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The Ron Burgundy Prophecies The Ron Burgundy Prophecies

07-24-2008 , 10:07 AM
They do all the ****ty jobs, Henry, so you should be grateful they exist.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 10:50 AM

Was it before or after your friends accidentally lit your balls on fire that you decided you were largely asexual?
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:39 AM
I like the way I'm just expected to hit the roof over the stuff people say on the Internet as a matter of course, now. **** YOU FOR THINKING YOU KNOW ME ;ASDKGHL;DSHG;DSLAKGH;DSALGHDSKLGH;DSLAKGHKLDSAGH; LDSKAHG;KLDSAGHDKL;SGHFDSKL;GH;ALDSKHGLK;DSAGHDSAK L;GHSAKL;GHAS;GDSKL;AHG;
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:42 AM
My vote is repressed homosexual feelings. Second vote is lol, you'll grow out of it.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:32 PM
yeah, i'd be a lot more willing to take op and vantek at face value if they were 35 and had been perfectly happy living as friendless virgins for the last 15 years or so. as it is, they're both what, 20? yeah, they've got life figured out.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 12:41 PM
I think RB is older.

I'm not asexual, I'm strongly introverted and asocial.

Dunno man, you could say I'll grow out of it if I was 13... But 20 is quite the made person. Also, with time I have only grown more and more asocial, so we'd have to see quite a swong to reverse it. Anyway meh, it's not like I make a point to not want to grow out of it. Maybe you're right. Let's hope so, even?

I thought I was bisexual up to a few years ago (sex=multiplayer masturbation). Turned out to be wishful thinking.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
I think RB is older.

I'm not asexual, I'm strongly introverted and asocial.

Dunno man, you could say I'll grow out of it if I was 13... But 20 is quite the made person. Also, with time I have only grown more and more asocial, so we'd have to see quite a swong to reverse it. Anyway meh, it's not like I make a point to not want to grow out of it. Maybe you're right. Let's hope so, even?

I thought I was bisexual up to a few years ago (sex=multiplayer masturbation). Turned out to be wishful thinking.
With rare exception, this is just not true at all.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:13 PM
In situations like this though at the early to mid-20s you are committed for life. It is not like after being socially screwed up you can just flip a switch and become normal at 28. If you don't learn how to socialize when you are in your late teens or early 20s you'll never be normal.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:16 PM
That, too.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
yeah, i'd be a lot more willing to take op and vantek at face value if they were 35 and had been perfectly happy living as friendless virgins for the last 15 years or so. as it is, they're both what, 20? yeah, they've got life figured out.
I'm 25, and I never said or implied that I've "got life figured out." It's one thing if you want to critcize something I said, but don't just make things up.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
In situations like this though at the early to mid-20s you are committed for life. It is not like after being socially screwed up you can just flip a switch and become normal at 28. If you don't learn how to socialize when you are in your late teens or early 20s you'll never be normal.
Is there some research you can link to back this up? Or is that just pseudo psychology pulled out of your ass because it sounds like a prudent observation?
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:22 PM
I totally agree with Henry on that point. It just seems really obvious.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Fast Food Knight
I totally agree with Henry on that point. It just seems really obvious.
His point is obvious, but there's a pretty big gulf between "20" and "early to mid-20s". At 20, if you're in school, there will still be plenty of forced interactions through classes and even just having to go out which may allow an individual to pull out of the spiral.

Sure, if you've dropped out or are otherwise on your own, 3924875-tabling or playing WoW 24/7 or whatnot, then you're probably hosed, but that would be the case no matter what your age is.

I do wonder what the degree of correlation is between this behavior and being a poker player (not even necessarily a successful one). I've probably played less than 500 hours live in my lifetime and it seems I've encountered a disproportionately high number of people whose social skills would tend towards the left side of the distribution.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
I think RB is older.

I'm not asexual, I'm strongly introverted and asocial.

