Originally Posted by imozyslow
im afraid something is going to crawl out of the toilet and bite my penis while im taking the kids to the pool.
I was doing laundry at hte laundry mat, and was really tired, I went it the bathroom (no urinal) to take a piss, open the seat, lean my head against the wall and close my eyes while pissing, hear something scraping around in the toilet as I peed looked down, and there was a big rat. I than jumped back and pissed all over my shirt/pants etc. If I had to take a ****...i dont even want to think about it. My grandparents, also had a big snake in their toilet after coming home from a vacation.
The balls feeling when looking at heights, I get that too, it is natural, when your adrenalin starts pumping your balls do hide in your body, google fight or flight.
Im have a fear of my nut tubes getting twisted, becuase in HS one of our teachers was just standing there, and than keeled over, some how his nut tubes got twisted and he had to go in for surgery
Jumping off of swings is my odd fear. When I was a kid, one of my buddies jumped off a swing landed on his feet, and then lost balance then fell on his butt, no big deal right? he than just sat there and didnt move, and than he started puking all over himself, WTF!
his nutsack was pierced by a roofing nail.