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***OOTober Monthly Thread*** ***OOTober Monthly Thread***

10-07-2009 , 02:01 PM
It's not just the damage a pet may cause, but the amount of noise they make. Your neighbors obviously don't want to hear that all day. I don't know that much about the African Grey, but a lot of birds make a ****load of noise and generally piss off anyone in earshot. So I would assume that yes, your landlord likely thinks that birds are unacceptable. That said, they will likely just ask you to get rid of it instead of evicting you, especially if you pay rent on time.
10-07-2009 , 02:01 PM
Cassie is a girls name
10-07-2009 , 02:04 PM
This isn't threadworthy, but I'd like to see what you guys think. Is this grounds for renegotiating my lease with my landlord:

Myself and a roommate signed a 1-year lease effective August 1st of this year. We rent the main floor of a ~100-year-old house (there are 3 studios upstairs that have a separate entrance.) We had friends that lived in this apartment for 3 years prior to us, and they recommended us to the landlord and had good experiences with him overall. The landlord is a successful Vietnam vet type in his 60's, who seems to have a peace-and-love attitude, and actually lived in out apartment 25 years ago before buying the house.

Towards the end of August a small leak developed in the ceiling of a sun/entrance room. It's basically the original porch of the house that has been enclosed in glass, but is not air-conditioned. The leak was a pretty minor drip, and the landlord kind of drug his feet in getting it repaired. The result was they had to cut a hole in the ceiling and because it took so long to repair, the beams, insulation, etc around the leak are a lot more water-soaked and the 18"x18" hole is still exposed so it can dry. There is a dank smell in that room because of the mess.

Leak number two is currently under way in my bedroom ceiling. I luckily caught it very early and had time to move my stuff out of the way, although there is a leather chair that has very minor staining that I'm not worried about. The landlord was very responsive and got plumbers out to the house within 24 hours of me calling him (which was last Saturday.) The plumbers can't find an obvious leak upstairs and have to come back Monday. They come back on Monday and discover that an old piece of galvanized pipe has a small crack and will have to be replaced. In order to get to it they're going to have to rip apart my ceiling, which is some kind of wood paneling on top of the old plaster ceiling. They weren't able to stop the drip on Monday, so there will be a slow, steady drip soaking the ceiling and plaster underneath until they fix it on Sunday.

The landlord has been responsive and we have a good relationship with him so far, and obviously this type of stuff happens in a 100-year-old house. My main concerns are that my room will smell like **** like the porch does, the very nice ceiling in my room is going to be ripped out and will look ****ty, and of course the inconvenience of the leak as well as the huge mess it's going to make when they rip the ceiling out. Our place is not cheap by Atlanta standards, but is also a fair price in a desirable part of town.

Should I go for a reduction in just this month's rent, wait until the repair is done and ask for a lower rent over the length of the lease (the room now is not the same room I agreed to lease), or just let it go? And if I get him to reduce our monthly rate, do I share that discount with my roommate, who I now split the rent with 50/50 (but he did win the coin toss and has the slightly better room.)
10-07-2009 , 02:08 PM
Cassie is short for Cassiem.

But yeah, trust me - the bird makes like no noise and the dogs in the neighborhood are way louder and more irritating - don't get Euro started about how the neighbors think it's fine to let their dogs just **** in our yard and not clean it up.

For example - right now the dogs next door are freaking out like they do every hour or so or anytime anyone thinks about walking by. Cassie is crunching seeds.
10-07-2009 , 02:10 PM
I think the answer here is obvious
10-07-2009 , 02:21 PM
I hate you killa.
10-07-2009 , 02:25 PM
Aww I'm really I love African Greys
they are delicious!
10-07-2009 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by SoulPower

Should I go for a reduction in just this month's rent, wait until the repair is done and ask for a lower rent over the length of the lease (the room now is not the same room I agreed to lease), or just let it go? And if I get him to reduce our monthly rate, do I share that discount with my roommate, who I now split the rent with 50/50 (but he did win the coin toss and has the slightly better room.)
I don't see why your entitled to a lower monthly rate.
10-07-2009 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by En Passant
I don't see why your entitled to a lower monthly rate.
because his room is going to smell like moldy cum?
10-07-2009 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
because his room is going to smell like moldy cum?
sorta like your mom?
10-07-2009 , 03:09 PM
10-07-2009 , 03:15 PM
So I go to Rite Aid to grab a birthday card. Cute girl working behind the register so I obviously forgot my wallet at home so I have to drive back home to get the wallet and come back. So I'm making small talk with cute register girl and it is quite enjoyable, I go to use my debit card and by mistake I hate the cash back button. I ask her how to cancel the cashback thing and she cutely presses zero as the cash back option. My debit card then proceeds to no longer work and the screen says alternate tender required (even though I have the $13 covered ldo).

