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So I'm going to Prison for 2 years So I'm going to Prison for 2 years

11-24-2007 , 10:45 PM

ikes, my obsession with the injustice is based off of many, many first and secondhand accounts of people being pulled over for no reason and ending up getting busted for DUI even though they were completely unaware they were over the legal limit.
you know all those poker bad beats stories you hear, do you actually believe all of them? People like to dress themselves up in the best way possible to the outside world, even if you are their best friend or some stranger at the bar
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 10:47 PM

- how are you preparing for this stint mentally?
- are you currently in college? if so, are you taking a leave of absence/get kicked out or what?
- how big are you...height/weight?
- you mentioned something about this being a "DUI Prison"...please elaborate on this facility and your expectations.
- how are your parents reacting?
- are you going to get a tattoo?
1.I'm actually jsut trying to keep it out of my mind as much as possible until I go on the 29th. Jsut playing poker all day and trying to see family and friends as much as possible. While I probably should be preparing more, I don't want to have to start my time before it actually starts if you know what I mean.

2.I'm taking a leave of absence. It's jsut community college so not that big of a deal

3. I'm 6ft 220

4. Being a DuI prison means I will only be around people serving DUI sentences (other drunks like myself). I think this bodes well for me but it also has its downside.

5. My parents are taking it much worse than I am (my whole family is). This is the hardest part for me becasue I know the will be right there doing the time with me.

6. no ty on the tattoo.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 11:17 PM
In all seriousness jhog, good luck with this.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 11:23 PM
In all seriousness jhog, don't drop the soap.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 11:39 PM
.08 is the point where skills are proven to deteriorate. study after study has shown this

haven't there been studies done that have shown that since the drop from .10 to .08 alcohol-related accidents and deaths have seen virtually no change but the number of arrests has nearly doubled?
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 11:42 PM
I'm off to go drink for 5+ hours and then inevitably drive somewhere to get food.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 11:45 PM
it is a horribly selfish crime. not much different than running around with a blindfold shooting a pistol imo. op should be punished severely.

ugh, statements like this are just ridiculous
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 11:52 PM
Went to trial after my attorney found out that the road side calibrator had not been properly maintained AND the officer testified during the DMV hearing that she had improperly administered the road side tests.

After a week of testimony that all pointed to several errors during my arrest... the jury still found me guilty.

Im far from an expert here, but doesnt this seem like a case where its clearly best to go w/ a bench trial?

what say you, monday morning lawyers?
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-24-2007 , 11:56 PM
all u people that drunk drive are peices of [censored]

Are all people who talk on their cellphones while driving pieces of [censored]? Is doing that the same as wearing a blindfold and firing a pistol randomly? Cause it's been shown to have a similar effect on driving ability, so shouldn't you guys be campaigning against that too?
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 12:22 AM
all u people that drunk drive are peices of [censored]

Are all people who talk on their cellphones while driving pieces of [censored]? Is doing that the same as wearing a blindfold and firing a pistol randomly? Cause it's been shown to have a similar effect on driving ability, so shouldn't you guys be campaigning against that too?
You can hang up a cell phone when you're approaching a complicated intersection. You can't become insta-sober.

Also, Alcoholedu says that any two people (of the same build) who drink a certain amount will have the same BAC, but will just feel it differently depending on tolerance.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 12:35 AM
all u people that drunk drive are peices of [censored]

Are all people who talk on their cellphones while driving pieces of [censored]? Is doing that the same as wearing a blindfold and firing a pistol randomly? Cause it's been shown to have a similar effect on driving ability, so shouldn't you guys be campaigning against that too?
It has? Seems more like it gets reported that cell phones aren't worse than other distractions like changing radio stations as far as number of accidents caused. I don't think I've seen cell phone use = drunk driving.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 01:33 AM

I had EXACTLY 5 Tanquerey and Tonics from 7 PM - 9:30 PM

I drink gin and tonics also as my regular drink.
Some places make them stronger than others.
When at a nicer restaurant or bar I suspect that 1 gin-and-tonic would actually be more than 1 drink.

