes: fat joke
GSykes: imo
GSykes: lol
GSykes: ldo
THac: haha
GSykes: im not that fat
GSykes: like i knw i am
GSykes: but i carry my weight well
GSykes: i think i look like a hot fat guy
GSykes: is that possible
THac: as opposed to carrying it not well
GSykes: like some people looks sloppy
GSykes: when there fat
GSykes: you know?
THac: ya
GSykes: i try to look balla
GSykes: atleast
THac: lol you're like EMc
GSykes: yeah
GSykes: EMC another guy
GSykes: looks well
GSykes: but fat
THac: ya
THac: but like you dont notice it
GSykes: i just want to look like Tim Tebow
GSykes: imo
THac: ha
GSykes: in all seriousness
GSykes: i dont wanna be skinny
GSykes: i just wanna be healthier
12-17-2007 , 03:12 PM
does anyone else have an overwhelming desire to take a swing at jared??
12-17-2007 , 03:13 PM
thats disgusting.

SSNL- do i go and order some subs for lunch? feelin hungry. or do i just starve and wait till later?
12-17-2007 , 03:14 PM
i hate jared with an extreme passion and would kill him if i saw him move. also i tim tebow.
12-17-2007 , 03:16 PM
He has a very punchable face for sure.
12-17-2007 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by orange
i hate jared with an extreme passion and would kill him if i saw him move. also i tim tebow.
Tim Tebow was almost aborted while still in his moms belly that is how bad ass Tim Tebow is.
