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12-18-2007 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by Fonkey123
He certainly put you on the installment plan.
lolololoollollolol nh
12-18-2007 , 02:15 AM
I'm speechless.

Poker Stars $2.00/$4.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: $218.00
UTG: $779.70
MP: $1080.40
CO: $451.00
Hero (BTN): $614.00
SB: $70.25

Pre Flop: Hero is BTN with J T
2 folds, CO raises to $12, Hero raises to $36, 2 folds, CO calls $24

Flop: ($78.00) 4 3 K (2 players)
CO checks, Hero bets $45, CO calls $45

Turn: ($168.00) 6 (2 players)
CO checks, Hero bets $100, CO calls $100

River: ($368.00) 5 (2 players)
CO checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: $368.00
CO shows Ah 9s (high card Ace)
Hero mucks Js Tc Js Tc
CO wins $365.00
(Rake: $3.00)
12-18-2007 , 02:16 AM
owned your soul
12-18-2007 , 02:18 AM
Didn't we just clarify that you don't get respect.
12-18-2007 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by tannenj
the reason mediocre players can make money shortstacking but not fullstacking is that shortstacking takes advantage of an inherent flaw in poker that, for some reason, has not been addressed by casinos or poker sites.

You like most 2+2ers underestimate the skill involved in shortstacking. It doesn't abuse a "flaw". Stack sizes change how hands are played whether it be 20BB 50BB 100BB or 200BB. It's a fundamental part of big bet poker.

the reason is probably that many fish like to buy in short. that casinos and poker sites are hesitant to scare these fish away is reasonable.

And that shortstacker winrates are small, but they play lots of hands thus paying lots of rake

i say 2p2 shortstacks are selfish because 1. they are taking money out of the games without doing the same work that the rest of us have

Lol. So if I'm a poker genius and can win without studying, it's selfish for me to play poker for money because I haven't worked hard? In any event there is a considerable amount of work that goes into successful shortstacking that you fullstackers don't see.

and 2. they cost us money when they're at our tables because if there's a good shortstack sitting, it's tough to open stuff like 43s because there's always the fear that they'll jam over the top with ATo.

We cut into your winrate slightly. Next you'll want to ban 3betting because "it makes it tough to open stuff like 43s because the button 3bets constantly"

these guys understand that the playing field isn't level but play this way anyway because they're gutless scrubs who lack the capacity to learn to play poker well. clearly this is the case with a guy like blackize because there's no way shortstacking 1/2 is as profitable as fullstacking it.

The playing field is perfectly level. You can choose to play shortstacked or to adjust your playing style to not get abused by shortstacks. Instead you opt to take the slight pay cut that a shortstacker at your table offers in order to get even bigger winnings from the fish. And I'm by no means a bad fullstacker.

i can understand the argument that shortstackers are doing nothing wrong and that the blame should be placed on casinos and poker sites for not raising the minimum buyin. this idea is fleshed out in this great article. however, it's clear that poker sites aren't going to be raising the min. buyin any time soon (ftp does offer deep games), and there's a reason i'm playing cash games rather than sitngo donkaments, so **** these selfish dbags. you can't play pure poker when one of them is at the table, a ton of the strategy goes out the window, they know this and they don't give a ****.

If anything having shortstackers around makes your preflop strategy more complex.

cliffnotes: i've written nothing new here. blackize can lick my balls.
I keep things civil, why can't you?
12-18-2007 , 02:22 AM
man why the **** can't i get any action tonight
12-18-2007 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Nielsio
If you're gonna shortstack, fine, but don't hang around these forums because you're not contributing anything because you're not thinking about the game.
Lol. Have you read any of my posts? I've contributed a ton in the STT forum and a good amount here and in microNL.
12-18-2007 , 02:23 AM
I'd like to do a road trip around this states with the family but seeing as tho poker if my main source of income i'd like to be able to play during downtimes which would be while driving between cities and perhaps motels and stuff.

