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Plagiarism / Scenario at School Plagiarism / Scenario at School

05-03-2011 , 09:56 PM
So I'm graduating this semester with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. We had a main project to do and a mini. This moron who was on both my teams (and was totally useless) plagiarized the entire part of the report we gave him for the mini project. 3 of us put in a combined total of about 50 hrs on the project and it appears he put in about 20 minutes.

a) we can't possibly hand in this report right?
b) do we tell our professor?

FYI when he gave me his work I thought right away that he didn't do it. Thoughts?
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:02 PM
Interesting scenerio. What's the due date and timeframe? You definitely can't hand it in as is.

I would think the best bet is to send a joint email with the 2 others who put an effort in to the professor explaining the situation and if your work can stand alone without the 4th, but it might look bad if its coming at the last minute.

I know it sucks to throw someone under the bus, but it sucks even more to get an F for plagiarizing. I assuming the way you talk about this guy he's not a friend, so you won't have that drama to deal with. I'll be curious to hear other thoughts.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:04 PM
i would definitely report him and try to re-write his section before the deadline. if not, ask for an extension and explain what happened.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:06 PM
I go in person to the professor and explain the situation. I wouldn't hesitate, but if this is a class you need to graduate, you don't want the professor taking some bull**** "you guys are a team, you might divvy up work, but its each of yours in its entirety" stance and failing you.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:06 PM
Do his section over again and hand it in. Up to you if you want to attach a note and the section he gave to you.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
i would definitely report him and try to re-write his section before the deadline. if not, ask for an extension and explain what happened.
His section was a comparison of bamboo vs MDF. When he gave me his work I knew right away it looked too good to be true and I said "you didn't plagiarize this did you?" He said no. I don't want to be a complete ******* and blow him in but jesus christ he is incompetent. He's a nice guy and all but holy lord.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:10 PM
Is he a friend and someone you asked to be on your team? If so, ratting him out sounds bogus. But if he was assigned to your team and you have no loyalty to him as a friend, then report him immediately, do the work yourself, and explain everything to the prof straight up.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:11 PM
I told him he had to explain to the other group members what happened. Check out this load of BS.

Hey guys,
Nate told me about the bamboo section that I wrote. Something obviously happened with this because I originally pasted it in word so I could use it as a reference to write my version of it. I must not have saved my version before I sent it. I have never and never will plagiarize anything. I am not that stupid. I rewrote the entire thing and must not have saved it. I am truly sorry that it even go sent to you guys that way. It was not supposed to be that way. I am going to write the entire thing over tonight and post it on chatter so that it can be put into the report. I hope you guys believe me. You have my word that I would never plagiarize anything. It was a fluke mistake and I’m sorry it happened. All I can say is that I am glad you guys caught it.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
So I'm graduating this semester with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. We had a main project to do and a mini. This moron who was on both my teams (and was totally useless) plagiarized the entire part of the report we gave him for the mini project. 3 of us put in a combined total of about 50 hrs on the project and it appears he put in about 20 minutes.

a) we can't possibly hand in this report right?
b) do we tell our professor?

FYI when he gave me his work I thought right away that he didn't do it. Thoughts?
I would just tell the professor. He'll probably give you some sort of extension to redo the portion that is plagiarized. Although it sounds like this is an end of the year type thing so maybe you don't have the time for that.

Almost this exact scenario happened to me in a lab group. We split up the write up for a lab, put everything together and turned it in. About a week later the professor took us aside and said that a portion of the report was identical to a portion from a previous group. One of the kids in our group confessed to just copying it. We did however have to go in front of the academic misconduct board and basically testify that we had no idea of, or part in the plagiarism. We then just had to redo the lab report on our own time at some point before the quarter was finished. The kid was kicked out of the class fwiw.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by stabn
Do his section over again and hand it in. Up to you if you want to attach a note and the section he gave to you.
I told him to either rewrite his section or we're deleting it

Originally Posted by private joker
Is he a friend and someone you asked to be on your team? If so, ratting him out sounds bogus. But if he was assigned to your team and you have no loyalty to him as a friend, then report him immediately, do the work yourself, and explain everything to the prof straight up.
I would never be friends with this person
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:15 PM
on what basis are you saying he plagiarized? just because it was too good? or do you have actual proof?

