Perhaps a lot of the spew we are talking about is results oriented. We have a session where we bluff a lot and it all comes off, we are god's gift to poker. Another time we lose 4 BIs and feel like an idiot.
Well, yeah, I think there might be something to this.
I had realized that I needed to open up my game a bit, and actually ran very well for a while doing this, then suddenly got overconfident I think.
Looking back on the hands, the plays themselves weren't obviously horrible, it was just not taking all the variables into account (i.e., bad move in that spot, against that Villain, with those stacks) trying to be objective of course, not results-oriented.
Plus some "agressive calls" which were just bad.
I mean I had some decent plays also like just shoving the river vs. a weak-tighty with WtSD<10, not repping much of anything, but counting on him to find a fold, which he did.
So who knows, maybe you just have to spew sometimes to figure out where the "right" mark is on the aggression meter.