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There Will Be Blood There Will Be Blood

01-21-2008 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
FFK and others,

TWBB was great. I can understand people who think the last part of the movie (not just the ending) was somewhat over the top. That's pretty standard for PTA. But that doesn't change the fact that this is overall an outstanding movie.
The over the top ending is what lessened the movie for me. That and the Dano thing. The Dano thing is just bad film-making, there's no question about it. Seems like a rookie mistake.

The ending was a choice, I would have prefered something less over the top.

No one is arguing about the acting being amazing, the cinematography being great, the writing being good, the music being good.

It was very good, personally, I'd give it around an 8.5, or so.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-21-2008 , 05:37 PM
The ending was fantastic, and the closing line
"I'm Finished!"
will be one of the most discussed lines in film history.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-21-2008 , 05:54 PM
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-21-2008 , 06:16 PM
What makes you think the comedy is unintentional? Pretty amazing what some people laughed at in my theater.
I saw it with a primarily college-age crowd and everyone, myself included, were laughing at like every part where DDL was being being a dick, especially when he's beating up Dano and the restaurant scene.

The point about the movie being different from how people expected it to be is really valid, imo. The score, the setting, and how it's shot give it this epic and "deep" feel but then a lot of the scenes just kind of boil down to Plainview taking a dump on everyone and showing how badass DDL is.

The thing about the brother being the same guy is annoying, if only because after seeing it people kept trying to say he was actually the same guy or some sort of imaginary figure or some other bs.

Mixed feelings about the score. Interesting music and gave transition scenes a lot of tension and movement but it also felt like it overshadowed the scenes sometimes.

I liked it a lot but thought it dragged a bit in a few spots. No Country was a bit better n my opinion.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-21-2008 , 06:20 PM
This movie was awesome. PT is the really the man. I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like this movie though.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-21-2008 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by ClassicBob
The ending was fantastic, and the closing line
"I'm Finished!"
will be one of the most discussed lines in film history.
Completely agree. An amazing line. It's simplicity/complexity is a pretty damn good reflection of the movie as a whole.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-21-2008 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
God I hate Magnolia.

Yeah I said it.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-23-2008 , 12:57 AM
Amazing movie. Not without its flaws, but just awesome in scope both visually and thematically.

Oh yeah, DDL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else at acting.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-23-2008 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
God I hate Magnolia.

Yeah I said it.
I stand with you. Scary.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-23-2008 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Hoya
This was a weakness in the screenplay (or a bad casting choice), and my only real complaint about the movie.
I doubt the ambiguity is an oversight.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-23-2008 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
I doubt the ambiguity is an oversight.
Considering that the actor switch was done late and that Anderson clearly says in an interview that there are 2 brothers, I'm not so sure.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-23-2008 , 07:53 PM
Having Dano play both Paul and Eli sets up one of the better lines of the film:
"You were the afterbirth, Eli. That slithered out of your mothers filth" - or something close to that.

Granted, that line could have been changed after the casting changed. But I didn't find the presence of the twin brother confusing at all.

I saw this in LA when it was in extremely limited release about a month ago, and another time since it opened wider. Phenomenal film. Muscular narrative pacing. Never drags. Amazing performances by both DDL and Dano. At once a throwback to classic moviemaking, but at the same time manages to be wholly modern in many ways. Modern in that it's a highly focused character study where the protagonist is extremely wicked/unlikeable, and doesn't undergo any transformation (other than from pretty bad to worse). And also in particular elements of the style of the film, PTA's unconventional use of score for example. Gorgeous cinematography by Elswit. A lot of great, extremely memorable scenes etc.

Movies that smash your skull in with their awesomeness are so rare these days I really rejoice when one comes out. This is one of those rare cases.

This really represents a leap in Anderson's career. Not only superficially (abandoning the sprawling, urban, ensemble-cast formula), but also in terms of his confidence as a storyteller. Boogie Nights is a great film, and Anderson, being a cinephile, isn't embarassed about his influences. But, not so much in particular shots (though there is the I Am Cuba shot, and the opening shot), but the whole structure feels very derivative of Goodfellas. It's inventive and inspired enough in it's own right to not be labeled a 'rip-off' imo, but at the same time it's not 100% Anderson's own creative voice. Similarly Magnolia, while being one of the best films of the 90s, and despite being extremely genius in what he's able to bring to the concept, still is structurally a big riff on Short Cuts. With this film you can FEEL a lot of his influences (Citizen Kane, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Kubrick), but they inform it in a way that doesn't feel derivative, and he certainly isn't basing the entire structure of the film around any influence (consciously or subconciously).

