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67s ip vs BB squeeze 50NL Bovada, anything you'd do different? 67s ip vs BB squeeze 50NL Bovada, anything you'd do different?

08-10-2015 , 08:25 PM
relatively readless, $50 effective

hero co 67 raises to 1.50
bu calls 1.50
sb calls 1.50
villain BB raises 5.50
hero calls 4

flop ($14) A3 T
villain checks, hero bets $7, villain calls

turn ($28) 8
villain checks, hero bets $17, villain puts hero all in $20, hero calls
08-10-2015 , 09:04 PM
Pre I don't like the call. You could maybe 4bet, but I like folding more since there's the guy at the button to consider, and it's likely this BB squeeze isn't a bluff... he's raising into 3 people, against two of which he's OOP.

On the flop betting his missed continuation isn't mandatory when you have nothing. Though I'd probably do the same. I would do more than a half-pot bet though.

On the turn you still have no hand but can draw into things. Just check back to see the river. He didn't call you on the flop with nothing, and he probably isn't going to fold here unless his hand is specifically KK/QQ. His play pre makes me think he's slow-playing a strong hand. His check-raise almost confirms that unless he was doing some really goofy bluff. Foolish of him to slowplay, because you could check back with a draw (which you should have). As played, I think you would have to call his c/r though.

Last edited by gadzooks; 08-10-2015 at 09:10 PM.
08-11-2015 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by gadzooks
Pre I don't like the call. You could maybe 4bet, but I like folding more since there's the guy at the button to consider, and it's likely this BB squeeze isn't a bluff... he's raising into 3 people, against two of which he's OOP.

On the flop betting his missed continuation isn't mandatory when you have nothing. Though I'd probably do the same. I would do more than a half-pot bet though.

On the turn you still have no hand but can draw into things. Just check back to see the river. He didn't call you on the flop with nothing, and he probably isn't going to fold here unless his hand is specifically KK/QQ. His play pre makes me think he's slow-playing a strong hand. His check-raise almost confirms that unless he was doing some really goofy bluff. Foolish of him to slowplay, because you could check back with a draw (which you should have). As played, I think you would have to call his c/r though.
Are you kidding me? UNLIKELY to be a bluff? I would be squeezing this with such a massive range it would be inconceivable for me to show up with anything better than 72o.

You DO NOT need to worry about BB here. BB will either fold or flat 99% of the time. If your read is Button is a fish, flatting is probably arguably break even EV at worst.

If it was a me, I would fold. I just don't like flatting OOP. Usually I fold or 4 bet. If you do not have a read, flatting I think is better than 4 betting. With a read, 4 betting is quite easy tbh.

Other than that, I think your turn barrel is good. You have pretty good equity against most check ranges on that flop. (KK/QQ/JJ specifically, and air obviously.)

However, of course turn is an immediate fold as you do not have odds to draw to a flush with no other outs.

From the looks of it, villain spiked AAA or 101010 and checked flop to induce bluffs.

I think if you ARE going to call OOP to the 3 bet, you should have a bluff plan and I think you did your best but it's time to give up.

As played, I would barrel turn size a bit smaller. I think most of the time you can get underpairs to AA to fold out by betting a bit smaller. A bit nit picky but the bigger you make your bet, the bluffier it could look in this situation if villain has any read on you. Plus spending any more than you need to spend on a bluff is always -EV if you can get the job done with a smaller betsize.

Also I would have barreled flop a bit bigger. If you are going to commit, commit on the flop and then size your turn bet a bit smaller. I think that line looks better then increasing your betsize as the former looks like you are building the pot up rather than overbetting to what is obviously a very weakly perceived line from villain.

Last edited by p0ker_n00b; 08-11-2015 at 01:24 AM.
08-11-2015 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
Are you kidding me? UNLIKELY to be a bluff? I would be squeezing this with such a massive range it would be inconceivable for me to show up with anything better than 72o.

You DO NOT need to worry about BB here. BB will either fold or flat 99% of the time. If your read is Button is a fish, flatting is probably arguably break even EV at worst.

If it was a me, I would fold. I just don't like flatting OOP. Usually I fold or 4 bet. If you do not have a read, flatting I think is better than 4 betting. With a read, 4 betting is quite easy tbh.

I think if you ARE going to call OOP to the 3 bet, you should have a bluff plan and I think you did your best but it's time to give up.
BB will either fold or flat 99% of the time to what? BB is the one that squeezed. And hero's not calling OOP to the 3bet, CO is a later position than BB. You say hero doesn't need to worry about the BB but later claim BB probably holds TT or AA (which I agree with). Are you sure you read the hand right?

I disagree with BB's squeeze being a wide range, I think it is a pretty small range.

However, of course turn is an immediate fold as you do not have odds to draw to a flush with no other outs.
Can hit a 9 for a straight. Around 25% equity and pot odds says hero needs 24%. I'm beginning to think you don't know very much about poker.
08-11-2015 , 02:12 AM
My fault. I meant Button when I typed BB. 4 pumpkin beers makes me confuse all these BBBBBBBBB's apparently.
08-12-2015 , 07:51 AM
I don't call pre every time, I don't bet flop every time, but aside from that I think it's fine.
08-12-2015 , 02:42 PM
You I always x back here? I don't think I'm a big fan of checking this flop 100% of the time. There's plenty of cards I can barrel turn with that can get TT JJ QQ KK to fold that may not after flop goes xx
08-12-2015 , 03:11 PM
He was the preflop aggressor and missed his cbet, meaning he's either slowplaying an ace/set or just has some sort of JJ/QQ/KK/weird hand. There are more combos of the former, the later probably wont fold to one bet, and since you have not connected with the board at all I actually think it is generally better to check back, contrary to before when I said I'd probably bet.

On the turn then you can probably call and try to hit the river.
08-12-2015 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by gadzooks
He was the preflop aggressor and missed his cbet, meaning he's either slowplaying an ace/set or just has some sort of JJ/QQ/KK/weird hand. There are more combos of the former, the later probably wont fold to one bet, and since you have not connected with the board at all I actually think it is generally better to check back, contrary to before when I said I'd probably bet.

On the turn then you can probably call and try to hit the river.
KK-JJ is 18 combos and A3s,ATs, TT, and AA are 10 combos if he squeezes ATs and A3s. Idk why anyone would want to check this flop with an SPR under 2 and TT or AK in our hand but whatever.
08-13-2015 , 06:50 PM
why are you betting flop
why are you betting turn

whoever told u to fold pre is a goofy goober
08-14-2015 , 11:47 AM
To get better hands to fold

To get better hands to fold
08-14-2015 , 02:22 PM
folding preflop, not really close imo.

the flop bet is likely lighting $ on fire.

turn is ok once you get there like is.
08-14-2015 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
My fault. I meant Button when I typed BB. 4 pumpkin beers makes me confuse all these BBBBBBBBB's apparently.
08-15-2015 , 04:32 AM
from his Squeezesize villain looks like a recreational player so i wouldnt bluff him on an A high board after he 3bet me
A 3betting fish is about never c/fing on this board
infact most people arent
08-16-2015 , 11:47 PM
when you brick flop so hard you should certainly xb flop imo