Is there any wireless internet out there that would be suitable for poker sites that would be able to let me do this? main worry would be the coverage in certain areas like the open road between cities. If this does exist does anybody know the cost of something like this? (the monthly and the parts that I need to buy to get started).

I x-posted this in the computer forum but I thought i'd try here as well. Thanks in advance for any help guys
12-18-2007 , 02:25 AM
i pay 61 a month for a sprint card and get great coverage.. dunno how great the coverage would be in rural areas though, if any at all.
12-18-2007 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by brandysbich
I'd like to do a road trip around this states with the family but seeing as tho poker if my main source of income i'd like to be able to play during downtimes which would be while driving between cities and perhaps motels and stuff.

Is there any wireless internet out there that would be suitable for poker sites that would be able to let me do this? main worry would be the coverage in certain areas like the open road between cities. If this does exist does anybody know the cost of something like this? (the monthly and the parts that I need to buy to get started).

I x-posted this in the computer forum but I thought i'd try here as well. Thanks in advance for any help guys
Get one of those wireless internet cards (or whatever they're callled) from your mobile provider... I think it's like $50/mo for unlimited internet that should work where you'd normally be getting cell reception.
12-18-2007 , 02:27 AM

Basically any wireless internet service from a major cell provider should be adequate for poker. Coverage is very good near major roads and highways, but you can start going whole days without cell service once you get out to the Utah/Nevada/Arizona area. The service runs like $70/mo
12-18-2007 , 02:28 AM
Imsa faced the same scrutiny when he shorted (and still does), which led to his reduction of posts in SSNL. while i don't really like flaming its near inevitable when short stackers post in strat forums. i dont really know what to tell you but to expect it in the future.

please lay off black. he's doing a strategy that fits his playing style best, he might enjoy it more and is probably making more money than he would playing 100bbs.
12-18-2007 , 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Goomashroom
Get one of those wireless internet cards (or whatever they're callled) from your mobile provider... I think it's like $50/mo for unlimited internet that should work where you'd normally be getting cell reception.
Not really true.. The high speed mobile broadband runs on a different network.. for instance if you have a sprint phone and your out in the mountains, you might be able to make a call, but you won't be able to pick up the EVDO network.
12-18-2007 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
Not really true.. The high speed mobile broadband runs on a different network.. for instance if you have a sprint phone and your out in the mountains, you might be able to make a call, but you won't be able to pick up the EVDO network.
O... well I worked at Verizon for 3 months until I quit (or was "let go", whatever) and shows how much they trained me... wait maybe I just never paid attention.
12-18-2007 , 02:32 AM
12-18-2007 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by nath
man why the **** can't i get any action tonight
ok of course after i post that i get all the action i want and it's all in the form of suckouts

god i've been running like **** the last two days, i just want to go do a bunch of speed then run 10 miles and pull a fredo on two college girls

or something
12-18-2007 , 02:37 AM
Thanks for the help guys...appreciate it
12-18-2007 , 02:38 AM
Hey I was just thinking, I never really introduced myself to 2p2, just kinda jumped in, so what the hell...

I just made the switch from SNG grinder/MTTer to cash game player (50NL-100NL) 2 months ago and subsequently from P5s to 2P2. Just want to say how freakin awesome this entire community is and how helpful everyone's been in plugging my leaks, not to mention how many hilarious threads go on around here.

To be honest, when I was a P5er (I was mostly a lurker) there was a lot of ****-talking about 2P2 and I never questioned it... like they always made fun of your checkboxes like

[ ] i rools at poker
[x] i hate monies

but I think that's hilarious! I mean come on wtf

Oh.... and now I fully understand what someone meant when they told me that SNGs and MTTs aren't really poker.... they're strategy games with some poker mixed in since you're always playing with like 10-30BBs for the most part... so ya now I see the light.

