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*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" *January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2"

01-06-2015 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Drose: cause im really really really ridiculously good looking
need to see a receipt.
Originally Posted by coon74
sex: even cake is cheaper and much more pleasurable
ultimate nom. got some american pie vibes
Originally Posted by Tyrannic
lol. I think he a had a blog which I was following. Seems like he has moved on to bigger and better things
he needs to start blogging about his gigolo gig.

"I didn't write this for the women, It's just about some"

goldini bagwell of the sandpeople (portland, oregon) aka one of the best collectives in hiphop.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-06-2015 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Games are not as soft. Pretty much every site has decent ssplo playerbase up to PL100.

You be the judge about durrr:
Thanks. Last question: does fishnoob still think folding is a -EV action?
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-06-2015 , 09:02 AM
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-06-2015 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by oliveoil
Thanks. Last question: does fishnoob still think folding is a -EV action?
It's more a philosophical thing about what 'zero' is that remains. Yes I do , but I can choose whatever method of relativity I want. I only conform to language when I have to.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-06-2015 , 09:48 AM
To clarify, hands and positions are -ev and +ev. Folding is always losing money, raising and calling only more so when the position and hand is -ev. If it is +ev position then folding is -ev (so the relative focal point is changed from ev being measured by its relation to folding). The position maybe that enemy is total noob and will be crushed easily by your integral mightiness.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-06-2015 , 10:39 AM

rakechanges rollbackd.

Cool. Posted this morning but apparently it was effected earlier sometime. I didn't know about this, so most of you probably don't,.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-06-2015 , 06:31 PM
It's good to learn that Amaya are still in their right mind

Originally Posted by MastaAces
ultimate nom. got some american pie vibes
Lol, it's not my 'invention'. Didn't you know the old adage, 'Cake is better than sex'?

The Cake is not a lie,
The Cake has been with you all along.

May the Cake be with you,
The Cake is within you,
The Cake is within me,
The Cake is Truth,
The Cake is Justice,
The Cake is Life.

(The motto is courtesy of my two buds, not mine.)
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:41 PM
I don't mean to brag, but I had a big day yesterday. With a couple hrs left in the day, saw I was at ~35k. I decided I was going to a chase the high score, and that I was going to stop til I collapsed or got to 50k

I went as hard as I could for the remainder of the day, I thought I would have surpassed 50k, but when I checked my tracker at midnight I'd only gotten to 47.4k
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:46 PM

what game?
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-07-2015 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by MastaAces

what game?

Last edited by crashwhips; 01-07-2015 at 10:32 PM.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-08-2015 , 03:16 AM
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-08-2015 , 03:17 AM

cool video concept, dope song.

*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-08-2015 , 11:14 AM

so relaxing.

so hype! classic rap city: tha basement (prewritten) freestyle.

****ing epic rap battle!
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
I don't mean to brag, but I had a big day yesterday. With a couple hrs left in the day, saw I was at ~35k. I decided I was going to a chase the high score, and that I was going to stop til I collapsed or got to 50k

I went as hard as I could for the remainder of the day, I thought I would have surpassed 50k, but when I checked my tracker at midnight I'd only gotten to 47.4k

Nice one
Didn't realize the wsop Nevada games were that big
Playing some other sites as well?
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 10:30 AM
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 12:54 PM
One of my favorite songs, nice. I sing along with you aha. Actually did I request this like 2 months ago or something?

One of the notes seems a bit off but its fine of course gotta have your own take on things. Miss the drums in it, the rolling drums so good.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 01:34 PM
The high note was definitely a struggle in this one. When I first started singing on these vids, I think I could barely reach a C, in this one the "She meant you no harm" starts with an E.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 01:54 PM
Just pretend your a girl. Works for me. I can hit that note just fine. But i understand it may upset your masculinity to not use your man singing voice.

Oh no I didn't request that song. i think I posted it on here. I requested placebo - without you I'm nothing. The power in that song would be very difficult to replicate with acoustic though.

Makes me realize just how important musical ingredients drums and bass are.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 02:03 PM
That's not quite how singing works, you know? We have different voices. I can barely reach it with my full voice, if I use a lot of force. Can't sing it softly. If I switch to falsetto/head voice (or girl voice, as you like to call it), it's too low. There's usually a gap of a few notes that you can't hit with either voice. I'm also really not too good singing in falsetto. There's a difference in being able to hit the note, and being able to sing the note.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 02:08 PM
But you can't practice it and develop it without hitting it first right... So I guess that improving/using your falsetto voice will improve the range of your full voice. It has to be the same muscles or whatever. Or maybe it's like I was born without piano fingers, people are limited by their genetics in singing too.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 04:21 PM
I wasn't born with piano fingers, I've practiced since I was 10.

In singing, you can develop, as I said, I used to be able to only hit a C, now I can just about reach the E. So I've already got better. But there are limitations that you just can't beat. Different people have different voices. I have a low voice. A baritone voice. Somebody with a lower voice will sing bass. Or higher male singers have a tenor range. That's just how it is.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 04:55 PM
I never stated you was born with piano fingers. But I can indeed confirm you have piano fingers. After-all I coined the term just now so I am the only one qualified to say or not. I have a low voice. But the weird thing about voices, is how they develop. No one truly has a natural voice imo. You just get use to using one voice and go with it, so much so it becomes part of your identity and defines somewhat your capabilities. I don't really get how you can go up a note without changing your voice, every little change in pitch or whatever should be distinct on the micro level opposed to having a few different voices.

Your voice gets deeper just by having more tesosterone going about. Your mood aswell. Basically what I'm saying is I sort of don't believe you couldn't change your voice for the higher parts of the song. You just worry that it would sound terrible or something. It always sounds weird no matter who does it imo. In the actual song, that is not his 'normal; singing voice he is using is it... he changed it.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 09:13 PM
Thanks, Jabo, that song pretty much sums up my Christmas holiday experience, except that I obv had no sex
and that I played the role of the girl
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
I never stated you was born with piano fingers. But I can indeed confirm you have piano fingers. After-all I coined the term just now so I am the only one qualified to say or not.I have a low voice. But the weird thing about voices, is how they develop. No one truly has a natural voice imo. You just get use to using one voice and go with it, so much so it becomes part of your identity and defines somewhat your capabilities. I don't really get how you can go up a note without changing your voice, every little change in pitch or whatever should be distinct on the micro level opposed to having a few different voices.

Your voice gets deeper just by having more tesosterone going about. Your mood aswell. Basically what I'm saying is I sort of don't believe you couldn't change your voice for the higher parts of the song. You just worry that it would sound terrible or something. It always sounds weird no matter who does it imo. In the actual song, that is not his 'normal; singing voice he is using is it... he changed it.
no, you didn't.

One of the main reasons that we lose most or our falsetto voice as we grow older is for the simple fact that we don't use it. For example, I'm a 24 year old baritone, and I've reached a point in my singing where my falsetto can only go one whole step above my standard voice. It's almost entirely disappeared. But counter tenors consistently use their falsetto so as to ensure that it remains a viable singing voice. It is a ton of work, and, simply put, you have to have a very unique anatomy to even attempt studying as a counter tenor.
Originally Posted by coon74
Thanks, Jabo, that song pretty much sums up my Christmas holiday experience, except that I obv had no sex
and that I played the role of the girl
for someone that doesn't want to have sex you sure seem to obsess on it about as much as a sex addict. have you considered playing the role of a girl?
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
01-09-2015 , 11:21 PM
Another 47k day on Wednesday, finally broke 50k yesterday.
*January LC Thread* "For your own sake you should quit playing poker and quit going on 2p2" Quote