As to the closing line, it has quite a few implications. One that came to my mind was that i took it to be a devious twist on Christ's last words ("It is finished"). "It is finished" being an external reference in sync with Christ's selflessness. "I'm finished" being a self-reference, in sync with Plainviews utter selfishness. Suggesting Plainview's character arc is a photo negative of Christ's arc
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-24-2008 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Fast Food Knight
I was expecting so much from this movie. It had over a 9 on imdb which is like unheard of. Having said that, I completely hated the movie. It was slow, and I absolutely did not get the point. I kept looking for some underlying themes or deeper meanings or SOMETHING. Hudge disappointment.
You saved me some typing. Pointless movie therefor worthless.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-24-2008 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
You saved me some typing. Pointless movie therefor worthless.
Interesting. Can you give me a few movies you really enjoy so I can gain perspective on what this movie was lacking for you?
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-24-2008 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by vetiver
Interesting. Can you give me a few movies you really enjoy so I can gain perspective on what this movie was lacking for you?
OK, I'll play:

First, TWBB is nice to look at and the acting is good but ultimately there is no reason for what has happened. The main character is in the oil business and it shows him doing oil business stuff. There is supposed to be some tension between him and the preacher but it hardly affects anything and
there is absolutely no indication in his past actions to make a viewer anticipate that Plainview would shoot his fake brother. And him ending up in the big, empty house and going to pieces came out of nowhere. Stuff like that.
I found that I had zero emotional connection w/ any of the characters and didn't care what happened, didn't anticipate a certain ending and when it finished I thought 'Big deal'.

Movies I watch whenever they are on:

Groundhog Day
The Red Violin

And the 'worst' movie of all time: Edit: I had that wrong. It's Billy the Kid versus Dracula. Forget 'Plan 9 from Outer Space'. Only seen it twice but it's great.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 03:05 PM
I just saw it last night and thought it was great. DDL is unreal phenomenal. No amount of hype will spoil the experience of watching his performance. It was like watching DeNiro in his prime, except that DeNiro never had DDL’s ear for voices. What a monster.

I liked the soundtrack but can understand why others wouldn’t. There were times when it was clearly the focus of the moment, overwhelming the action on screen. This would bother me if it weren’t clearly intentional. Not being a film historian, I’m not sure if PTA is the first director to use music in the way that he does in Punch Drunk Love and in TWBB, but he’s the first that I’m aware of at least. It’s new and it’s challenging to the audience, the same way that atonality was to audiences when they first heard it in classical music. But I think it will eventually be just another accepted tool in a director's arsenal. IMHO it’s awesome that music won't have to be relegated to a supporting role and can be in active counterpoint with the visuals and dialog. The music over the opening shot in TWBB was great at resetting our expectations for the role the music would play in the rest of the movie, and in general I loved the pent up tension the music brought to the story. That being said, the two moments that did bother me were:

1) The first time we see Plainview and HW riding in their car and passing behind 2 empty buildings. Each time the car passes behind a building the music dims, and each time the car comes back into sight the music flares back up again. It’s almost comical, and I’m not sure it was meant to be.

2) The use of the Brahms Violin Concerto over the big oil gush scene. I’m still scratching my head over why they had to use this piece. It’s not like in Clockwork Orange where the main character has an obsession with Beethoven’s 9th so that it’s justified by the plot. Full disclosure: I was a violinist for 17 years and was kind of annoyed that this masterpiece could be pressed into service for a movie. I didn’t mind it so much over the closing credits.

One spoilerish question:

Why did Plainview first start to suspect that Henry was an impostor?
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 04:05 PM
Plainview said something about taking girls to 'the peachtree dance', IIRC, and Henry said 'yep' and then Plainview got that evil look which I suppose meant that there was no such thing as the peachtree dance. I still don't 'get' why he killed him unless it was necessary to the plot to force him into the church scene.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 04:34 PM
Loved the first half, the second half was typical over the top Paul Thomas Anderson. In both Magnolia and There Will Be Blood, it seems he's wanted to emulate his famous huge penis shot from Boogie Nights by destroying any kind of mystery, subtlety, or wonder about his characters.

