Originally Posted by klink10k
1. we win the pot when he has air on later streets, so its pretty irrelevant.
2. this is dumb, if anything we want more money to go in when we do hit our draw. We have no real reason to inflate the pot.
3. explain? if he 3balls you here, you get 0 free cards, and we don't see turns/rivers cheaper with this line.
your other points are incorrect as well, do you think anyone folds sets bvb when a flush comes in? i doubt anyone folds a even 2 pair bvb, i don't know why you think people will make absurd hero folds on the turn.
1. if he 2 barrels you and you don't have odds or 3 barrels you and you miss, you've wasted your draw
2. we want money in the pot when our equity is good, flop fold equity + actual equity = a good spot to get money in (+ 2 cards to come)
3. if by 3ball you mean 3bet, i'm getting it in and i'm happy. if by 3ball you mean 3barrel, then that's one reason to raise the flop to get free cards
the point is to maximize our profit vs his range, not only when he has 2pr+. we want him to stack off w/ AT vs our draw, which he won't do once the flush hits.
edit: fwiw, i'm not saying you're wrong, we can easily play the hand both ways