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25/50: overpair + gutter 3 way 3b pot 25/50: overpair + gutter 3 way 3b pot

02-02-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by theBruiser500
sorry i still don't see how KK here helps as blockers but not AA, could you please explain

A significant chunk of the hands that call a 3-bet preflop and then ship this flop should be hands like KQJT, KJT9, etc., against which KKQ9 is a lot better than AAQ9.

Whether you would prefer AA here depends on how many AJxx or A8xx hands you're expecting to see. I dunno about that.
25/50: overpair + gutter 3 way 3b pot Quote
02-03-2010 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by blopp
This. Checking back gives us a ton of **** turn spots.
Agreed. When we check we're basically giving up on the pot.
25/50: overpair + gutter 3 way 3b pot Quote
