Originally Posted by Spottswoode
I had the same scenario in College. A group project with 4 people, two of us spent countless hours working on a design while the other two twiddled their thumbs. They would show up to meetings, but we never got any work out of them, and when we did it was obviously plagarised. I was proactive about it and spoke to the professor about their lack of effort. My plan was to hand in the paper without putting their names on it, but the professor wouldn't allow that. He did allow me to include a typed note that explained the issues we had and we were allowed to outline the work that was submitted by the other two.
In the end, the professor passed the two of us and failed the other two.
Originally Posted by SirGaribaldi
and wow.
u r a douchebag, and it sounds your proud of it. seriously wow
There is no mention of him talking to the other 2 and telling them to carry their wieght. SirGaribaldi is reading this as Spottswoode never talked to the other 2 about his issues with them. He just let them show up to the meetings and think everything was ok, while going behind their backs and talking to his prof. If this is true, then yes he would be a douchebag in that scenario.
Now if Spottswoode had confronted those students about their lack of effort, and any other concerns he had, and they just ignored him then what he did makes perfect sense.
Since it's not clear which way it went down we can't really make a judgment.
Also it seems that there are a lot of socially awkward people itt. I can't believe the people saying they would just do the other person's work for them and hand it in without talking to the person about it. The whole point of group projects is to be able to work with others, even one's you dislike, which you will have to do in most professions. By college you should be able to communicate with people outside of the internet.