Originally Posted by blah-blah-blah
yea our donk/3bet range is narrow but how much wider is our leading range to begin with, especially in a 3bet pot? and I would have folded to the flop raise so I wouldn't be playing a 200+bb pot.
i mean i agree w/ folding after he raises, but the idea of donk/folding in the first place just doesn't seem great to me. w/ these stacks and position he can (and should) be ****ing w/ us all day. i mean 99 is close to the top of our flatting/leading range and we still want to fold.
i also agree that he *should* give our lead a lot of respect on a board like this, but the fact is most regs (especially the "over-aggro" kind) won't and will just spazz raise w/ any 2 since "zomg it's blinds vs blind and i 3-bet. this is my pot".