People also need to realize that on those calculators that it's only 12 ounces that is considered 1 beer. Many people might have a 16 or 20 ounce glass or mug but continue to think of it as one drink.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 01:56 AM
.08 is the point where skills are proven to deteriorate. study after study has shown this

haven't there been studies done that have shown that since the drop from .10 to .08 alcohol-related accidents and deaths have seen virtually no change but the number of arrests has nearly doubled?
Yep. Don't expect MADD or law enforcement to report these statistics though. No idea why?
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 02:22 AM
Actually, I thought I saw some article that was trying to show how drunk-driving fatalities have gone down since .08 was enacted in some places.
I suspect this is more likely just some creative re-working of the numbers or perhaps also due to safer and safer vehicles, overall education and designated-driver type campaigns, etc.
But definitely you can count on MADD and other organizations to inappropriately credit the 0.8 law with actually saving lives whether it makes a difference or not.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 02:38 AM
Bro, rent the movie Edmond, the ending is touching.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 03:22 AM
That sucks that you have to deal with all of this especially at 20, but honestly I think if you got off here that would be pretty terrible. Without punishment you probably have like a 99% of driving drunk again whether or not you get caught, and waiting until you kill some family in another car before you have to pay for it is just ******ed.

Nothing against you though and I hope your time goes as well as possible, hopefully it will be a life changing experience that will help you in the long run. IMO you should be glad no one including yourself was ever hurt because thats something you can never go back and fix.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 04:12 AM
OP- I'm sorry you have to spend time in prison... I'm VERY much a fan of punishments that fit the crime. I agree you have some issues, you need some rehab, and you committed some SERIOUS crimes. Luckily for you, no one was hurt and hence I think the punishment should fit the crime. The responses you're getting about putting you out to rot are ridiculous. It's kind of like saying someone who discharges a fire arm in public should be tried for first degree murder even if no one died. Of course you can't, no one died, no one was ACTUALLY injured?

I think 60-90 days in the big house to give you time to detox and think about your crime would be sufficient. Good luck. As others have advised, learn a language and/or take advantage of some vocational program.

Furthermore, what I think TUQ is trying to get out... is that with DUI's, MADD and other special interest groups have done such a great job of vilianizing DUI offenders... the punishment no LONGER fits the crime.

Case and point is me. You can refer to my whole trip report about getting a DUI from a couple months ago. First time offense. Pulled over for speeding (NOT driving impaired)... blew a 0.09 and got busted.

Went to trial after my attorney found out that the road side calibrator had not been properly maintained AND the officer testified during the DMV hearing that she had improperly administered the road side tests.

After a week of testimony that all pointed to several errors during my arrest... the jury still found me guilty. I STRONGLY feel that at least 10 of the 12 jurors had their mind made up before even hearing evidence.

Not only was I found guilty... but the a-hole judge told me and my lawyer that we had wasted his time with a trial... should have gone with a plea deal... and he DOUBLED everything the DA recommended. I was actually penalized (what lawyers call "trial tax") for exercising my rights as a citizen.

yet another situation where you somehow are getting the shaft, but are not in the wrong. you sure have awful luck.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 05:18 AM
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 06:15 AM
OP, good luck and please take this time to learn something that will help in your future life. Don't just waste this time; use it to make yourself a better person.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 06:15 AM

Sorry, that drifted afield of the DUI conversation. I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

I disagree, your reaction time, hand-eye-coordination, etc. is already seriously impaired at 0.8‰, whether you realize it or not.

I have driven under influence only once in my life, cannabis not alcohol though, and it was very stupid, dangerous and unnecessary (I could have walked home easily, but I decided to do a friend a favour and bring him home with my car). I never did it again, and I am very strongly opposed to drunk driving.
That said, 2 1/2 years is totally excessive imo, that kind of punishment should be reserved for crimes where people actually got hurt. A couple months at most + probabation + obligatory AA meetings + taking the driving license away would seem more appropriate to me.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 06:31 AM
apparently I was wrong on what I heard about how much it takes to get you to .08

Here's a blood-alcohol calculator I found:

But it's kind of weird.
It says I can have 4 drinks in 1 hour and I'm still legal.
But if I have 5 drinks in 2 hours then I'm over 0.8.
The reason for that is, that alcohol takes a while to get absorbed by the human body. As a rule of thumb, you reach the climax of your intoxication ~1 hour after you took your last drink, and then the alcohol level slowly starts declining.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 07:20 AM

I would sex that girl in 5 beers!
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:07 AM
you should be going to jail..3 dui's by 20. are pathetic and I dont feel one bit sorry for you. Get your act together man. Take control of yourself .
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:47 AM
Op : Did you have a lawyer?

I still find the sentencing too high and I'm thinking it might have been due to self-representation.
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
11-25-2007 , 08:50 AM
.08 is the point where skills are proven to deteriorate. study after study has shown this

haven't there been studies done that have shown that since the drop from .10 to .08 alcohol-related accidents and deaths have seen virtually no change but the number of arrests has nearly doubled?
Yep. Don't expect MADD or law enforcement to report these statistics though. No idea why?
Have people not driven as much at a .08 level since the drop or is that the same too?
So I'm going to Prison for 2 years Quote
