Originally Posted by Praetor
^^ same. Repsonse from them on what it was would be nice
We have just been notified about this thread and would like to offer an explanation about the email mentioned, which was send from PokerJuice earlier today.
If you opened the email and clicked on the link, you were redirected to a test-version/copy of our website. You do not have to worry about security having been endangered.
Here's what happened. In the process of moving our website to a new server, our hosting provider had erroneously turned on email notifications to our community in the test environment. We only became aware of this when alerted by some of our users.
We truly apologize for the inconvenience and confusion that it may have caused.
Feel free to contact me on
nikolaj@pokerjuice.com or Skype (PokerJuice) in case of questions in regards to this incident.