Anyways yeah.... 2p2 rocks
12-18-2007 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by orange
Imsa faced the same scrutiny when he shorted (and still does), which led to his reduction of posts in SSNL. while i don't really like flaming its near inevitable when short stackers post in strat forums. i dont really know what to tell you but to expect it in the future.

please lay off black. he's doing a strategy that fits his playing style best, he might enjoy it more and is probably making more money than he would playing 100bbs.
Yeah I know it's to be expected. It doesn't really bother me, but I did feel the need to respond to a lot of the misconceptions tannenj posted.

Nielsio accusing me of being a leech on the forums bothers me because it's just absolutely wrong.
12-18-2007 , 02:39 AM
welcome to have you. we don't really talk about how much p5s or LP suck (BBV and other tards will come here) as well as other LP trolls like johnnycosmo but for the most part try to keep things semi-civilized.
12-18-2007 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Goomashroom
Hey I was just thinking, I never really introduced myself to 2p2, just kinda jumped in, so what the hell...

I just made the switch from SNG grinder/MTTer to cash game player (50NL-100NL) 2 months ago and subsequently from P5s to 2P2. Just want to say how freakin awesome this entire community is and how helpful everyone's been in plugging my leaks, not to mention how many hilarious threads go on around here.

To be honest, when I was a P5er (I was mostly a lurker) there was a lot of ****-talking about 2P2 and I never questioned it... like they always made fun of your checkboxes like

[ ] i rools at poker
[x] i hate monies

but I think that's hilarious! I mean come on wtf

Oh.... and now I fully understand what someone meant when they told me that SNGs and MTTs aren't really poker.... they're strategy games with some poker mixed in since you're always playing with like 10-30BBs for the most part... so ya now I see the light.

Anyways yeah.... 2p2 rocks

[x] Sees the light
12-18-2007 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
Not really true.. The high speed mobile broadband runs on a different network.. for instance if you have a sprint phone and your out in the mountains, you might be able to make a call, but you won't be able to pick up the EVDO network.
From what I've read, most cell networks though have 2 levels of service though. They have broadband quality connections in major markets, but will run at like 2-3x dialup where the digital broadband network is unavailable.
12-18-2007 , 02:44 AM
the only real "unethical" thing about shortstacking online is the way the setup of online games allows you to effectively rathole, because you don't have to actually leave the game once you double up and run. you can just sit at another table with the same 20BB stack

obviously live just doesn't work like that because you can't do that without driving to another game

but the idea that buying in for 20BB is somehow morally evil is pretty lol
12-18-2007 , 02:47 AM
Is maztijn on stars 2+2?
12-18-2007 , 03:03 AM
black: if you're not going to acknowledge the fact that someone playing a 20bb stack has an inherent advantage over five guys playing 100bb stacks, i'd be wasting my time if i continued having this discussion.

edit: a few responses anyway:

You like most 2+2ers underestimate the skill involved in shortstacking. It doesn't abuse a "flaw". Stack sizes change how hands are played whether it be 20BB 50BB 100BB or 200BB. It's a fundamental part of big bet poker.
i didn't think this required explanation, but clearly it does. i'll quote mdma, as he is more eloquent than i:

"Shortstacking ABUSES A INCOMPABILITY OF FULLSTACKED AND SHORTSTACKED POKER AND THE TWO DIFFERENT OPTIMAL RANGES IN THESE. Not surprisingly, this of course only hurts the fullstack and not the shortstack, since only the fullstack has to actually care about two ranges.


You shortstackers never ever mention this, you use words as "legal", "different way of playing" etc, but what you not realize is that it is not your SKILL that wins you money in the games, it is the fact that shortstacks has a big inherent advantage that IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OVERCOME IN TODAYS SYSTEM."


We cut into your winrate slightly. Next you'll want to ban 3betting because "it makes it tough to open stuff like 43s because the button 3bets constantly"
apples and oranges. this comparison is ridiculous.
I keep things civil, why can't you?
because i'm pissed and you have no reason to be.

Last edited by tannenj; 12-18-2007 at 03:20 AM.
