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PLO50 tough riverdecision! PLO50 tough riverdecision!

08-07-2016 , 06:35 PM
Just don't get your stars name out there or every PLO50 reg on stars is going to auto-push on you in every 4bet pot
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-07-2016 , 11:22 PM
If you want to balance your 4bet range do it by 4betting hands other than aces, not by not 4betting aces 100bb deep
Also as stated considering folding in those 2 hands after 4betting is a massive disaster, you can't have "instincts" to fold in those spots in an online game unless you literally have ESPN
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-08-2016 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by tofurocks
you can't have "instincts" to fold in those spots in an online game unless you literally have ESPN
Well the instincts did come in handy at full ring NLHE, right Martin? Oh wait, they didn't, that's why you're playing PLO now. It seems you still just ignore fundamentals but heater for a little while so think everyone else is wrong.

forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
Learn them and make money. Or don't and fail. I hope you succeed.
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-08-2016 , 01:59 AM
Sorry guys but I don't really know whats the problem here is?
If somebody is playing their cards almost face up and I know with 95% certainty they hit it and have me beat, so I am going to fold even if I know I could easy be exploited this way..but i don't really care. Sometimes I pick up some bluffs this way...

Although I took a 4 years break from poker but still know about pot odds, about ranges and equity...
But also I trust my instincts and have to find my own approch to the game. I am not a robot player like any others who don't much care about anything...

I try to get into the head of my opponents. If they know I almost 4 bet with AAxx and they push into me, knowing I am not going to fold, they must have it most of the time.
Thats my mindset.

I also know I have still a lot of work and study to do to get better beat PL0100 someday

Last edited by MartinK1979; 08-08-2016 at 02:26 AM.
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-08-2016 , 03:26 AM
You realize that even if they only have hit one card without draws but their other 3 cards are live they have roughly 40%. So with all the money in the pot they have to get it in anyways. If they can push into you and get you to fold aces its an even better spot for them.
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-08-2016 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Habsfan09
You realize that even if they only have hit one card without draws but their other 3 cards are live they have roughly 40%. So with all the money in the pot they have to get it in anyways. If they can push into you and get you to fold aces its an even better spot for them.
This; when you only need something like 1/3 equity to call, you're going to be making an incorrect fold so often when they are shoving pair + gutshot etc..
I don't really understand how you can have "instincts" to know the difference between a villain making a standard shove when they flopped a set or when they flopped a pair + gutter? Doesn't really make sense...
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-08-2016 , 05:22 AM
Na because some villians at this level play one dimensional poker. Most of them are recreation players.
They only setmining with some low and middle pairs to try to hit and get it in. With other hands like you have mentioned a pair + gutter they just call and try to make their hands on turn or on river. Thats the difference.

But you know guys I have still much to learn about the PLO game and my approch is a little different than yours, so we can talk a lot about this but not really get together. But that's ok.

All what matters is if I make the right decisions (from my point of view).I post some hands here to hear about others oppinions and thats great. Thank you for this.
End of the day I have to decide if is worth to call or to fold and save my money.
If i am wrong than I have to move on and learn from my mistakes..
If I am not learning, I will struggle and lose in the long run...

Last edited by MartinK1979; 08-08-2016 at 05:35 AM.
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-08-2016 , 06:34 AM
PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
08-08-2016 , 07:40 AM
Nice pic.

But here one hand from my session today to talk about my riverplay and why I have snapped here immediatly.

    Poker Stars, $0.25/$0.50 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37410365

    CO: $40.55 (81.1 bb)
    Hero (BTN): $50 (100 bb)
    SB: $44.83 (89.7 bb)
    BB: $66.95 (133.9 bb)
    MP: $48.47 (96.9 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with 8 Q 8 5
    MP calls $0.50, CO calls $0.50, Hero calls $0.50, SB completes, BB checks

    Flop: ($2.50) 3 8 6 (5 players)
    SB bets $2.38, BB folds, MP calls $2.38, CO folds, Hero raises to $11.90, SB calls $9.52, MP folds

    Turn: ($28.68) 2 (2 players)
    SB checks, Hero checks

    River: ($28.68) 9 (2 players)
    SB bets $27.25, Hero calls $27.25

    Results: $83.18 pot ($2 rake)
    Final Board: 3 8 6 2 9
    Hero showed 8 Q 8 5 and won $81.18 ($41.53 net)
    SB showed T 9 8 6 and lost (-$39.65 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    1. its very unlikely that he has a backdoor flush too and second If he has it why he is going to pot it? Is he thinking, I am going to call him with worse? Maybe but maybe not.

    2. I guess its more likely he is trying to push me out of the hand in this spot because he can't win otherwise.

    3. Third after my check back on turn he maybe is thinking that I haven't a backdoor flush in my hand, because of my raise on flop I would rather pot it again on turn with my outs and not check it back to give him a chance make his hand, right?

    Thats my thinking process for calling the river in this spot.

    Last edited by MartinK1979; 08-08-2016 at 07:48 AM.
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 07:50 AM
    bet turn. not betting turn is equally horrifying as the rest of this thread dude
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 08:07 AM
    Originally Posted by MartinK1979

    Flop: ($53.44) 8 7 K (3 players)
    BB bets $28.25 and is all-in, Hero folds

    Villian is unknow but my consideration is: his pushing range in this spot must be strong
    Yeah something like any gutter + backdoor or gutter + set draw, any OESD+, any pair with kickers, or better
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 08:08 AM
    Please OP, give us ONE good reason why you checked the turn.
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 08:17 AM
    Originally Posted by wabomushroom
    Please OP, give us ONE good reason why you checked the turn.
    It doesn't matter because all that matters is that he makes the right decision from his point of view
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 11:09 AM
    He got inside the head of his opponent.
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 11:29 AM
    Originally Posted by wabomushroom
    Please OP, give us ONE good reason why you checked the turn.
    First I am in position and can controll the pot. Sometimes I am going to bet, if I belive to have some foldequity and sometimes I just take a free card to not blockbetting my self.
    The turncard make a small str8, but I was not worry about this.
    I guess villian would pot it first and not check to me if he made it.
    So I decided to just take a freecard because of the second reason.

    2. Villian was aggro 56/30 I remember over small samplesize 35 hands or somethings like that. So if I am going to check the turn after pot betting the flop, it looks a little bit weak and aggro players trying to take advantage of your weakness.
    Maybe he thought I was giving up the hand or don't like the turncard at all. So after checking the turn aggro opponents are more likely trying to bluff the river with his whole flop caling range imo.
    So if I belive he is more likely folding the turn, after I bet than bluffing on river after I check, I choose the 2nd option, so I can get more value with this line imo..
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 01:16 PM
    Lots of hands posted itt, yet to see one that is well played
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 02:05 PM
    Originally Posted by MartinK1979
    First I am in position and can controll the pot. Sometimes I am going to bet, if I belive to have some foldequity and sometimes I just take a free card to not blockbetting my self.
    The turncard make a small str8, but I was not worry about this.
    I guess villian would pot it first and not check to me if he made it.
    So I decided to just take a freecard because of the second reason.
    This is amazing
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 02:42 PM
    This thread reminds me way to much of the first few threads that I created on here when I was terrible and had done no study at all. I was so far off and 100% wrong on my entire reasoning that I was so delusional I thought everyone was trolling me hard. That is what OP seems like.
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 03:16 PM
    Originally Posted by MartinK1979
    First I am in position and can controll the pot. Sometimes I am going to bet, if I belive to have some foldequity and sometimes I just take a free card to not blockbetting my self.
    The turncard make a small str8, but I was not worry about this.
    I guess villian would pot it first and not check to me if he made it.
    So I decided to just take a freecard because of the second reason.

    2. Villian was aggro 56/30 I remember over small samplesize 35 hands or somethings like that. So if I am going to check the turn after pot betting the flop, it looks a little bit weak and aggro players trying to take advantage of your weakness.
    Maybe he thought I was giving up the hand or don't like the turncard at all. So after checking the turn aggro opponents are more likely trying to bluff the river with his whole flop caling range imo.
    So if I belive he is more likely folding the turn, after I bet than bluffing on river after I check, I choose the 2nd option, so I can get more value with this line imo..

    In PLO we want our opponents to fold their equity not to realize it. Not betting this turn is a major spew and your reasoning is seriously bad.

    The river call down is also questionable. You need to be right 1 in 3 times if you want for your call to be +EV. I don't think players bluff so often in these stakes.
    Plus, I can see plenty combinations that would call us on the flop and get there on the river.

    People are trying to help you. Listen to the ones that know more than you And read a book or something. Plo from scratch just might be what you need
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 03:44 PM
    I have a day job and earn my money on regular basis. So I am not delusional.
    I just play poker for fun, for the competition and want to improve my game in the right way and try play my optimal A+ game everytime I play.
    I guess I know what GTO says here in this spot: With our range on turn we are most of the time ahead against opponents flop calling/checking turn range and so we have to bet the turn here for value, right?
    Poker is all about get the most value from your hands and make everytime you play a hand +EV decisions, so if we bet the turn we make here for sure +EV play and don't care much about the outcome and if villian is going to fold his hand here its ok, we don't really care...
    But if he calls its better for us because he is making a -EV play, he calls with the wrong pot odds and not having enough outs to make the nuts or a better hand and beat our hand here.
    So betting the turn is GTO correct and we are moving on to the next hand without any doubt and don' care at all.
    But you know what guys, I am not this guys that follow some correct lines.
    I am play with my instincts, with my feelings, with my heart and GTO dont say anything about this never ever. GTO is somethings for robots. I am a human and I have feelings.
    So I just want to break everything down to the point why I am doing this and NOT why it should be done because of some rules...
    Thats the problem we have.

    Last edited by MartinK1979; 08-08-2016 at 03:52 PM.
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 04:31 PM
    Epic troll.
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 04:31 PM
    Yeah I'm not sure if you're stupid or just trolling us really hard
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 04:36 PM
    So why are you asking for advice then when you dont care?
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 05:17 PM
    OP sounds a lot like a guy that used to stream poker, Moldran.

    For the people that dont know moldran:
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
    08-08-2016 , 07:31 PM
    OP got inside my head
    PLO50 tough riverdecision! Quote
