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*** September OOT Low Content Thread *** *** September OOT Low Content Thread ***

09-02-2010 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Fabian
Nobody owns a cat.

09-02-2010 , 02:07 PM
I didn't mean to create a discussion about Trader Joe's (the criticisms posted of which I agree with), but rather about pastrami. Omnomnom.

Really, the Reuben Wrap was quite novel to me, and pretty amazing.

Any comments on the phrasing of the bold parenthesized text above? Seems impossible to me that it makes any grammatical sense.
09-02-2010 , 02:09 PM

So it's been pretty quiet on the acting scene lately but now it's gearing up again for fall. I was asked to come audition for a short by two separate people who don't know that I know them both (which means I probably have a good shot, plus, you know, my book to audition rate is sick) but the day prior to that audition there are auditions for Doubt at the Las Vegas Little Theater which I would really like to audition for. But play dates would interfere with shoot dates for the short. Which suckssssssss. And I would hate to end up getting both and then having to turn one of them down due to conflict. Oh and the day before that there are UNLV auditions, so it's gonna be a busy week.

The one good thing is that there are auditions for the black box season the week after and the play dates for that won't interfere with shoot dates so maybe I can do that. I'm finally not traveling a ton so I can commit to a rehearsal schedule and I miss doing theater. Waaaaahhhhhhh I want to be in a plaaaaayyyyyyy.
09-02-2010 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
I didn't mean to create a discussion about Trader Joe's (the criticisms posted of which I agree with), but rather about pastrami. Omnomnom.

Really, the Reuben Wrap was quite novel to me, and pretty amazing.

Any comments on the phrasing of the bold parenthesized text above? Seems impossible to me that it makes any grammatical sense.
I'd go with (though I agree with the criticisms).
09-02-2010 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
don't eat any food named germ imo
heh, and you have to mix it in w/ something else in order to eat it at all. But I'm on a low cholesterol diet and eat pretty healthy most days. At the tables ppl often remark about the food choices I make.

But I'm still fat. I even made a thread a year or so ago: 'This is what I eat, why am I still fat?' FML, I'm actually going to have to go to the gym that I joined in a weak moment when I thought that I'd be able to muster up the will to exercise.
09-02-2010 , 05:59 PM
09-02-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
I hate that word. Fit ppl use it all the time. I don't see why I can't lose weight having exchanged cheeseburgers for salmon, salads and hummus.
09-02-2010 , 06:21 PM
Warning: nutrition rant

Howard, your body is smarter than you are. You're still fat because you eat wheat, grains, dairy, beans, and all that crap that most of our bodies can't assimilate properly. Try a hardcore paleo diet of grassfed meats and wild caught fish, a little fruit and lots of vegetables and some nuts, and nothing else. No goddamn soy either. Corn is a grain, don't even let the pigs eat that. The weight will melt off, your labs will improve in every respect, and you will feel 20 years younger. For more info google Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson.
09-02-2010 , 06:25 PM
Thremp rage in 5, 4, 3
09-02-2010 , 06:27 PM

Burn more than you eat, it's just math!
09-02-2010 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by amplify
Warning: nutrition rant

Howard, your body is smarter than you are. You're still fat because you eat wheat, grains, dairy, beans, and all that crap that most of our bodies can't assimilate properly. Try a hardcore paleo diet of grassfed meats and wild caught fish, a little fruit and lots of vegetables and some nuts, and nothing else. No goddamn soy either. Corn is a grain, don't even let the pigs eat that. The weight will melt off, your labs will improve in every respect, and you will feel 20 years younger. For more info google Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson.
Allright, I looked up Cordain and will buy one of his books. Looking over the website I find that if I cut out a few things I'm already there in that I already am long on the fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish. You may have helped me a lot, we'll see.
09-02-2010 , 07:16 PM
You're probably better off signing up for fitday or sparkpeople and tracking everything you put into your mouth to see how many calories you're really consuming.
09-02-2010 , 07:17 PM

Take some time and read H&F. If you do your research and don't ask questions that are addressed in the faq, it can be a really helpful group (assuming you don't anger Thremp in some way).
09-02-2010 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
Originally Posted by amplify
Warning: nutrition rant

