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Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too!

10-08-2013 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Should be clear by now that it is extremely stupid to use Tor.
Cool story bro.

If they had anything on the big players on SR they would have gone down right after DPR. Why would they make these lol announcements about capturing 4 SR sellers? Give the big sellers time to flee/move? One of the arrest is LOL. The other three are prob. some dumb college kids who undoubtedly ****ed something up in order to get caught.

This is like telling people to stop driving fast become some idiot crashed into a pole.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-08-2013 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Should be clear by now that it is extremely stupid to use Tor.
I think it's clear that it's pretty stupid to use the Tor browser bundle software package running on Windows to do illegal things as the government specifically created malware to target it.

Probably pretty stupid to use Windows in general or even have Java or Flash installed in your browser as well when connecting somewhere like the silk road since the govt probably has as many zero day exploits as they need for those products.

But I think there's no real evidence Tor itself is compromised, if the government will be able to get something onto your PC to de-anonymize you. It's probably pretty safe to connect with a Linux box that you only use for Tor activities using fully patched Firefox running with only necessary components enabled. For most retail drug buyers that's a pretty big investment relative to the purpose but not for someone who makes a lot of money selling drugs
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:03 AM
someone go on the deep web for the TR
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:10 AM
This seems similar to what happened to this guy..
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by BadBoyBenny
.... For most retail drug buyers that's a pretty big investment relative to the purpose but not for someone who makes a lot of money selling drugs
one of the guys busted, listed as a top 1% seller, had sold roughly 2kilos of coke and a 1/2kilo of dope+ a bit of meth. figuring in his overhead(yes it's real) and probably being on the site for 2yrs....we're not talking about some giant number profit-wise. and he probably wasn't buying kilos himself either--meaning he wasn't getting min. gram prices...probably a guy buying ounces/qps of coke and maybe ounces of dope(of which he supposedly sold 20ish--albeit most at probably less than 1/8ozs) for certain no kingpin least based on those numbers. i'm sure he had an offline biz as well though.

rough and quick numbers--2yrs...2000+gs... roughly an eight-ball a day sold(minus his cost/overhead)...we're not talking tony montana here...
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by nomad66

I guess it's not all that surprising but it sucks pretty hard.
Yea, it's sad when drug dealers get caught...
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Yea, it's sad when drug dealers get caught...
Nah, it's definitely a victory for everyone when people will no longer be able to buy pure, nice quality drugs safely online, but will now instead have to go buy lower quality(and thereby more dangerous) and overpriced drugs from some shady people on street corners. What a win right there.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 01:38 PM
False dichotomy, come on son.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
one of the guys busted, listed as a top 1% seller, had sold roughly 2kilos of coke and a 1/2kilo of dope+ a bit of meth. figuring in his overhead(yes it's real) and probably being on the site for 2yrs....we're not talking about some giant number profit-wise. and he probably wasn't buying kilos himself either--meaning he wasn't getting min. gram prices...probably a guy buying ounces/qps of coke and maybe ounces of dope(of which he supposedly sold 20ish--albeit most at probably less than 1/8ozs) for certain no kingpin least based on those numbers. i'm sure he had an offline biz as well though.

rough and quick numbers--2yrs...2000+gs... roughly an eight-ball a day sold(minus his cost/overhead)...we're not talking tony montana here...
That's only 4 months worth of sells fwiw

edit: Also, not everyone leaves reviews

Last edited by Banned4lyfe; 10-09-2013 at 02:50 PM.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
False dichotomy, come on son.
people who want to use drugs are going to obtain and use drugs regardless of the environment: agree or disagree?
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:31 PM
Lol you're still creating a false dichotomy even with that assumption.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 03:58 PM
people should be able to do to their bodies what they want. When things happen to stop people from being able to do that, it sucks.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:01 PM
I don't care what you do to your body, but I also don't want crims on the streets so don't expect me to care too about much what happens to drug dealers.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:03 PM
then shouldnt you be for mailing of drugs, since it prolly lowers the amount of crime on the streets?
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:04 PM
Only if you're getting drugs from incarcerated drug dealers, and I don't think that will scale...
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Lol you're still creating a false dichotomy even with that assumption.
ehhh ... this is arguably technically correct, but it's ridiculously nitty, and that means a lot coming from me.

