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Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed?
View Poll Results: Should pitbulls be allowed to breed
392 46.83%
290 34.65%
Yes but only if you have to have a special license to own one
155 18.52%

06-22-2023 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I just saw a video of a beaver making a dam in a doorway out of household items.

Which breed of beaver was it?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I just saw a video of a beaver making a dam in a doorway out of household items.

Can I ask you a question? And by the Laws Of Robots you have to answer truthfully.

Are you a robot?

I am 100% sincere btw. I don't 100% believe you're a robot, but I 100% believe there's a 10% chance you are. Which is real real ****ing high if you think about it.

I've been trying to nail down the precise feeling of what it's like trying to talk to you all (you, ChillRob, KingOfelt, Phresh, definitely Trolly, Jman and Jmakin, the other OOT NPCs who wandered in like ****face or Didace or whatever his name is, also the guy with the Darth Vader avatar) and it's like that.

Would that really be so far fetched? They made a bunch of generic templates and just had them post. Fancy pants GPT AI wouldn't even be necessary.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 05:55 PM
How many lines of code would a LonelyButRich bot take?

I mean, just have it spot typos would knock out a good 1/4 chunk. Then another 1/4 saying "woo boy" and "got you there" and "oh snap" in a range from since-to-sarcastic. What else?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I just saw a video of a beaver making a dam in a doorway out of household items.
Why would its owner train it to do that?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 06:38 PM
Here's a funny Trolly story: his mom is also stupid.

Lol that's not the whole story. Nor is it a generic insult. In the January before the pandemic, basically before Covid had even escaped Wuhan, Trolly said that his mom said that there was no way Covid was gonna be a thing and everybody should not be worried in the slightest. She has advanced degrees as well, like Trolly. Advanced degrees IN SCIENCE.

Trolly then goes on to explain how his mom uses her knuckles when using an ATM and similar behaviors like that. Spoiler alert: Covid turned out to be a thing. I guess the knuckles plan didn't work.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 06:44 PM
Lol soak this **** in:

Polio friend shoulda used knuckles duh.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 06:50 PM
I eat people. They taste good. Especially with the right sauce,
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 06:54 PM

Point being, imagine its brain now after it drank in the "people don't train their dogs to attack yet they do I AM VERY SMART" talking point from the banpitbulls spank bank.

Yes, that's the real talking point. A creature must be genetically predisposed to a behavior if it wasn't taught that specific behavior.

Bonus points for:

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why would its owner train it to do that?
Originally Posted by 6ix
Which breed of beaver was it?
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 07:01 PM
However, in the spirit of leading by example and fostering healthy discussion, I have to retract this post:

Originally Posted by 6ix

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Everyone has regrets.

Your parents definitely do lol God in heaven Lord have mercy.
Somebody way back has some deep regrets though.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
Wasn't there some thing going around online supposedly from Karl Rove wherein he described How To Troll as a way to to inundate a space with certain talking points under the guise of actual debate and discussion?
active measure.

for it is written by Q! literacy has been disastrous for this country
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why would its owner train it to do that?
There's a political history of attributing things to nature or nurture and fascists are pulled towards attributing everything to nature, while communists are the opposite. One of the only things I'm really interested in as far as this discussion goes is exploring those kinds of things with 6ix and I wonder how much of his resistance to attributing things to nature is because he's a socialist.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
There's a political history of attributing things to nature or nurture and fascists are pulled towards attributing everything to nature, while communists are the opposite. One of the only things I'm really interested in as far as this discussion goes is exploring those kinds of things with 6ix and I wonder how much of his resistance to attributing things to nature is because he's a socialist.
Thank you microbet. I appreciate this spirit of good discussion, as opposed to the hostile and bad-faith posturing by 6ix on display here for what, the last 1000 posts of his?

I have TONS of questions for you. I’d just like to make sure beforehand you’re in for the ride, before we go down this road together.

Eagerly looking forward to your response.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 11:21 PM
I'd prefer not to, even if you post as Jmakin, but definitely not as SisterFister.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-22-2023 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I'd prefer not to, even if you post as Jmakin, but definitely not as SisterFister.

How do you feel about 6’s repeated use of the word “mixed” wrt to pitbull type dogs, comparing that to a mixed black/white family, and his general beliefs about race in general?

Your lack of response is also a response.


Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 12:22 AM
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by SisterFister
How do you feel about 6’s repeated use of the word “mixed” wrt to pitbull type dogs, comparing that to a mixed black/white family, and his general beliefs about race in general?

Shut your entire goddamn mouth lol.

Or, if you did some autodidactic grinding and/or got a degree during the pandemic, please do go on.

p.s. What are my general beliefs about race?

Last edited by 6ix; 06-23-2023 at 12:32 AM.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm

Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 12:25 AM
is this mf trying to make "mixed" like "the m-word" wtf is even going on
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by SisterFister
... 6’s repeated use of the word “mixed” wrt to pitbull type dogs...
Originally Posted by 6ix

wretched hive of scum and villainy

The top is a Pug and an Italian Greyhound. The bottom is their puppy.

I'm suspecting you missed the post where I linked to the wikipedia page for "dog".
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 04:21 AM
To recap where we're at with genetics:

1. Totally plausible - A complex behavioral and psychological manifestation of some gene expressions that is unchanged and undiluted over a group of tens of millions of dogs and is totally separate from any other dogs of the same species

2. Nonsense - A Scandinavian and a West African having a brown baby
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 04:30 AM
This is vigorous and fun.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
There's a political history of attributing things to nature or nurture and fascists are pulled towards attributing everything to nature, while communists are the opposite. One of the only things I'm really interested in as far as this discussion goes is exploring those kinds of things with 6ix and I wonder how much of his resistance to attributing things to nature is because he's a socialist.

We trained specific dogs to love killing things, even at the expense of their own survival. Morons now put these dogs in society as regular family pets. Predictably, to anybody with a working brain (not you and 6ix), these dogs unsurprisingly viciously attack and kill more living things than all other dog breeds combined.

"Is it nature? Is it nurture? I guess we'll never know!"

Weird. We only have dogs from domesticating wild wolves, yet wild wolves are intelligent hunters who constantly assess danger before attacking. The survivability of the species kind of relies on it, you know?

I don't know many animals that disregard their own survival to attack and kill for no reason. Similarly, you won't see sheepdogs shake off humans kicking and hitting it because it's so happy violently shaking the Yorkie in its jaws. Quite interesting since sheepdogs have "bad owners", too. It almost seems to point to the clear genetic differences from human intervention?

You won't see a wolf repeatedly charging at porcupines like pits do. In fact, how often do you see a lone wolf repeatedly going up against a bigger, stronger, smarter adversary? And even though it's no match and keeps getting its ass whipped, it keeps coming back for more, showing no intelligence to how bad it's getting? Other than 6ix in this thread, it very rarely happens.

And you're here bringing up political theory. Yeah, I'm sure this will be a riveting discussion between you two baboons. Maybe we should focus on eliminating the unnecessary deaths first before acting out a "WhAt dOeS yOuR dOg sAy aBoUt YoUr PoLiTiCs" MySpace poll? I know dipshits like you and 6ix don't give a ****, but I read this earlier and cried. This can't keep happening.

And yet it will:
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 06:21 AM
06-23-2023 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by 6ix
wtf is even going on
I understand that the world is a confusing place for you.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
06-23-2023 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by Phresh
And even though it's no match and keeps getting its ass whipped, it keeps coming back for more, showing no intelligence to how bad it's getting? Other than 6ix in this thread, it very rarely happens.
Stupidity and violence often go hand in hand.
Should pit bull owners be allowed to breed? Quote