Howard, your body is smarter than you are. You're still fat because you eat wheat, grains, dairy, beans, and all that crap that most of our bodies can't assimilate properly. Try a hardcore paleo diet of grassfed meats and wild caught fish, a little fruit and lots of vegetables and some nuts, and nothing else. No goddamn soy either. Corn is a grain, don't even let the pigs eat that. The weight will melt off, your labs will improve in every respect, and you will feel 20 years younger. For more info google Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson.
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Allright, I looked up Cordain and will buy one of his books. Looking over the website I find that if I cut out a few things I'm already there in that I already am long on the fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish. You may have helped me a lot, we'll see.
These are the two pieces of advice you get, and you choose the latter?
09-02-2010 , 07:27 PM
how is it bad to recommend a guy to eat high quality meat and vegetables?
09-02-2010 , 07:36 PM
Because weightloss is not diet alone and just suggesting he change his eating patterns won't do it. It's ****ty, incomplete advice. The guy says he doesn't exercise right now. No amount of tardballs, hard to sustain diet is going to do much for him if he doesn't burn calories.

Paleo diets are so lol- given a choice between being 20 lbs overweight and still eating things that taste awesome, and that nonsense, I'll be fat and happy every time.


how is it bad to recommend a guy to eat high quality meat and vegetables?
This is not what you said at all and it's awfully disingenuous to act like it was.
09-02-2010 , 07:39 PM
I'm not falling for your clever trap!
09-02-2010 , 07:39 PM
thousands of people have lost tons of weight just by changing their eating patterns, it's silly to suggest otherwise.

Originally Posted by Dids
This is not what you said at all and it's awfully disingenuous to act like it was.
I said eat meat and veg, and some fruit and nuts, and nothing else.
09-02-2010 , 07:51 PM
if i eat 4000 calories a day of high quality meat and vegetables, i'm gonna be fat.
09-02-2010 , 07:54 PM
that would be really difficult to do

edit: I mean that's like 5 pounds of steak or something isn't it?
09-02-2010 , 07:58 PM
for some people that number is 2500, which is pretty easy to do
09-02-2010 , 07:59 PM
09-02-2010 , 08:12 PM
Diets are distractions. By researching, planning, going to the store etc etc it's too easy for people to feel like they're losing weight without actually putting any effort and sacrifice toward it.

Exercise and eat less will always work, but if someone can't incorporate the former into their life it isn't likely they'll have the mentality to follow any sort of alteration to their diet long term. In this case the only fix is a good old fashioned health scare, so eat up mmm.
09-02-2010 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by divides_by_zero
You're probably better off signing up for fitday or sparkpeople and tracking everything you put into your mouth to see how many calories you're really consuming.
Tx, but something like that is never going to work for me. I don't do portions. I eat until I'm not hungry anymore.

Originally Posted by Dids

Take some time and read H&F. If you do your research and don't ask questions that are addressed in the faq, it can be a really helpful group (assuming you don't anger Thremp in some way).
Ok but I've just got to ask: Thremp (whoever he is) rage >>>>> Dids rage? Is he at least funny angry like you get sometimes?

Originally Posted by Nootka
These are the two pieces of advice you get, and you choose the latter?
I already know 'calories', blah, blah, blah. I figured that by eliminating certain bad foods (cheeseburger, steak, pie) and subbing good foods (salad, fruit, veggies) I'd be consuming fewer calories automatically. So maybe it's the whole wheat bread and oatmeal that are doing me in and I might as well dump them bec I can sub more grilled chicken and veggies. I'll see what happens.

Originally Posted by Steven_Q_Erkel
Diets are distractions. By researching, planning, going to the store etc etc it's too easy for people to feel like they're losing weight without actually putting any effort and sacrifice toward it.

Exercise and eat less will always work, but if someone can't incorporate the former into their life it isn't likely they'll have the mentality to follow any sort of alteration to their diet long term. In this case the only fix is a good old fashioned health scare, so eat up mmm.
As I've noted I have made some very significant changes to my diet. Now I've got to suck it up and go to the gym. I should quit online poker as I only play small stakes anyway. I had to shut 4 tables just to make this reply. Problem is is that I just love playing while leaning back in the comfy lounge chair, feet up and xanax kicking in. I LOVE it and walking on a treadmill isn't going to be fun, not at all.

You know what I did think of though? I asked security if I could bring one of those exercise balls into the poker room and sit on that instead of a chair so I'd have to keep balancing myself plus I could bounce up and down and burn some calories but they ix-nayed the ball-say.
09-02-2010 , 09:25 PM

Roids imo.

Edit: Ster not hemorrh.
