Originally Posted by Garick
I really hate people who justify their incivility by saying "he started it." If what you did was wrong, it was wrong, no matter whether someone else was wrong first or not. We are not five, and parents don't even let five year olds get away with that crap.
Is this aimed at me?
Originally Posted by Rapini
The better question is, "Why wasn't I permabanned after I spent a week purposefully ignoring a mod's decision that I was contained?"
It is a legitimate question, but I would not go as far to say it is a better question. How can a mod read a thread totally off topic because posters are personally attacking a posters and punish the poster for defending himself?
I think a poster purposefully ignoring a mods decision for a 30 hour period to continue denying false things being said about him after he gets banned for defending himself against unwarranted and false attacks is a perfectly acceptable response.
I believe the mod contained me because it is easier to make the problem (posting off topic) stop by banning one person rather than the 3-4 posters who were teaming up against the other poster. However I would love to hear an explanation from 27 on why he made the decision he did.