This could've been an all-time great film - and before someone criticizes its heartlessness, I think it borrows a lot Citizen Kane thematically, and people seem to like that one. Everything about it was great - but
when we fast forward to 1929, the entire film falls apart. we get a possibly riveting scene with the 'son' of Plainview being adopted (which was ldo to anyone paying attention). But PTA can't help himself from making Daniel Day Lewis play the scene totally over the top, shouting out bastard from a basket like The Big Lebowski - 'the bums will always lose!' - and the final scene could've been great also, had it not been played COMPLETELY OVER THE TOP - 'DRAINAGE! DRAINAGE!' could've been one of the all-time comic ridiculous lines in cinema up there with 'NO WIRE HANGERS!' All the rancor and bluster of the second half of the film just seemed like a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing - and the death of Eli was SO unnecessary

Frankly I am flabbergasted at any critic who could possibly put this as their best film of the year. If this is the future of cinema, where audiences get bludgeoned over the head with the point already conveyed through symbolism and foreshadowing, I don't want to be a part of it. PTA has a ton of talent, but there's something he lacks so far - hopefully he finds it, because he will have a long career as a director.

Oh, and Magnolia sucked. Hard.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 04:38 PM

Have you seen Barry Lyndon by Stanley Kubrick? He uses music in a very similar way in that film. I think this film borrows a lot from Barry Lyndon too - although its final scene was incredible, whereas this one... not so much.

I loved the music, too. Very late 20th century in a film that wasn't - what that says, I'll leave up for someone more boring to try to explain.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 04:44 PM
Triumph, I understand where you are coming from with the general "over-the-top"-ness of the final few scenes, but I think you go too far to say that it "sound and fury signifying nothing." I also don't agree that it is the best picture of the year but I can't fault a movie critic who does think that.

Oh, and the baptism scene is absolutely unbelievable. Chill-inducing.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 04:46 PM

By last half of the movie, are you actually just talking about the final 15 minutes or so? Seemed to me that was where the break took place.

Strangely, while you thought we were bludgeoned over the head with the point of the film, others on 2+2 complained that they didn't get the point.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 04:51 PM
Daniel Day Lewis =best actor alive
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Hoya

By last half of the movie, are you actually just talking about the final 15 minutes or so? Seemed to me that was where the break took place.

Strangely, while you thought we were bludgeoned over the head with the point of the film, others on 2+2 complained that they didn't get the point.
It felt like way longer than 15 minutes, but yeah. Anything that took place
after 1912

as for the point, I'm not sure I get it either - I mean, Eli and Daniel are obvious contrasts, and yet they're very similar - we're supposed to see their total obsession and willingness to sell themselves out for something 'greater' as coming from the same place. The film is somewhat silent on with what character our sympathies are supposed to lie, and it's probably true that in the end, it's with neither character. What I didn't like was how played up the finale was, after 17 years of being away from any of the characters. I don't know how I would've ended the film, but fast forwarding 17 years in the future isn't how I would've done it. Furthermore, re: the second half - I wasn't a huge fan of Plainview opening up to his 'brother' with that whole 'I hate people' speech. I suppose that's where our sympathies are supposed to turn for him, but can't we already figure that out by the way Plainview acts? Must we have this character explained to us? We already saw him at the beginning of the film, alone, prospecting for oil - already there's something 'off' about that in terms of normal human interactions.

Sigh. I really do think this could've been an all-time great film.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 06:16 PM
I'm a huge Kubrick fan but haven't seen Barry Lyndon. It's in my Netflix queue.

I also disagree about the last part of the movie signifying nothing. It was clear that HW was the only human being Daniel ever loved. I didn't think it was too hard to believe that HW's long absence and eventual "betrayal" would be enough to cause Daniel to finally snap. His ranting and raving seemed pretty natural given his already unhinged hatred of people in general.

I understand what you're saying about it being odd for Daniel to open up to Henry. But the way I look at it, the purpose of that monologue wasn't to tell the audience what kind of person Daniel was, it was to tell the audience that Daniel knew what kind of person he was. That makes his alienation all the more tragic.
There Will Be Blood Quote
01-25-2008 , 07:34 PM
just got back from it, while DDL was fantastic, i agree 100% with FFK and Howard. anybody who seriously thinks TWBB was a cinematic masterpiece that will be cherished for generations is a friggin lemming.
There Will Be Blood Quote
