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Folding KK to AA5 flop, 1/2 live Folding KK to AA5 flop, 1/2 live

09-02-2016 , 01:06 AM
Just want to make sure this is a smart fold, seems obvious to me but people the table said I should have called and reevaluate turn.

So I raise MP to 10 with KK, CO and BTN call. Flop AA5, 2 hearts, I check, CO bets 15, BTN Calls, I fold.
09-03-2016 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by westwd
Just want to make sure this is a smart fold, seems obvious to me but people the table said I should have called and reevaluate turn.

So I raise MP to 10 with KK, CO and BTN call. Flop AA5, 2 hearts, I check, CO bets 15, BTN Calls, I fold.
Call, they could be betting 22-qq here.
09-03-2016 , 03:02 PM
I do not fold either. If the same guy bets the turn then fold but he could be doing this with a lot of stuff and if the dude who called the bet had an ace he would probably raise to protect against the hearts. But how were these guys playing? Lagy tagy fishy? passive? this depends on a lot of stuff. Also, did you have the k of hearts? that will matter on the turn if a h comes.
09-03-2016 , 03:36 PM
The first caller was a fish, he was playing every weak ace, I probably should have said that in the original post. I think he had an ace and the caller was going for the flush. I had two black kings

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09-03-2016 , 05:00 PM
Usually when an overcard flops to your pp and you are oop the best thing to do is just make a big (pot-sized) bet and shut down if they call it. If you bet the flop and they both called you could c/f this. If the one guy has a special penchant for playing any ace then I guess you could fold flop, but its yuk. Prefer the bet big then shut down line. Maybe call a small river bet if its checked through the turn.
09-03-2016 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Ethan101097
Usually when an overcard flops to your pp and you are oop the best thing to do is just make a big (pot-sized) bet and shut down if they call it. If you bet the flop and they both called you could c/f this. If the one guy has a special penchant for playing any ace then I guess you could fold flop, but its yuk. Prefer the bet big then shut down line. Maybe call a small river bet if its checked through the turn.
I really disagree with this. By making a PSB you are just folding out every worse hand and getting called by every better hand. We are never really calling more than one bet post anyway, so betting that big just ensures you lose the most possible everytime a villian has an Ace. That play really accomplishes nothing positive except maybe stopping someone from bluffing you.

OP, c/c flop here and reevaluate the turn. You are 4 to 1 pot odds and could certainly be ahead. The better could have a pure bluff, FD or any PP and the caller could have any PP or a FD as well. If you face another bet on the turn it becomes an easy fold.
09-03-2016 , 06:27 PM
Thanks guys

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09-03-2016 , 07:00 PM
There is a live low-stakes sub forum.