Dunno man, you could say I'll grow out of it if I was 13... But 20 is quite the made person. Also, with time I have only grown more and more asocial, so we'd have to see quite a swong to reverse it. Anyway meh, it's not like I make a point to not want to grow out of it. Maybe you're right. Let's hope so, even?
I don't know, I've changed a lot since I was 20 and I'm only 22.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:50 PM
I've changed very little since the age of 14. Only started avoiding all my old buddies and slowly grew more and more asocial.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Fast Food Knight
I totally agree with Henry on that point. It just seems really obvious.
I think it's mostly true if for no other reason than people's expectations of you rise as you age, and past a certain point, people, particularly female people, just aren't going to give you a chance.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
I thought I was bisexual up to a few years ago (sex=multiplayer masturbation). Turned out to be wishful thinking.
I don't understand this at all. You say you have no interest in sex, but you thought you were bisexual? How does one think they're bisexual without having a sexual attraction towards men?
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 02:55 PM
I read the first paragraph, so basically you realized you were gay at an early age. cool.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:13 PM

I think you might be confusing me with RB. I never said I have no interest in sex, just that I will not make much of an effort to chase it. Given that I have zero social life I would have to make a huge effort, basically change my whole lifestyle. No thanks.

I thought my lack of sexual attraction towards men was caused by stupid social rules, and I was hoping all would be gay and fine if I only thwarted them rules. Well, I thwarted them rules but turned out men just don't do the trick for me =( I might still probably suck a dick or so, but it would be more of a science project or a favor than something that I would enjoy sexually.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:16 PM
Actually you know what... Wow guys, I might be a bit gay after all =D Thank you OOT, for helping me find the dicksucker in me.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 04:25 PM
I read bits and parts of this thread and have come to a very reasonable conclusion: women are the superior sex since they're way better socially. God damn.

You never hear women talk like this, or maybe they're on other forums making these kind of rants... "I'm antisocial and have no friends, I don't like sex, I don't like cute fuzzy animals, kids and parents are ******s, I could be asexual or bisexual or trisexual or something in between. I don't even like Real Dolls!" (Trust me, you will when they get more programmatic and robotic and say things like "Hey, let's stop off at the outlet mall on our way back!" or "No more nerd talk, we're going to the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale! I need to strategize!!" The future is just right around the corner...)
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-24-2008 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by CrayZee
I read bits and parts of this thread and have come to a very reasonable conclusion: women are the superior sex since they're way better socially. God damn.

You never hear women talk like this, or maybe they're on other forums making these kind of rants... "I'm antisocial and have no friends, I don't like sex, I don't like cute fuzzy animals, kids and parents are ******s, I could be asexual or bisexual or trisexual or something in between. I don't even like Real Dolls!" (Trust me, you will when they get more programmatic and robotic and say things like "Hey, let's stop off at the outlet mall on our way back!" or "No more nerd talk, we're going to the Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale! I need to strategize!!" The future is just right around the corner...)
This is the dumbest thing I've read in quite some time.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-25-2008 , 02:45 AM

Are you that chick that has a crush on durrrr?

Well done in any case.

Here's a bit of fun information for you:

The best available evidence to date indicates that four times as many females than males have direct experience of self-harm.
Typically males die from suicide three to four times more often as females, and not unusually five or more times as often.
If by "better socially" you mean "shameless and more skilled at gaining other people's attention by making them feel sorry for you", I guess you're right.
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-25-2008 , 04:32 AM
Ron are you a virgin also or just never had a girlfriend? Just curious.

Vantek, you need to get a good hooker and than see how you feel about sex with other people. It would be better if it was a girl (or guy) you cared about and cared about you but, that doesnt seem like a real possibility at this point and the sooner the better, so hooker is your best option.

Also, do you guys have any deep meaningful relationships at all? With parents or siblings for example?
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
07-25-2008 , 07:21 AM
WTF man. Hookers are gross, dumb and diseased. I would rather my hand, thankyouverymuch.

I have no deep meaningful relationships with anyone. I'm not sure I am even capable of deep meaningful relationships. What the heck is that supposed to mean, deep and meaningful?
The Ron Burgundy Prophecies Quote
