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12-06-2007 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by orange
i'm sortve the same way. yesterday friends and i went to spaghetti works for lunch/dinner, tab was like $13. i gave her my card without looking over it much, my friend scanned it over and told her that some of the items were incorrect. she took my ticket back and i got $.70 refunded.

i suppose that this lifestyle of ours (and most ssnlers +) gives us alot of opportunites that many don't have. i don't really take appreciate that enough i don't think.
totally standard.

i've also realised why poker players always credit card roulette.

1, gambling
2, 0EV gambling
3, potentially +EV gambling if u order loads
4, saves time.
5, chopping up bills is unballa, and also takes too much time
6, gambling and time saving

the wierd thing is that at a poker table, i can be a complete nit, like never psoting blinds out of turn, never sitting out till blinds come back round to me, never straddling, etc. out of poker, i have no concept of money. i guess this is the reverse for poker fish? generally nits/tight in real life with money, but at the poekr table they're just chucking it away (mostly because they know no better i assume)
12-06-2007 , 07:27 AM
Tufat; I usually am the one that chicken's out of the CC game, because I usually can't really afford to pay for the 12+ person meal without getting into tough spots about rent etc.

The concept is awesome though, and I should move up and win there just to play the cc game.
12-06-2007 , 07:33 AM
Tufat, would you say that you live your life the way you should play poker, and play poker the way you should live your life?
12-06-2007 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Tufat, would you say that you live your life the way you should play poker, and play poker the way you should live your life?
The man is 20something in full health and works a 20hr week yet he has a personal assistant! ldo imo

the weird thing is that at a poker table, i can be a complete nit, like never posting blinds out of turn, never sitting out till blinds come back round to me, never straddling, etc.
Yeah, like the time you sat down in my 2/4 lhe game at MGM with 2k in front of you, I encouraged you to straddle, and you started discussing how you couldn't see how straddling was +EV.
12-06-2007 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by Jay Riall
Any camera bods around? Neteller has finally decided to give me my money and I am going out in a little while (lol 9am after not sleeping all night - lol I'm a freak) to buy a D-SLR. I've decided on the Canon EOS 400D with stock lens. Good decision? Anything else I should consider essential?

I bought Canon EOS 400D a month ago and I love it so far.

Edit: did you make the first pic? It looks like HDR, no?

Edit: oh yea, the kit 18-55mm lense is only good for testing your camera. I want to buy another lense but I am a n00b (and busto) and can't decide which one to buy.
12-06-2007 , 08:25 AM
The lens i've been looking at for my camera is the Nikon 70-300mm G AF-S VR Lens

Perfect for what I want to do (Nature Photog)

Anti shake lenses ftw?
12-06-2007 , 08:46 AM
RIP Pimp C
12-06-2007 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Ratamahatta
I bought Canon EOS 400D a month ago and I love it so far.

Edit: did you make the first pic? It looks like HDR, no?

Edit: oh yea, the kit 18-55mm lense is only good for testing your camera. I want to buy another lense but I am a n00b (and busto) and can't decide which one to buy.
No, nicked the plane photo from some site to mess about with. Ok, cool I'll prob go get the camera and then invest in a lens in a while when I'm comfortable with using it, know what I want from a lens etc.
12-06-2007 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Chaos_ult
The lens i've been looking at for my camera is the Nikon 70-300mm G AF-S VR Lens

Perfect for what I want to do (Nature Photog)

Anti shake lenses ftw?
I am such a nit that i don't really need an anti shake lenses because I run around with my tripod all the time I would rather invest in a lense with higher aperture, they are quiet expensive. But it's hard to pick a lense with limited budget IMO.
12-06-2007 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Yeah, like the time you sat down in my 2/4 lhe game at MGM with 2k in front of you, I encouraged you to straddle, and you started discussing how you couldn't see how straddling was +EV.

Yet he would wager $20 a shot in a ring game against me using a 10 year kid as his proxy.
12-06-2007 , 10:42 AM
but the kid was obv a +EV bet. then the me vs u bet was hilarious
12-06-2007 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by thac
So like, we got pictures today.. here's a sample of them:

12-06-2007 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Yeah, like the time you sat down in my 2/4 lhe game at MGM with 2k in front of you, I encouraged you to straddle, and you started discussing how you couldn't see how straddling was +EV.
In our office game last night I got the two blinds to pay me 1/4 of the straddle each. That's gotta be +ev :]
12-06-2007 , 12:13 PM
Orange, are you ok?
Just saw in my newsticker there was some shooting at a mall and iirc you are from Omaha?
12-06-2007 , 12:17 PM
Hmm... I just realized that one of my friends is actually hot. I am just used to seeing her all the time, but she was showing me something on her webcam and now I am searching for spots to become FWBs. SSNL how bad is this?
12-06-2007 , 12:18 PM

ok this is bbv worthy, but I hate having a hot highschool girlfriend. She had winter formal the other day and all the pics went up on facebook. All the teenage boys are like OMG YOU'RE SO HOT PLEASE HAVE MY BABIES...and i want to stab them all in the throat. But i'm away from home for another week, so i can't do anything =/

Also, she's not supposed to KNOW she's hot. It's supposed to be a secret...lest she start thinking she's too good for me. I need to suppress these kinds of ideas
12-06-2007 , 12:19 PM
also, i facebook stalked you already thac, you're a cutie in those photos
12-06-2007 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Randiek
Hmm... I just realized that one of my friends is actually hot. I am just used to seeing her all the time, but she was showing me something on her webcam and now I am searching for spots to become FWBs. SSNL how bad is this?
Bad? This should be encouraged imo.
12-06-2007 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by traz

ok this is bbv worthy, but I hate having a hot highschool girlfriend. She had winter formal the other day and all the pics went up on facebook. All the teenage boys are like OMG YOU'RE SO HOT PLEASE HAVE MY BABIES...and i want to stab them all in the throat. But i'm away from home for another week, so i can't do anything =/
ok, you have to post the pics now
12-06-2007 , 12:42 PM
They can be found if you have search skills :P
There's a TR somewhere in BBV.

Last edited by clowntable; 12-06-2007 at 12:48 PM.
12-06-2007 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
ok, you have to post the pics now
12-06-2007 , 01:32 PM
ha :P
12-06-2007 , 01:34 PM
thats pics as in plural, u need 1 more. preferably something from the front and/or nsfw
12-06-2007 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by traz
also, i facebook stalked you already thac, you're a cutie in those photos
Lol you're creepy.
12-06-2007 , 01:37 PM
That's a lot of hair.

She might be part wookie.

Last edited by 4_2_it; 12-06-2007 at 01:55 PM. Reason: Insertion of lame star wars reference
