Originally Posted by klink10k
the only way raising is profitable is if he is 3betting that flop light, which i don't think he is, other than that you are often stacking off with pretty meh equity when you can just play a strong draw in position. If he has air here you are taking the pot down later and he can easily represent the cards that improve you.
meh, i disagree, we can....
1. win the pot outright with our draw
2. get more monies in the pot when we hit our draw later
3. get 2 free cards
and assuming he's not ******ed, he will only pay off one of our disguised 6 outs when we hit....I think A7ss is like the worst hand we can be up against, even vs. TT we have 14 outs
also, saymond gets the credit, but you should be mostly raising when your perceived range matches your actual range and flatting when your perceived and actual ranges are different. it'd be better to flat this flop with AsQ or something....