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NL100 UTG/MP tough spot NL100 UTG/MP tough spot

02-09-2015 , 05:10 AM
You can't 5bet jam QQ profitably v UTG

that's the reason

nothing else
02-10-2015 , 03:28 AM
I disagree with a lot of what has been said in this thread so far. This spot is way closer than everyone is making it out to be.

Pre is whatever.

MP's range is INCREDIBLY strong though if he's even remotely competent, given that there are still 3 people left to act behind him OTF. Your perceived range is also incredibly strong, and you have basically 0 bluffs.

QQ is fine to 3b or flat, just depends on your strategy and how wide UTG is opening / defending.
02-10-2015 , 03:57 AM
I'm value betting the river here. If has 66 or QQ or has made a BDFD somehow then so be it.

I really hate betting these spots on the river and then being raised, I often donk call. I just hate those spots. I sometimes bet weakish on the river IP like this (trying to rep a blocking/cheap SD type bet) and try and induce a big bluff raise from villain but since we've bet F & T with mutli 4 way action on the flop I don't think a small bet on the river IP here would rep a cheap, weakish, cheap SD type bet.

I bet about 1/2 pot here and probably fold to a raise.

I don't think we are inducing any bluffs by checking the river and he's not going to bet for value with a worse hand than ours.

I know it's a bit loose but could villain have peeled a turn with AsKs that he flatted PF? (I'm a donk so I often have weird ideas that don't make sense to the greater, brighter poker community.)

Darsolation made a good point about the stat of "3b MP vs UTG 1%" but even with this quite big hand sample on the player would that have translated into a big enough sample for this particular stat? Would love to know the (occasssions/oppurtunities) breakdown for this stat on this villain.
02-10-2015 , 04:33 AM
Personally I really hate these spots.
Nothing i could possibly do feels "right"
Bet 26 and call? Bet 40 and fold?
Nothing feels right to me.
02-10-2015 , 04:53 AM
If our intentions are to bet/fold (which seems sensible), then x/c at least serves the purpose of not getting bluffed by AcQx or something similar.

Bottom set = AA in relative handstrength here it seems, tho 33 is obviously better for finding a calling range.
02-10-2015 , 09:16 PM
trivial problem count some combos

in general c/f at 100nl jam
02-10-2015 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
trivial problem count some combos

in general c/f at 100nl jam
I think I'd have to be pretty confident that he's a station to jam.

I'm leaning towards c/f being the best line in a vacuum, and I don't really think it's particularly close.
02-10-2015 , 10:17 PM
We should definitely not jam if we bet

bet/folding small seems best to me
02-11-2015 , 07:16 AM
Can't really see him ever having a raising range on the river tbh
02-11-2015 , 09:16 AM
True, he can't really have a flush.

I'd still bet fold though, we don't have weaker valuebets.
02-12-2015 , 05:47 AM
+ 1

I totally know where you're coming from!

Originally Posted by John0507
Personally I really hate these spots.
Nothing i could possibly do feels "right"
Bet 26 and call? Bet 40 and fold?
Nothing feels right to me.
02-12-2015 , 10:29 AM
I dont think the hand is not interesting at all.
First of all these tipe of vilan imo 99percet of the time will not have a blufing range OTR. So , b-f most optimal Imo.
versus a cappable vilan hand is pretty hard to play So,i will take in cosiderations b-c.
02-12-2015 , 11:12 AM
b/f having potbet by the river? Is it a joke?
02-12-2015 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by IClickButtons
b/f having potbet by the river? Is it a joke?
Considering your nickname, it might seem like a joke to you.
02-12-2015 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by ForeverLearning
Considering your nickname, it might seem like a joke to you.
Considering your way of discussion, you are an arrogant dickhead.

If you bet this river it is hard not been committed to call with 33, simple because of little chance he turns into a bluff his Q.

Last edited by IClickButtons; 02-12-2015 at 01:17 PM.
02-12-2015 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by IClickButtons
Considering your way of discussion, you are an arrogant dickhead.

If you bet this river it is hard not been commited to call with 33.
Why would you say 'Is it a joke'? when it clearly isn't.

You are just saying that to undermine his post instead of asking for reasoning and then call him a dickhead in next lol. You're the one who's discussion skills need upgrading.
02-12-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
Why would you say 'Is it a joke'? when it clearly isn't.

You are just saying that to undermine his post instead of asking for reasoning and then call him a dickhead in next lol. You're the one who's discussion skills need upgrading.
I edited my post with short reasoning.

Yeah, I overreacted, he is not a dickhead, but a human, my apologies.
02-12-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by IClickButtons
I edited my post with short reasoning.

Yeah, I overreacted, he is not a dickhead, but a human, my apologies.
Also, I mainly respact his posts actualy, but the last one. Sorry for that againg.
02-12-2015 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by IClickButtons
Considering your way of discussion, you are an arrogant dickhead.
Maybe you shouldn't have awakened the dickhead in me?

Originally Posted by IClickButtons
If you bet this river it is hard not been committed to call with 33, simple because of little chance he turns into a bluff his Q.
It's not hard, you just fold. Villain is not making money with his bluffs if we're bet/folding at the right frequency.

If you think betting small will lead him to overbluff, then bet/call and destroy him. That's a lot better plan than shoving.
02-12-2015 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by ForeverLearning
Maybe you shouldn't have awakened the dickhead in me?

It's not hard, you just fold. Villain is not making money with his bluffs if we're bet/folding at the right frequency.

If you think betting small will lead him to overbluff, then bet/call and destroy him. That's a lot better plan than shoving.
Ok, I agree with betcalling.

But what range are we betfolding?

We are betcalling 66, QQ always, right? Never betting as a bluf, or? How are you going to pick right betfold frequency?

Flush is almost impossible for both of us.
02-12-2015 , 02:14 PM
If we bet/call 33, we're calling too frequently assuming we're betting the same size with our entire betting range.

The range we bet/fold depends on our betting range and our betsizing.

We should have some bluffs on the river.

We can have flushes but villain probably shouldn't.
02-12-2015 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by ForeverLearning
If we bet/call 33, we're calling too frequently assuming we're betting the same size with our entire betting range.

The range we bet/fold depends on our betting range and our betsizing.

We should have some bluffs on the river.

We can have flushes but villain probably shouldn't.
Could you outline ranges and sizing for bet/fold and bet/call?
02-12-2015 , 02:41 PM
On the top of my head we should bet/fold 1/3pot with 33 and bluffs and bet/call the rest.
02-12-2015 , 10:13 PM
we should be jamming river with range and its really not close

whether 33 fits in there is a question to be asked but you shouldnt be sacrificing your range to do so

if you wanna explo bet 33/66 small so he always calls AQ go ahead but call a spade a spade

Last edited by Mr Blonde; 02-12-2015 at 10:19 PM.
02-12-2015 , 10:40 PM
Using different sizing with different ranges isn't necessarily exploitable. We're not sacrificing anything.

And we can't jam all sets and flushes because we simply don't have enough bluffs on this run out.
