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single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story

11-10-2013 , 03:37 AM
I'm 33. He's 38. although he lied about that originally too, which is so ******ed.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier



lol...What? I like Gorie and I haven't seen he on here in a couple years, so I'm catching up some. Is that a big deal?
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:39 AM
dom it was in response to the suggestion of getting rid of super standard internet shorthand...

and the 2nd one was in response to suggesting that someone who has never had a drop of alcohol go to alcoholics anonymous.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier

I was trying to think of a free way to get help. maybe al-anon isn't for her, but a therapist isn't the only resource out there.

al-anon isn't for alcoholics, it's for the family and those who live with alcoholics
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:41 AM
i mean just dumping the guy seems like a far better solution than starting to go to al-anon to deal with him lol
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:43 AM
I've fantasized about going to rehab.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Simply not true.

And honestly, guys that constantly lament the fact that "girls only date *******s" are being pretty misogynistic and making excuses for their own shortcomings. Girls love nice guys. If they didn't, I'd never get laid.
yeah this. Once I got past my own lack of self confidence, I cashed in on pussy that was way out of my league simply because I was a nice guy, and they were tired of guys being jerks.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:45 AM
oh. I thought. "smh" was a stupid thing we see on Facebook and make fun of.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:45 AM
I was trying to think of a free way to get help. maybe al-anon isn't for her, but a therapist isn't the only resource out there.

al-anon isn't for alcoholics, it's for the family and those who live with alcoholics
Sounded like you were suggesting she go in search of dates @ AA

Reminded me a bit of my sister
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by gorie
I've fantasized about going to rehab.
heh, please elaborate on that. Like what about rehab do you fantasize about? Im curious cuz i cant think of anything exciting about rehab?
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
yeah this. Once I got past my own lack of self confidence, I cashed in on pussy that was way out of my league simply because I was a nice guy, and they were tired of guys being jerks.
this is my point. even nice guys still have their agenda's.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:57 AM
if you think trying to get laid qualifies as "having an agenda" then you do indeed need therapy. and maybe a book about evolution or something.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by gorie
this is my point. even nice guys still have their agenda's.
You like sex, what's your agenda?
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
heh, please elaborate on that. Like what about rehab do you fantasize about? Im curious cuz i cant think of anything exciting about rehab?
The structured setting, people trying to help you. Being able to come out of it being able to handle addictions better. I do feel like I relate to people with addiction problems even though I've never done drugs or alcohol.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by gorie
this is my point. even nice guys still have their agenda's.
Everyone has an agenda, even women. Its also not fair to somehow think just because every single guy on the face of the planet wants to have sex, that it somehow makes everything that goes into what happens before the sex meaningless or fake.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
i mean just dumping the guy seems like a far better solution than starting to go to al-anon to deal with him lol
(a little secret. they go to al-anon to figure out how to fix the alcoholic, but end up fixing themselves)

Of course she should dump him.
And find a nice guy who turns her on and settle down and make babies and beautiful paintings. yada yada yada.

Gorie knew all that before she posted.
What (I think) she really wanted is a community to back up and reinforce that decision. And we've all done that.

I'm just passing on what little help I can.

as to the original question, my nephews sometimes sleep/slept in the same bed with their parents. (my brother and sister-in-law) up to the age of 10 or so. Didn't get it from my side of the family. I can hardly sleep with another person in the room.
One vacation the younger (5 at the time) was hinting that he wanted to join me. I threatened that I would roll over and crush him. I slept alone and in peace.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
Everyone has an agenda, even women. Its also not fair to somehow think just because every single guy on the face of the planet wants to have sex, that it somehow makes everything that goes into what happens before the sex meaningless or fake.
I realize that, I was mostly joking with saying that all men are jerks anyway. Women are jerks too, everyone is a jerk. Just different kinds of jerks.

I do think it's funny to say you turned into a nice guy to cash in on pussy though. Only because it sounds like a contradiction.

Also the way I see it, I'm either attracted to someone or I'm not. Things make me feel better or worse about them from there. To me, being a good person is always better than being a scumbag, that is obvious. But someone being "nice" to get girls that is a scumbag underneath it, is still a scumbag (not applying this to you directly just saying). And when there is no attraction to begin with, no amount of niceness is going to affect that, so I don't get the whole thing of girls going to nice guys because of being sick of the jerks. They were attracted to you either way and just got lucky that you ended up being nice to them. I wouldn't want to be with a guy I wasn't attracted to just because he was nice to me. So they were probably willing to sleep with you anyway under the right circumstances. You just learned that being nice is superior to being an *******.

also, I think I am more likely now to think things are meaningless or fake, I admit that and know it isn't fair.

Last edited by gorie; 11-10-2013 at 04:26 AM.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:22 AM
Michael Jackson must be rolling in his grave right now.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Will gorie sex teh pedo this month?
No +175
yes -195

single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by gorie

I do think it's funny to say you turned into a nice guy to cash in on pussy though. Only because it sounds like a contradiction.

pretty sure you need to reread what he said:

yeah this. Once I got past my own lack of self confidence, I cashed in on pussy that was way out of my league simply because I was a nice guy, and they were tired of guys being jerks.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:29 AM
Props to Gorie for her honesty.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
pretty sure you need to reread what he said:
you're right, my mistake. sorry Alobar
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:49 AM

good to know that the post-fluffpop era has made you harder and stronger.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
yeah this. Once I got past my own lack of self confidence, I cashed in on pussy that was way out of my league simply because I was a nice guy, and they were tired of guys being jerks.
Getting laid is a fine agenda to have. Needing to think you are with someone better than yourself is the agenda I think she disliked. Gorie do you feel like you are better than this guy, not Alobar the other guy? Is this guy out of your league in the looks department?

For the record I also want women out of my league, everyone does right? We just don't know what to do with them when we get one.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
11-10-2013 , 05:09 AM
I have original gorie artwork hanging on my wall. Since she's not painting anymore, I'll accept offers via PM. Nothing less than $1M please.
single parent sleeping with kid and a gorie story Quote