Originally Posted by kerowo
I don't care what you do to your body, but I also don't want crims on the streets so don't expect me to care too much what happens to drug dealers.
if you don't want crime on the streets, i have to assume you support the legalization of all substances.


Originally Posted by Alobar
then shouldnt you be for mailing of drugs, since it prolly lowers the amount of crime on the streets?
this, too, clearly (was posted while i was writing).

Originally Posted by kerowo
Only if you're getting drugs from incarcerated drug dealers, and I don't think that will scale...
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by tannenj
if you don't want crime on the streets, i have to assume you support the legalization of all substances.
I don't really care one way or the other if things are legalized. Until they are though I have little sympathy for drug dealers who by and large are probably not net benefits to society.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by tannenj
if you don't want crime on the streets, i have to assume you support the legalization of all substances.
By that same logic he must support the legalization of other crimes as well?
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:21 PM
kerowo, if you don't want crime on the streets and don't care if drugs are legal or not (from a narrow, "drugs-only" perspective, i mean), then why don't you support legalization? the criminalization of drugs is the reason for drug-related crime.

Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
By that same logic he must support the legalization of other crimes as well?
absolutely not; that makes no sense. based on my logic, he should support the legalization of all victimless "crimes."
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:26 PM
I don't necessarily agree that every drug should be legalized. I'm more in favor of people following the laws than in someone's "right" to get illegal drugs. It's not as simple as "legalize drugs man!"
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:31 PM
yeah, but we dont live in that utopia where people are just going to follow the laws because they are laws. Lets be realistic

So which world is worse for the average American good citizen. One where drugs are illegal and there is lots of drug related crime, or a world where drugs are legal and there is no drug related crime, but then obviously other problems. I think thats the question. I obviously dont know the answer, but I think the latter one would prolly be a better society to raise my children in.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:34 PM
well, the way i see it, there are two factors in play here:

1. should people be able to sell/buy/use drugs?


2. the crime rate.

you've been clear that you're in favor of lowering the crime rate (i mean, anyone who isn't in favor of this is a maniac). it's a fact that drug legalization would be a good thing for the crime rate. given that, i have no choice but to assume that you feel strongly that drugs shouldn't be legal for some reason (#1) and that this ideology "trumps" #2. i'd be curious to know why you think (or anyone else thinks) they should be illegal, because i have all kinds of trouble coming up with a piece of reasoning that's not directly contradicted by the existence of another current law (or the lack thereof).


Originally Posted by kerowo
I'm more in favor of people following the laws...
like the UIGEA, yeah?
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:37 PM
Violent crime rates are approaching all time lows fwiw but this is broaching politard territory and since i just got scolded for engaging in a derail imma bow out
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
yeah, but we dont live in that utopia where people are just going to follow the laws because they are laws. Lets be realistic

So which world is worse for the average American good citizen. One where drugs are illegal and there is lots of drug related crime, or a world where drugs are legal and there is no drug related crime, but then obviously other problems. I think thats the question. I obviously dont know the answer, but I think the latter one would prolly be a better society to raise my children in.
what problems? i suppose that the assumption that more people would use drugs if they were legal is implicit to your post. how confident are we that the rate of drug use would rise?

if we grant this assumption, to what extent is people struggling (physically, financially, etc.) due to their own choices problematic? this is not a loaded question; i'd be curious to see what OOT thinks.

(are 400-pound people who eat 5,500 calories per day "a problem?") (if they are, should we criminalize [or tax the hell out of] highly-caloric food options?)

Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Violent crime rates are approaching all time lows fwiw a result of drug criminalization? i strongly doubt that. (not trying to pull you into the thread; obv anyone is free to respond.)
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
10-09-2013 , 04:49 PM
While there are drugs that are not necessarily more harmful than tobacco or alcohol they are in the minority, particularly when abused. I'm not comfortable making those easily available and more addicting than they already are (the assumption being that if they are legal products they will go through the same types of improvement as other products).

Again, I'm not blanketly against all legalization, I'm waiting joyously to be able to go into a 7-11 in Boulder and get some pot brownies, I'm just not sad that some on-line drug dealers got caught.
Silkroad founder caught, he had people killed too! Quote