/devil's advocate (you seem to be pretty sure, but think it's still fair to ask)

depending on how much time you have left on the report, i'd:

1) tell him you know it's plagiarized and that he needs to re-do his part -- if there's enough time for this to work

2) talk to prof and explain situation and ask for an extension so the rest of your group and do his part, and let prof handle the cheater

edit: so while i was posting this, nate updated. can ignore devil's advocate part since the guy admits that what he submitted was plagiarized
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:16 PM
Turn his ass in. It is one thing to gamble your own academic career. It is another to try to drag your group down with you.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:17 PM
interesting turn of events. I say give him like 6 hours to hand what he has written so far over to you.

then go from there
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:17 PM
Hey guys,
Nate told me about the bamboo section that I wrote. Something obviously happened with this because I originally pasted it in word so I could use it as a reference to write my version of it. I must not have saved my version before I sent it. I have never and never will plagiarize anything. I am not that stupid. I rewrote the entire thing and must not have saved it. I am truly sorry that it even go sent to you guys that way. It was not supposed to be that way. I am going to write the entire thing over tonight and post it on chatter so that it can be put into the report. I hope you guys believe me. You have my word that I would never plagiarize anything. It was a fluke mistake and I’m sorry it happened. All I can say is that I am glad you guys caught it.
lol @ Darren
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:19 PM
Inb4 snitches get stitches. I would throw this bitch under the bus so fast he'd get road rash on his eyeballs.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by RosieTheGreat
interesting turn of events. I say give him like 6 hours to hand what he has written so far over to you.

then go from there
lol @ at thinking he's going to give you anything you're going to want to turn in.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:22 PM
Not really happy with the road rash on eyeballs thing, but it's bedtime for Falcon.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:24 PM
If you just got his part of the project, it wouldn't really be your fault for saying something at the last minute. Since you are graduating this semester already, it would really suck to get in trouble for plagiarizing on a project in which you had no fault in, so I would probably talk to the professor. Don't hand it in as is.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:26 PM
lol at the worst explanation ever
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:28 PM
i wouldn't give him the opportunity to weasel out like you did. he handed you something that could have got you all ****canned depending on your school's policy. if you don't catch him you all get nailed. but now he's had time to come up with an excuse and you're stuck looking like idiots when he hands you a poorly paraphrased version of the same paragraph four hours from now. you missed your chance to get out from under his stupidity here.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:32 PM
i wouldn't give him a chance to escape the consequences as you did. he gave you a problem that very well may have had dire consequences for all of you, depending on how your school deals with such things. he's now been given ample time to create a ruse and the rest of the team will be left looking foolish when his latest work will just be a lesser version of the original. your ship has sailed in regards to righting that wrong.

Last edited by 27offsuit; 05-03-2011 at 10:40 PM.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:38 PM
Sounds like this ******* was going to rephrase something he got off the internet and pass it off as his own. Probably means he doesn't understand that plagiarism isn't just exact copy and pasting. He's pretty clearly an ******* and idk, I'm a pretty ornery academic and I'd probably just contact the professor directly.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by DemonDeac
on what basis are you saying he plagiarized? just because it was too good? or do you have actual proof?
oh hmmmmm, let's see. below is what he gave us. you tell me if it's plagairized:

Originally Posted by Darren
Bamboo is a vegetation species that is native to places like China and India. Bamboo is a very rapid growing resource. It has been recorded as growing as much as 40 inches over a 24 hour period. Due to the rapid growth, it is a resource that can be replenished very quickly. Bamboo can be classified as a green material due to both its rapid growth as well as using it will take the place of various woods which will prevent trees from being cut down for lumber.

Throughout the world, there are many different uses for bamboo. Some of these uses are as follows:
Bamboo pulp, paper and cloth:
Several bamboo-producing countries, such as China and India, use bamboo in pulp, paper and more recently cloth. Bamboo paper has practically the same quality as paper made from wood. Its brightness and optical properties remain stable, while those of paper made from wood may deteriorate over time. Morphological characteristics of bamboo fibers yield paper with a high tear index, similar to that of hardwood paper. Tensile stiffness is somewhat lower compared with softwood paper. Strain strength is between that of hardwood and softwood papers. The quality of bamboo paper may be improved by refining the pulp.

Bamboo panels:
China started producing bamboo panels in the early 19th century. At present more than 20 different types of panels are produced in Asia. Bamboo fiber is longer than wood fiber, which gives bamboo some technological advantages. Panels are widely used in modern construction as structural elements or as forms for concrete moldings. They are also used for flooring, roofing, partitions, doors and window frames. Bamboo panels have some advantages over wooden boards due to their rigidity and durability. Various types of bamboo veneers, panels and boards can be broadly classified as follows: veneers, strip boards, mat boards, fiberboards, particle boards, and medium density boards.

Bamboo flooring:
Bamboo flooring is a quality product that can be used widely and has a large, global consumer market. It has certain advantages over wooden floors due to its smoothness, brightness, stability, high resistance, insulation qualities and flexibility. Bamboo flooring has a soft natural luster and maintains the natural gloss and elegance of bamboo fiber. This flooring is attractive to the demanding markets in Europe, Japan and North America.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:47 PM
reads like its from wiki.
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
05-03-2011 , 10:48 PM
Yea thats what I am getting
Plagiarism / Scenario at School Quote