So yeah, that sucked. Mods feel free to make this its own thread if you wish.
10-07-2009 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
Mods feel free to make this it's own thread if you wish.
10-07-2009 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60

So yeah, that sucked. Mods feel free to make this it's own thread if you wish.
when did Dids take over your account?
10-07-2009 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Franchise 60
I hate the cash back button. .
I understand the situation sucks, but isn't this a pretty strong reaction to a poor button that had nothing to do with the situation?
10-07-2009 , 03:29 PM
Can you see how angry I am? It's instead of its, hate instead of hit, slowly and sadly walking out of the store instead of cute register girl inviting me out for coffee and sex.

I just got off the phone with my bank and the cash back fiasco triggered a security measure that locked up my card. Sigh.
10-07-2009 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by En Passant
I don't see why your entitled to a lower monthly rate.
When I moved in it was a nice room. I'm assuming it's not going to be as nice after the work is done. I'm not going to be a nit about it, but if the room does smell like ass because he's not willing to pay a plumber emergency rates and let the leak continue for a week, I don't see why I'd have be the one that's stuck.
10-07-2009 , 04:06 PM
What's it say in the lease? You might have some recourse but it'll probably be a bigger pita to get the rent lowered than you'll save on the rent.
10-07-2009 , 04:21 PM
It would def be more trouble than it's worth to get the lease broken if he's not willing to negotiate. The lease is standard boilerplate and is not going to give recourse. My question was more of do you think I'm justified and is it worth souring the relationship with the landlord when there's a good chance a similar situation might occur in the next year and he might not be so motivated to look after us.
10-07-2009 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by killa
when did Dids take over your account?
Like I would make small talk with a cute cashier.

Actually I might- because I have no way of knowing. Where I shop- the closest thing we have to cute is "well she's got big tits and would have a pretty face if she lost 50 lbs".
10-07-2009 , 05:16 PM

Bones found by the side of the M5 motorway in South Gloucestershire are those of a woman who has been missing since 1996.
Det Insp Richard Budd said the death was being treated as "suspicious".
um yeah, no ****?
10-07-2009 , 05:16 PM
I'm making cookies for the first time in ages (oatmeal chocolate chip). I forgot how comforting it is, plus it makes the whole house smell good.

I need to find a rich husband who will let me be a housewife already.

Also - if anyone in the area wants cookies, please come eat them.
10-07-2009 , 05:17 PM
Bar etiquette question:

So last night I hit my usual bar. For Octoberfest, they've got a deal running of getting a gigantic tankard of beer for $10, and keep the glass. These tankards hold 3 pints of beer plus a little room to spare.

I walk in and two of my friends are already at the bar, and they have a tankard in front of each one of them. My one friend had sent me a pic on my cell phone of his beer. He was drinking a local-ish brew called Spaten. A dark beer, but not too bulky and heavy, right up my alley.

So the bartender walks up and asks what she can get for me. I point at the glasses and say "One of these!"

A few minutes later , I'm handed a gigantic glass of... Guinness. Ok, I like Guinness just fine. But THIS much of it? I drank it all, but I was wondering, is there any polite way to kick it back and get a beer more to my taste in this kind of quantity? I kinda assumed the beer would be poured down the drain if I didn't drink it, which is not cool, no need to waste the beer. I also should have made myself more aware of what I was ordering, but I didn't realize one of my friends was that insane.
10-07-2009 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by divides_by_zero

I need to find a rich husband who will let me be a housewife already.
Die your hair blonde and pretend to be stupid.
your Education is killing you here
10-07-2009 , 05:40 PM
I look horrible as a blonde.

Exhibit A:
