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02-29-2012 , 11:45 PM
It's actually pretty unnerdy in Korea as long as it's SC2...more like sports
03-01-2012 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by clowntable
It's actually pretty unnerdy in Korea as long as it's SC2...more like sports
it's strange over there. have you guys ever seen a replay of a broodwar game with commentary and an audience in the background? 70% of the audience consists of girls that squeal at every little thing that happens in the game. they also have thundersticks and signs and stuff to cheer for their favorite players... lol
03-01-2012 , 12:33 AM
man thats tight. moving to korea and going pro video gamer imo
03-01-2012 , 12:38 AM
Be prepared to play SC2 for 12-15/day and live in a small house with 10 other dudes. And you only get paid more than living wages if you happen to be one of the best players in the world. Not mention no non-korean has ever consistently managed to compete at the top level of SC or SC2 play.

Its sorta similar to poker... most people imagine playing video games for a living is the easiest job in the world but it can actually be pretty damn intense.
03-01-2012 , 12:45 AM
^ a lot of people stream nowadays and can make a decent amount of money from ad revenue without doing all that well in the tournament scene. there's also coaching for sc2 @ like $50/hr or more and people pay for that haha.
03-01-2012 , 02:00 AM
nah guys we know sc is nerdy its just that we cant play sports so its accepted as a pasttime

and i just drank a bottle of soju thatssosick hes a funny nig
03-01-2012 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by ItTheAnd
most people imagine playing video games for a living is the easiest job in the world but it can actually be pretty damn intense.
wat? I doubt that anyone even realizes it's a job oppurtunity. Imo it isn't, because you give up wayyy too much for not much actually.

Again it ALL depends on your background like most of these guys never studied or have the capicity to study. Yeah then it doesn't matter if you go pro now and make some money and after 7 years you can go back doing your minimum wage job.

Like Destiny in SC2. He was a janitor lol. WELL THEN IT ISN'T THAT HARD TO GO PRO IN A GAME LOL.
03-01-2012 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by curve
Again it ALL depends on your background like most of these guys never studied or have the capicity to study.
Why pretend to be an expert on something you obviously know nothing about? Many Koreans pro-gamers either just recently got out of school or are doing both college/gaming simultaneously. Polt Prime for example attends the most prestigious college in Korea while also competing and winning major tournaments.

Even those who have only a primary education have been through a fairly rigorous education process... (There's a reason Koreans are often stereotyped as extremely studious). Oh yeah and they're trying to stay as competitive as possible so they are able to defer the mandatory military they all as young men have to serve.

But yeah I guess besides that your characterization of SC2 pro's as lazy unintelligent incompetent janitors is spot on.
03-01-2012 , 07:40 AM
dude first of all I'm not talking about Koreans, because asian skills are imba. I'm talking about the EU / US group of pro's that try to do something in the asian world of SC2. HuK, Idra, naniwa,.. examples given.

and read my f post you ****. I said that Destiny was a janitor before he got the oppurtunity to become a professional in sc2. That's a nobrainer decision for him obviously, but HOW MANY non asian guys do you know conquer on top tier level sc2 and have an university masters degree?

Even Polt.Prime has had a REALLY ROUGH time and only just won again asus rog while there were multiple tournaments on at the same time and again. Asians are just one level ahead of us so not fair -_-
03-01-2012 , 08:47 AM
I'm trying to figure out if everything you're saying is meant to have a coherent point to it or if you're really just stream of consciousness rambling.

My original point was simply, "Hey did you guys know how intense the life of a gamer can be?" This somehow provoked you into pointing out that one American pro gamer used to do a somewhat menial job at one point in his life and therefore he's lazy and stupid.

Uh... ok?
03-01-2012 , 09:42 AM
im in ****ing NY bitches

anyone around buzz me.
03-01-2012 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by curve
dude first of all I'm not talking about Koreans, because asian skills are imba. I'm talking about the EU / US group of pro's that try to do something in the asian world of SC2. HuK, Idra, naniwa,.. examples given.

and read my f post you ****. I said that Destiny was a janitor before he got the oppurtunity to become a professional in sc2. That's a nobrainer decision for him obviously, but HOW MANY non asian guys do you know conquer on top tier level sc2 and have an university masters degree?

Even Polt.Prime has had a REALLY ROUGH time and only just won again asus rog while there were multiple tournaments on at the same time and again. Asians are just one level ahead of us so not fair -_-
TLO took some time off from university (or signed up a semester later) to play in his first SC2 tournament over in Korea iirc. They come from all backgrounds imo, I think it isn't worth it because the money even at the top which you're likely to never reach isn't that great compared to the time you have to invest. I'd also be kinda scared that something I love would turn into a grind because most people become pros because they love what they do and are thrilled if they can live off it and not the other way around imo
It's still possible to rake in some good money if you're smart (blogging/screencasts etc).

I don't get why there aren't tons of good Korean poker players (as opposed to the FTP lol-crew(s)), I guess it's due to the gambling is evil yo mantra over there?
03-01-2012 , 01:01 PM
cus koreans r just clicking buttons yo. (hi dong)
03-01-2012 , 01:13 PM
id say that the pro gaming industry still has room for a lot of growth but who knows how many years (or decades) that will take? ultimately, pro gaming will never fully reach its potential unless society sees it and accepts it as a legit form of sports (its similar to the poker industry in that sense). pro gaming in its current state will never give u a comfortable lifestyle. curve was 100% right when he mentioned how intense it was. having been involved in pro gaming 7-8 yrs back, the amount of hours these guys put into their game is ridic. their daily routine consists of just eating and playing and it eventually becomes a sick grind unless you can REALLY enjoy playing a high intensity game for 14-16 hrs everyday. why anyone would voluntarily choose to be a pro gamer rather than pursue a career in the corporate world behooves me.
03-01-2012 , 01:32 PM
haha i was actually a "pro" gamer for a couple years... this should prob be in the confessions thread but w/e you guys won't hate too much im sure ...

i played cs 1.6 professionally for like 3-4 years. got paid to travel to tourneys and such from sponsors. it gets pretty damn intense. me and my team used to practice like 4-5 hours a night during the week and take friday/saturday off. was a TON of fun though haha.
03-01-2012 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
TLO took some time off from university (or signed up a semester later) to play in his first SC2 tournament over in Korea iirc. They come from all backgrounds imo, I think it isn't worth it because the money even at the top which you're likely to never reach isn't that great compared to the time you have to invest. I'd also be kinda scared that something I love would turn into a grind because most people become pros because they love what they do and are thrilled if they can live off it and not the other way around imo
It's still possible to rake in some good money if you're smart (blogging/screencasts etc).

I don't get why there aren't tons of good Korean poker players (as opposed to the FTP lol-crew(s)), I guess it's due to the gambling is evil yo mantra over there?
yeah exactly and TLO isn't even a top tier player. Yeah he plays for teamliquid and has a fanbase, but that's it. Stephano for example stopped uni to concentrate on becoming better, but he was crushing the online ladders with minimum practise already.

@shipit what team were you in? :d
03-01-2012 , 03:23 PM
LOL. **** all this jibber jabber, too many letters and numbers for me to know what any of it means

80 degrees and sunny today...must...leave...grind...station...

bannar, COME AT ME BRO.
03-01-2012 , 03:36 PM
03-01-2012 , 04:12 PM
Maybe it's because I played ze pokerz for so long but I have a pretty strange sense of appreciation for the strangest skills.
Like if someone was elite at throwing rocks into a cup that could wow me.
03-01-2012 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Maybe it's because I played ze pokerz for so long but I have a pretty strange sense of appreciation for the strangest skills.
Like if someone was elite at throwing rocks into a cup that could wow me.
Beer pong then?
03-01-2012 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by i like disco
cus koreans r just clicking buttons yo. (hi dong)
confirmed dong blind folded himself before sessions and randomly mashed buttons.
03-02-2012 , 12:34 PM
ShipItYo.....I just bet 1/2 pot on that flop and proceed accordingly. Don't worry about the ss'er....based on what you say about the monkey, he should proceed aggressively with Ax and cautiously with anything else. If he calls flop, I think you can c/c turn, c/f river and be right 80-90% of the time. If the turn goes ck/ck, bet on the river if you think he'll call with worse

Are you in ATL right now? I'll be in Augusta until at least August.....PM me, maybe we can meet up. I've been looking for some live games to play in.
03-02-2012 , 01:13 PM
I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend. Buy a Jeremy Lin jersey, walk around NYC with a basketball, ask random people where's Madison Square and look at their reactions.
03-02-2012 , 01:22 PM
03-02-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by thatssosick
I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend. Buy a Jeremy Lin jersey, walk around NYC with a basketball, ask random people where's Madison Square and look at their reactions.

